Tsetse flies are large enough and of African origin who live by sucking the blood of vertebrate animals (vertebrates). Covers the entire tsetse flies of the genus Glossina of the family Glossinidae. Tsetse has long been studied by scientists because they are biologically intermediate resulting from trypanosomi Africa deadly diseases including sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in cattle.
Tsetse flies home looks similar but can be distinguished from their anatomical characters. Tsetse wings folded completely when not flying so wings stacked one above the other wing cover their stomachs. Tsetse has been live for 34 billion years! Its fossils are the oldest discovered in Colorado. So this can be called a tsetse King flies nation.
Gambian trypanosomiasis is an infectious disease caused by Trypanosoma gambiense. This disease is also called West African Trypanosomiasis West African Sleeping Sickness or.
The parasite was first discovered by Forde once, in 1901, through the examination of a patient's blood in The Gambia, West Africa. Castellani (1903) also found the same kind of parasite on examination of cerebrospinal fluid in different patients, and by Dutton (1902) The parasite Trypanosoma gambiense named.
Trypanosoma gambiense are protozoan that lives in the blood berflagella (Haemoflagellates) and classified in the family Trypanosomidae.
Tsetse flies, male and female, to act as carriers of parasites causing this, especially Glossina palpalis. Flies are numerous along the edges of the river which flows in the western and central Africa. This fly has a flying range of up to 3 miles.
In addition to humans, pets such as pigs, goats and cattle and wild animals can be an introduction to this parasite. This disease can be transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans or from humans to humans. Mobility of the world population today is allowing for the spread of this parasite to different areas of the world.
The symptoms for this disease are found in places tse tse fly bite. Other symptoms found are fever, extreme headache, insomnia, swelling of lymph nodes without pain, and weight loss.
In general Trypanosomidae has 4 form (morphology) are different, namely:
1. Shape Amastigot (Leismanial form)
Round or oval shape, has one core and one kinetoplas and do not have flagella. Is intracellular. The magnitude of 2-3 microns.2. Shape Promastigot (Leptomonas form)
Has an elongated shape of the nucleus in the center and one long flagella that out of the anterior part of the body where lay kinetoplas, yet has a corrugated membrane, size 15 micron.3. Shape Epimastigot (Critidial form)
Kinetoplas elongated shape with a core that is located at the front in the middle has a short undulating membrane that connects the flagellum to the body of parasites, 15-25 microns in size.4. Shape Tripomastigot (trypanosome form)
Elongated and slender curved shape, the core in the middle, kinetoplas near the posterior end, forming two to four flagella curves undulating membrane, 20-30 microns in size.In the later stages, in the patient's blood, Trypomastigot has several different forms, namely:
* The shape is long and slender, have flagella
* Shape shorter and fatter, some not berflagela.
Intermediate forms are sometimes found in the nucleus of the posterior. Trypanosoma gambiense morphology changes during its life cycle. Pleomorphic trypanosoma, which is the infective form, will be sucked with blood, while the tsetse fly bite patients. Parasite will enter into the digestive tract and the victim suffered several changes shape and multiflikasi. Within 3 weeks, the parasite will be transformed into a form Epimastigot. Epimastigot shape also changed into a form of metacyclic forms and meet the salivary glands of flies. Metacyclic form an infective form of the vector and is ready to be transmitted to the next victim. The time it takes the parasite to develop into the infective form in the vector's body is 20-30 days. Flies containing the infective form will remain infective for the rest of his life. Tsetse fly bites a human / vertebrate animals usually during the day.
Tse-Tse fly sleeping sickness resulted.
Nearly a third of our lives spent sleeping. In the past, sleep was considered as the body time to rest after a tired work, school, and after other activities. But not a few people also assume that sleep is the best way of rest as long as we sleep, the body replace damaged cells with new ones and sewage and filthy vapor happened was discarded. Suggested a long sleep is 6-8 hours per day. But without our knowledge, it turns out that sleep can be a deadly disease. According to research, it turns out there is a disease in Africa called sleeping sickness or African trypanosomiasis is the other name. Diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Trypanosoma and transmitted by the tsetse fly. Once exposed to the bite of the tsetse fly, the skin will become red and very painful scar and the skin and if not directly treat it will be very dangerous and deadly. Flies can transmit parasites that infect the human central nervous system. At first the infection causes fever, headache, itching of the skin and limp. Then the parasites enter the brain and cause problems that are more serious. The affected person will feel the bite of the fly seizures and difficulty thinking, and sleeping in a longer time. If the disease is not treated, the victim usually never wake up from his sleep, and can die. According to data from the world health body or WHO estimates that between 50,000 and 70,000 people in Sub-Saharan Africa attacked sleeping sickness or Human African trypanosomiasis, which is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly. Early symptoms of the disease are felt are fever, headache, and pain in the joints, swelling of lymph glands, anemia and kidney disease. Patients then undergo changes in the sleep cycle where they feel sleepy during the day and can not sleep at night. If not treated, the disease can cause nervous system damage, coma, and death. In addition to the bite of the tsetse fly, the disease can be transmitted through blood transfusions or from mother to child. Scientists in Belgium have found a way to cure sleeping sickness (Trypanosomiasis) caused by the tsetse fly, they further explained that there is a bacteria called Sodalis Glossinidius living in tsetse flies can be a way to cure the disease. Bacterial genes will be modified to obtain antibodies that can fight the spread of parasites in the human body. Dr. David Horn of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said, "This is a promising concept, and is now being pursued to make an anti-trypanosomal." Previously, according to research efforts to cure patients affected by sleeping sickness is by following the therapy. In addition the use of Arsenic also be a way to cure the sleeping sickness, but the way is risky because about 5% -20% of patients die from complications of the drug used.So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 25, 2014 at 13:05

Tag : Did you know Tse-tse fly.