Showing posts with label Did you know Chicken Pelung.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did you know Chicken Pelung.. Show all posts

Friday 24 April 2015

Did you know Chicken Pelung.

Pelung chicken is a local chicken race ahead of Cianjur, West Java. In contrast to most cultures chickens selected for physical appearance, cock crowing sound pelung selected due to its length and has a song. Of course only the roosters that have these properties.

pelung chicken.
The relatively large size of the chicken with a shiny fur. There are no specific standards for the physical, but has no standard for the strains of chicken sounds. Sized adult chicken 5-6 kg with a height of 40-50 cm.
The first chicken breeders and breeders are a farmer and religious leaders from Bunikasih Village, District Warungkondang, Cianjur, named H. Djarkasih (Mama 'Acih). He started his breeding since 1850 by taking a cockerel who has observed the sound is longer than the other. Captive breeding is done first by way of interbreeding with normal hens. .
Contests and competitions pelung chicken has become a routine for those fans fanatical. Even a visit to Indonesia, the Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan, known as the breeder chicken, pay attention to this race and bring some examples to Japan for further cultured.

Select and train seed pelung chicken.

Pelung chicken (Gallus gallus radiatus) is an ornamental chicken melodious voice that many bred in West Java. This chicken is germplasm Cianjur, but now has a "go national" and is widely cultivated in other parts of Indonesia. Choose, care for, and train pelung chicken clearly different from other pet chicken. Because chicken pelung has great weight, and a crowing sound super-long.

Indonesia is rich with a variety of ornamental poultry, especially chickens, ranging from chicken crowing balenggek of Minang, cemani of Kedu chicken, chicken laugh from South Sulawesi, chicken Nunukan of East Kalimantan, until chicken pelung of Cianjur.

Choosing a good pelung chicken.

Pelung chicken poultry sold in the market, usually one with sales of other types of poultry including birds chirp.

In addition to the poultry market, you can buy seeds, chicken adolescent, and adult chickens from farmers. Moreover, many are open pelung chicken farmer stalls buying and selling online forum.

Choosing quality pelung chicken requires foresight, also a special experience. The farmers usually separated chicken pelung eligible seed, so when we want to buy, they usually will indicate the product is ready race, or young chicken that has good prospects for the race.

Some characteristics of male chickens pelung can serve as a guide for you :

- Chicken pelung are aged 1 year or more.
- The shape of the head of a large round or oval, with eyes eyebrows, eyes shining, and her face looks ferocious. It signifies chicken brave properties or high-minded.
- At least 5 kg of body weight. The heavier the weight, usually the better the appearance of the chicken. Chicken pelung is one kind of chicken is not a race (native) who was the greatest. For male domestic poultry generally only weighs 2.5 kg.
- Sound or its crowing long and clean.
- Actively engaged (energetic) and runs with strapping (dashing).
- Often pawing the ground, either to look for the rest of the feed or mineral needs.
- Having a single comb-shaped, with a large size, thick, and always upright. The edge of a serrated comb with bright red color.
- Powerful beak, thick, and tapering.
- Color toe nails the same color.
- Having a pair of wattle (wattle on the chin) are large, rounded, and a bright red.
- His neck is big, long, covered with dense hairs red-black colored shiny.
- Cached large and prominent, while the chest fields, width, and strong.
- Second sturdy wings, the wing feathers neat and looks shiny.
- Dangle long tail feathers.
- Both long and powerful legs, shaped like a square, with dense scales and clean, and has a large spurs. The paws are too big.
- The color of the good leg is black bluish, greenish black, white or gray. Yellow on foot signify the male pelung chicken is no longer a pure strain, but mixed with the usual genetic chicken. However, the facts on the ground show, lots of yellow-legged chicken pelung have crowing sound and nice appearance.
- Thick fleshy thighs, which shows the strength of the muscles in that section.
- Posture large and long overall, with the front of the larger body, then back to the shrink.

Pelung chicken care.

Many factors can make diligent pelung cock crowed, and long duration. Besides influenced by genetic factors, the performance of rooster pelung also determined also by a factor of daily care, such as bathing and drying consistency in chickens, feeding high protein (keep the muscles nice), special herbs for chicken pelung, and training. Do not forget also the aspect of cleaning the cage, because this is where the comfort of chicken into the initial trigger voice performance.

1. Keep the cage and the surrounding environment.

Regularly clean the chicken coop to prevent the disease that comes from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Clean the cage regularly, starting from the ground floor up to the sidelines of the cage.

Location cage outpouring cultivated exposed to sunlight in the morning, which is a source of provitamin D and is very useful for bone growth in chickens. So, cultivated enclosure facing the east is the morning sunlight can penetrate the inside of the cage. It also helps the cage to keep it in a dry state, not humid. Because the enclosure is covered with a damp smelling fungi and fast.

2. Give proper feed.

Daily feed pelung chicken is a mixture of brown rice, green beans, and grains. In addition, the fruit can be fed as additional (extra fooding).

Several types of fruit and its benefits to the chicken pelung:
- Bananas: useful for voice softens and soothes the throat.
- Papaya: maintaining healthy digestion of chicken pelung.
- Orange: can prevent and treat hoarseness / snoring.
- Tomatoes: useful to cool the throat and reduce excessive mucus.
- We recommend that the fruit can be given alternately, so that the usefulness can be felt directly by your pelung chicken.

Extra fooding animal can also be given, in order to more diverse types of proteins. You can give him eels, small fish, snails, slugs, and so on.

3. Provision of multivitamins

Chicken care pelung clearly different from the usual chicken care, since the purpose of maintenance is different. Most chickens crowing pelung maintained to enjoy it. Therefore, different nutritional needs than the usual chicken eggs or meat taken.

Giving vitamin is essential for pelung chicken, so it is always fit, diligent crowed, and has tremendous power. You can use a generic multivitamin commonly consumed by humans, or it could be a special multivitamin chicken.

In addition to creating a fit condition, chicken also has immune system better, so that the relative can prevent certain infectious diseases, especially those that commonly infect chickens such as Newcastle disease or ND.

Aside from the standard of care in size there are also other treatments related to the care of the body and the conditions and preconditions, namely the provision of the basic ingredients herbal medicinal herbs. Here one of the herbal mix for chicken tips pelung to have a high appetite.

4. Give the traditional herb / herbs.

Chicken pelung commonly contested generally routinely given herbal or traditional ingredients, to increase appetite, stamina, boost the immune system, and can refine the sound or prevent noise interference.

Some traditional ingredients for chicken concoction pelung BAP Team:
Materials needed:

Turmeric, 5 tablespoons (tbsp)
White turmeric, 2 tablespoons
Gathering black, 2 tbsp
Of ginger, 2 tablespoons
Powder, 2 tbsp
Brown rice flour, 3 tablespoons
Mung bean flour, 3 tablespoons
Honey, 3 tablespoons
Duck eggs, 2 eggs
Making process:

All the ingredients, except honey and duck eggs, ground to a powder.
Mix the powder with honey and eggs, thus forming a dough or paste.
Formed dough about the size of corn kernels and dried to dry.
Once dry, herbal granules can be stored in a tightly sealed and free of mildew.
Dose its use as follows:

Chicken pelung adult male: 2 eggs, given the afternoon, with a frequency of three times a week (eg Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
Chicken pelung females and puppies / young: 1 point, given every afternoon, the frequency of twice a week.
There are also other herbal ingredients are also commonly given to you racik for pelung chicken, for example:

Single garlic (garnier): given two weeks, with a dose of 1 point for adults and 1/2 rooster to hen's eggs / young chickens.
Ginger: granted if the cold weather conditions. Giving do not overdo it, because ginger has the nature of heat in the body, and can cause interference noise or interference on the throat.
Assessment pelung chicken in the race

Assessment of chicken pelung in competitions / contests include several criteria, ranging from head to tail, which is marked with a white flag.

Another priority assessment criteria chicken sounds, ranging from harmony, noise generation, the middle voice, and the sound ends. which will be marked with a flag of red, yellow, and blue.

To determine the characteristics of the sound and the history of chicken pelung, please refer back to the article Sound and characteristics pelung chicken.

While the explanation of the criteria on which to base sound judgment in pelung chicken contest is still invite debate among fans.

The attitude of the crowing cock, especially when removing the middle voice, can also be seen from the style when singing a song, namely:
With half of the meeting (closed): chicken with an attitude like this usually results in a softer voice.
With open beak: chicken with an attitude like this produce a sound that is more loose, like a shout.
With the vibrating part: chicken with this attitude tends to sound gross, hoarse, or not clean, and seemed to tremble.
End sound / voice is the voice of the tip end of the rooster pelung. This sound is characterized by a decrease in the release notes and breathing. Criteria for good is the sound goes down, like holding the sound, and then released again. In addition, the sound ends should also clean and large.
Rhythm is a song / rooster pelung formed in the middle voice. It takes control of the song by the chicken so that he does not run out of breath in the middle. This sound can be long, short can, and various sounds that can not be described at length here. In essence, a good rhythm is rhythm known as rhythm polite.
Harmony or harmony sound is a series of songs that start from the beginning to the end. This is where the chicken will show the ability and quality of his voice, starting from a clean sound, soft, volume, and other things that indicate the quality of his voice.

Gurah and training methods pelung chicken.

For treatment before the race, chicken pelung usually entered the precondition that the health and mental condition primed when racing. Preconditions this race is usually done by gurah, about 3 weeks before the race.

Gurah method is done by giving a drink in the morning. Given drinking water is boiled water dadap leaves, mixed with boiled water. After being given a drink, provide eggs (chicken egg can, can also duck eggs).

Besides gurah, chicken pelung also must continue to be trained so diligently crowed, his voice will sound louder, smoother, and length.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 24 April 2015 at 09:46
Tags : Did you know Chicken Pelung.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:46