Showing posts with label Did you know Cempedak Fruit.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did you know Cempedak Fruit.. Show all posts

Thursday 3 April 2014

Did you know Cempedak Fruit.

Cempedak peeled.

Cempedak mature.

Cempedak cleaved. 

Cempedak fried.

Cempedak fried. 

Cempedak fruit cult.
Cempedak fruit on the tree.

Cempedak a fruit plants in the family Moraceae. Fruit shape, flavor and fragrance of the fruit like jackfruit, but it smells like a sharper scent of durian fruit. This plant originated from South East Asia, and spread from Tenasserim region of Burma, the Malay Peninsula including Thailand and Indonesia. In Indonesia spread across Sumatra, West Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku up to Papua. The scientific name is Artocarpus Cempedak, Cempedak local common name of which is bangkong (Cempedak forests, wild forms in Malaysia), Baroh
( Lingga and Johor), jackfruit beurit (Sunda), nongko cino (Java), and tiwadak (Banjar) .
Evergreen tree, a medium-sized, can reach 20 m high, generally only tens of meters. Twigs and shoots smooth and stiff brown hair. Thin leaves rather stiff like leather, stemmed 1-3 cm, obovate to oblong, 2.5-5 cm × 5-25 cm, flat-brimmed, with peg-shaped, rounded base and pointed tip. Leverage leaves elongated ovoid, tapering, wire-haired, easy to fall off and leave scars in the form of a ring on a twig. Monoecious (monoecious), inflorescence individually, appear in the armpit leaves, on a large branch or the main trunk (cauliflory), in particular short leafy shoots. Male wreath shaped like a rod or spindle head, 1 × 3 to 5.5 cm, pale green or yellowish, sessile 3-6 cm. Hump-shaped mace elongated female flowers, with flower-embedded Runga 1.5 mm deep in the shaft head and the free passage of about 3 mm. Fruit pseudo compound (syncarp) cylindrical to spherical, 10-15 × 20-35 cm, greenish, yellowish to brownish, with pyramidal protrusions similar spines are soft or slippery tight checkered with eye facets. 'Taging fruit' is a real flower jewelry enlarged and thickened, yellowish white to orange, sweet and fragrant, soft textured, slippery slimy on the tongue and a bit fibrous. Not like jackfruit, along with a whole mass of flesh flowers sterile or fail (known as 'dami') is easily separated from the shaft ('heart') apparent fruit when the fruit was ripe. Seeds flattened round or elongated, 2-3 cm.
Fruit eaten fresh or processed first. Cempedak fruit pulp, seeds and their sometimes once, after being given flour, sugar or salt and fried, a snack cup of tea or coffee. Seeds can be fried, boiled or grilled, before being eaten with a little salt mixture. Young fruit, as a young jackfruit, can be used as a vegetable. The wood is of good quality, strong and durable, so it is often used as a timber, furniture, boat or materials. The bark is fibrous materials can be used as a rope, and the sap to catch birds. Can also be produced from wood yellow dye. In Kalimantan, in addition consumed fruit flesh and seeds, fruit skin can be processed into food called mandai or some call dami. Mandai commonly consumed by fry until brown.

Cultivation Cempedak.

For you fans of fruit would have been familiar with this plant, fragrant fruit, jackfruit and sometimes smells like a stabbing like durian. Cempedak a fruit plants in the family Moraceae, its tree-colored Green, Large, and able to grow to a height of 20 meters. Twigs and buds of trees have fine hairs, colored brown and married one.
Cempedak tree similar to the jackfruit tree, the only difference being the shape of leaves Cempedak bigger and thicker.
In general cultivation Cempedak aims to utilize its fruit, because fruit Cempedak has a distinctive flavor and aroma so much in demand.
Cempedak fruit can be consumed directly when ripe, like jackfruit. In addition to fresh fruit eaten in a state Cempedak can also be fried in advance and be a friend while drinking coffee or tea. Cempedak fruit seeds can also be eaten, but must first be treated with boiled or baked. Besides consumed after being cooked, the fruit can also be consumed during Cempedak young by means processed into vegetable.
Because it has a variety of benefits and a lot of fans, it is no wonder if the fruit Cempedak into agricultural commodities at high prices. Not like durian, fruit Cempedak gradually bear fruit can be harvested once so much as 3-5 times. Cempedak plants will bear fruit as much as 50-100 pieces during the first season and production will increase 2-5 fold in the second season. With the care and condition of the soil supporting the course of production could be maximized. Therefore, Cempedak cultivation could be a promising business prospects.

Cultivation Method Cempedak:

**  Choosing Cempedak Seeds, seeds selection is very influential on crop production Cempedak. Because the seeds were able to grow well and fairly resistant to disease. Should plant seeds taken from mature seeds of the fruit on the tree, big and rounded shape. Polybag seedlings seeds into a quart size, flush regularly to grow shoots and 6 months old, then the seedlings are ready to be moved into agricultural land.
**  Planting Pattern Cempedak, determine the spacing of crop growth and yield. Cempedak is a plant with large trunks of trees and leaves are also cropping ribun so distance should be sufficient. In general, use a spacing of 10 x 10 meters or 12 x 12 meters, if the distance is too close to the tree and its fruit will be a little thin.
**  Land Management, Cempedak plants can grow well in all types of soil with the soil condition has sufficient water intake for the plant Cempedak. Make a hole with a size of 40 x 40 x 40 cm and the distance between holes 10 x 10 m or 12 x 12 m. Put mulch 10 cm into the hole and leave a hole for one week before planting.
**  Planting Cempedak, open plastic packaging polybag seedlings careful not to injure the roots of seedlings. Planting seeds are then piled perpendicular to the ground and then condense the soil around the seed.
**  Cempedak Plant Care, weeding crops from nuisance weeds must be done so that plant growth can be maximized. Weeding is done manually, which cut the grass roots and let it dry, die and become fertilizer. When the plants will bear fruit to be done cleaning the roots, by way of cleaning the grass and leaves around the stem of the plant. Grass and leaves garbage dredged as far as 3 feet away from the trunk, aims to increase the oxygen levels in the soil and reduce soil moisture.
**  Packaging The fruit, when the fruit is at arm children should be packing fruit. Packaging aims to protect the fruit from pests attack the fruit. Use of plastic with holes in the plastic parts.
**  Fumigation, so necessary, the bottom line is that fruit flies cause fruit rot. Fumigation is done by burning the leaves and grass that had piled before. Remember, try to get out when the fire thick smoke, not fire.
**  Cleaning damaged fruit,
Cleanup of damaged fruit should be done when we see shards. Fruit picked and far from the tree. Or put in fire fogging. If late then the fruit is another major risk involved first rotten fruit that is not affordable to be wrapped. And sometimes that has been wrapped too risky also participated foul.
**  Harvesting, in an ordinary fruit stalk is filled to 10 pieces Cempedak. To find fruit ready to harvest, use a pin needle, puncture the top of the fruit if the seeds are already hard means the fruit is ready for harvest. In one harvest only fruit at the top of the stalk is taken.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : bambang sunarno.
DatePublished : April 03, 2014 at 18.28
Tag : Cempedak Fruit.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:28