Showing posts with label Did You Know About Osteoporosis.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did You Know About Osteoporosis.. Show all posts

Sunday 9 March 2014

Did You Know About Osteoporosis.

What Bones That ?


Bone is a living material and grow . Bone has a protein framework .
Calcium strengthens the framework. The outer layer of the bone has nerves and
network of small blood vessels . Materials that old bone is removed and new bone material added continually . In children and young adults , plus a lot more material than that removed bone. Our bones become larger, heavier and stronger. After age 30 , more bone is lost than materials made ​​new . Our bones become increasingly lightweight and fragile .
People with AIDS rate of bone mineral density and fractures outside
unusually high . This problem may be caused by HIV infection itself .
Osteoporosis may be impaired by some drugs used to treat HIV .

What is Osteoporosis It ?

Fractures in osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis , or porous bone , occurs when too much mineral is removed
of the skeleton . Bones become brittle and more easily broken . Fractures
The most common is the hip bones , spine and wrist bones .
Osteopenia is bone mineral loss is mild or moderate .
Loss of bone mineral density can occur without symptoms or pain .
Often times , pelvis , back or wrist is broken into
The first sign of osteoporosis .

What Causes Osteoporosis ?

As we age , we lose bone mineral substances .
There are many factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis . Some of us are able to control , some others do not .
Factors that we are not able to control include :
* Age over 50 years
* Women after menopause
* Caucasian or Asian descent
* Have parents ever broken a bone
* Body slim or lightweight
Factors that we were able to control
including :
* Lack of calcium or vitamin D
in the diet
* Smoking
* Consumption of more than three units of beverages
alcohol per day
* Excessive caffeine consumption
* Lack of exercise . but sports
also increases the risk of excessive
Some health issues also increase the risk of osteoporosis :
* Severe Malnutrition
* The level of low testosterone
* Infection with hepatitis C
* Rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases
* Advanced Renal Disease
* Thyroid Disorders
* The use of corticosteroids ( anti-inflammatory drugs ) eg . prednisone or hydrocortisone
for more than three months

HIV and Osteoporosis ?

HIV infection leads to loss of bone mineral density .
Some studies have suggested that HIV itself, chronic inflammation, problems
other health or certain medications might be connected with the bone disease .
Use of tenofovir ( sort of antiretroviral drugs ; see Fact Sheet 419 ) is also associated with loss of bone mineral density .

Antacids and Substance Density .

Bone mineral

The use of antacids kinds of proton pump inhibitors ( eg, lansoprazole , omeprazole or esomeprazol ) are long may reduce bone mineral density .
On the other hand , we can increase the level of calcium with the use of calcium carbonate antacids .

How Do We Know We Osteoporosis ?

 Osteoporosis pada wanita.

Unfortunately , there may not be a sign of osteoporosis before we fractures .
The only way to know how fast we remove the bone mineral content is through a test .
The most common test used to measure bone density is the observation
DEXA ( Dual Energy X - ray absorptiometry ) . Observations DEXA is fast and painless . HIV-positive individuals aged 50 years and over proposed observations
Bone mineral density was reported as grams per cubic centimeter .
This compares with a maximum density of minerals for a healthy 30-year -old of the same sex .
T-scores measure the bone mineral content below the peak .
Osteoporosis is defined as having a T-score of-2.5 or lower.
Between-1.0 and -2.5 skort showed osteopenia .
Bone density can also be reported as Z-scores . It compared the bone mineral content of us with old people and same sex .

How We're Facing

Osteoporosis ?

To prevent osteoporosis , taking plenty of calcium while still building bone ( up to age 30 years ) . The higher peak bone density , the better .
If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis , we can reduce the risk of fractures :
* Make sure we can taste calcium . The proposed level depending on age : 9-18 years : 1.300mg / day ; 19-50 years : 1.000mg/day ; 50 years and over : 1.200mg/day .
We may get enough calcium from food , especially we eat yogurt or cheese , or drink milk . Almonds , chickpeas , figs , broccoli ,
and many other foods containing many kinds . If you are taking calcium supplements recalled that calcium absorption is assisted by vitamin D.
* Perform weight-bearing exercise seems to signal the bones to hold mineral substances .
* Reduce or stop smoking and reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol .
* Reduce the risk of falls . Empty running at home . Be careful if you go up / down stairs and steep slopes . This is especially important when we are experiencing peripheral neuropathy ( see Fact Sheet 555 ) on foot .
Several studies have shown that the drug alendronate increase density
bone mineral in people with HIV . This drug from the class of bisphosphonates , and some drugs
This class can be used in a month or once a year . U.S. FDA - recorded
problems in the jaw bone and the thigh as a side effect of long-term
possible from these drugs . Discuss with your doctor how long bisphosphonate therapy can be resumed .

The Bottom Line

HIV-positive people have osteoporosis , a kind of bone disease with numbers outside
unusually high . HIV itself or drugs may be responsible .
We can help prevent osteoporosis by taking calcium or
vitamin D supplements , quitting smoking , and reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption .
If there is no pain in the joints , weight-bearing exercise can also help .
Alendronate drug used to treat osteoporosis associated with HIV .
You need special tests to find out if we have osteoporosis .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 09, 2014 at 13:31
Tag ; Did You Know about osteoporosis.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:31