Showing posts with label Color blind test kits.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color blind test kits.. Show all posts

Monday 10 March 2014

Color blind test kits.

Color blind test is always done if we are going to apply for a job or follow a series of entrance test of an institution or academy.
Color blind test was conducted to determine whether a person has a disease or not color blind. Especially for those who want to get into the police academy, color blind test to be one of the obligatory tests.

Color Blind Test

Color Blind Test another.

Many kinds of color blindness test.

Color Blind Test with images.

For some particular companies, there are also color blind test when recruiting prospective employees. Color blind test is done not with the intention to discredit those who are color blind. Color blind test is done so that those who suffer from color blindness can anticipate and look for ways to choose the type of work they can take without having to perform a series of tests of color blindness.
In addition, also for the company or government agency, college or a particular profession, through a blind test, they will be protected from errors that will occur in the future if one of its members made a mistake in working just because of color blindness.

Regarding the Variety story Color Blind Test. 

If detected through a color blind test color blind, it is likely chance of getting that dream job could be floated.
Have you been tested for color blindness? The majority of us had never done this color blindness test.
Usually what you should do when undergo color blindness test? Are you asked to answer pages and pages about? Of course not right?
When the color blind test, we only asked to look at images and objects mentioned what is in the picture. However, the picture presented in a color-blind test was made with full color and we are asked to guess the picture in the middle of the picture.
Color blind test is as simple as that described above, but the real impact of color blindness if undetected through the color blind test quite disturbing our activities. So, do not underestimate the color blind test. If detected through a color blind test color blind, it is likely chance of getting that dream job could be floated.
Some say they are detected in the test color blindness can not be cured. There is also another saying of color blindness can be cured. So which is it?
There is some variance related to color blindness tests that you need to know. Before performing the color blind test you should first find out the ins and outs of color blindness test itself and Caria know beforehand what it is color blind.
In a color-blind society develops that it is a disease. Therefore, many color blind test to determine whether or not suffering from color blindness and if detected, seek immediate treatment. But, in fact color blind it can not be cured.

Colour Blind and Color Blind Test. 

Color blindness is not a disease, but it is a color blindness gene abnormality or disorder inherited from parents.
In medical terms, this color-blind gene abnormality called sexlinked. Why could happen colorblind gene disorders?
If you could ask the doctor who examined you color blind test, you can ask directly. However, if you do not have time to ask, abnormalities of colorblind gene is carried by the X chromosome
The X chromosome is identical to the gene carrier properties owned by women. Based on the results of a blind test color, average color blindness gene abnormalities are women.
Although the nature of the X chromosome is a woman, of color blindness test results it is known that the woman was not directly suffer from color blindness because of her X chromosomes to normal others.
But, one of the X chromosome genes congenital abnormalities will decrease the child later. A woman experienced really color blind if both of her X chromosomes containing carrier of color blindness.
Color blindness occurs because the nerve receptors that deliver a light on the retina changes, precisely the cone cells. Based on the test results are color blind, color-blind person gets not only because of the genes on the X chromosome abnormalities
Color blindness can be contracted because of problems in the eye. One of these causes of color blindness eye problem is damage to the retina or brain injury. The injury resulted in swelling in the occipital lobe.
Color blindness can also be a natural result of the influence of ultraviolet rays, especially if not using eye protection properly. Actually, all of the causes could also be detected through a color blind test.
Common color blindness tests we follow for this was derived from the Japanese. The color blind test called the Ishihara test. Color blind test was discovered and developed by a Japanese doctor named dr. Shinobu Ishihara.
You know, the Ishihara color blindness test was first used in 1917 in Japan. Ishihara color blindness tests were used throughout the world to detect color blindness. Ishihara color blindness test in the form of full-color images.
For those who have completed the color blind test, may already be familiar with the pictures given in the color blind test session. The images in the form of color blindness test session points awarded various colors and shapes.
The dots of color in the color blind test images form a large circle. Then, in the center of the image created a form with a different color. However, because in the midst of full-color, people with color blindness can not tell what the picture in the circle. Meanwhile, normal people when the color blind test session took place, he could name the picture what was in it.

Upon Therapy Color Blind Test. 

Your color blindness detected after conducting a series of tests of color blindness? You do not need to worry though color blindness can not be cured because the X chromosome gene abnormalities Thus, although the color blind, you can still see the color just with different techniques and methods. You can distinguish the color in a way that is different from the color blind test.
How do I get to learn about colors, although based on the results of your tests detected color blind color blind?
Here are some advanced therapies that you can do following color blind test.
You can use their own way to learn to recognize colors by using another method. One of them you get to know through the brightness and color of the place. You can also do therapy by changing the size or the color code, such as a light blue color to change much brighter and larger.
You can use lenses tinted glasses or special contact lenses color blind people so that you can know better color. But remember, it can not cure, only help reduce the affects of color blindness.
If based on your color blind test results turned out to include a light color blind, you can recognize colors through objects. Through objects, you can recognize the color as those who do not suffer from color blindness.
You are already detected by the color blind test color blind color blindness can take the test more specific. By doing so, color blindness experienced will not interfere with your work.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 10, 2014 at 20:06
Tag : Color blind test kits.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:06