Showing posts with label Benefits of Red Fruit Wamena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benefits of Red Fruit Wamena. Show all posts

Monday 9 December 2013

Benefits of Red Fruit Wamena , Papua.

One more other medicinal plants of Papua are also no less fierce with ant nests ( Myrmecodia pendans ) the red fruit . Red fruit has the Latin name Pandanus conoideus Lam , Papuan people used to call it by the name Kuansu . For Papuans must have been familiar with this food , because they are already accustomed to taking it. As for people outside Papua , may have never felt or even just heard the name of this red fruit .
Red fruit has a lot of properties . Antioxidants contained in red fruit can prevent various diseases . Active compounds contained in them are beta-carotene , carotenoids , alpha- tocopherol , linoleic acid , oleic acid , decanoate , as well as omega - 3 and omega - 9 . In addition to the compounds of low fruit also contains calcium , fiber , calories , protein and vitamins so it is not surprising that one can increase appetite after drinking red fruit .
Benefits of red fruits , among others, is to address :

AIDS ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome )

AIDS is a disease caused by damage to the immune system due to HIV infection . The HIV virus will attack the white blood cells so that the people affected by the HIV virus is not able to protect themselves from disease. This disease can lead to death . Tocopherol and beta-carotene in the red fruit act as antioxidants , which can boost the immune system . Both of these compounds will also destroy the amino acids needed by the HIV virus , so the virus will die .

Tumors and Cancer

Cancer and tumors is a disease that can lead to death . To treat cancer is to control the growth of or kill cancer cells without damaging / disturbing survival and normal function of the body's cells . One alternative is to treat the cancer with the use of medicinal plants , one of which is a red fruit ( Pandanus conoideus Lam . ) .
Red fruit contains antioxidants that are beneficial for fighting free radicals or break the carcinogenic compounds .  Red fruit containing anticancer compounds such as tocopherol, alpha - tocopherol and beta-carotene . These compounds will inhibit the growth and kill cancer cells.
Omega - 3 in the red fruit is also beneficial for tissue repair cells damaged by cancer .

Stroke and High Blood

Stroke is caused by the presence of frozen blood and blood vessel constriction . As a result, the blood supply is reduced . If left untreated will lead to death or paralysis as well . One cause of stroke is high blood pressure . Tocopherol in red fruit capable of improving blood circulation and thins the blood , so that the oxygen content in the blood return to normal .

Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes )

Diabetes is caused due to an increase in blood sugar levels . This can occur due to the malfunctioning of the pancreas as the organ that produces insulin . Insulin is a substance that is used to move sugar into cells so that it can produce energy . If the disrupted pancreatic insulin production is inadequate , so that blood sugar levels will also increase . Tocopherol in red fruit can help improve the work of the pancreas . So the function of the pancreas will become normal again .


Osteoporosis is also known as brittle bones . This is caused by inadequate intake of calcium in the body . Red fruit is rich in calcium . In 100 grams of red fruit contained 54,000 mg of calcium . So the red fruit can be used to prevent or treat osteoporosis .

Eye disorders

Eye diseases can be caused due to deficiency of vitamin A. Beta-carotene in fruits high red and processed absorbed by the body into vitamin A.
In addition to these diseases , the red fruit is also useful to improve the intelligence , because it contains omega 3 and omega 9 were able to improve the intelligence and stimulates brain power . Red fruit is also beneficial to increase sexual desire and fertility . Vitamin E in the red fruit helps increase sperm production. Thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 9, 2013 at 09:48
Tag : Benefits of Red Fruit Wamena, Papua.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:48