Parrot ( Eclectus roratus ).
All parrots ( Psittaciformes spp ) entered CITES Appendix II , except those included in appendix I and III . There are 5 types of parrots are included in Appendix I that gofin cockatoo ( Cacatua goffini ) , sinister cockatoo ( Cacatua moluccensis ) , yellow-crested cockatoo ( Cacatua sulphurea ) , cockatoo king ( Probosciger aterrimus ) and parrot Talaud ( Eos histrio ) . Birds in the list of Appendix I of CITES means the birds are traded internationally prohibited , except as captive . Regulated international trade .
ProFauna Indonesia in 2002 in a report titled Flying Without Wings have published the facts about parrot trade in North Maluku . At that time approximately 15,000 tail parrot captured from the wild in North Maluku to trade with its trade center in the city of Ternate . After 6 years of the launch of Flying Without Wings , ProFauna Indonesia launched Pirated Parrots report published in June 2008 .
In Pirated Parrots mentioned that each year about 10,000 head parrots caught from the North Halmahera , North Maluku , to be traded . Parrots are not only traded at the domestic level , but also smuggled into the Philippines . Parrots are caught from the North Halmahera consists of the type of white cockatoo ( Cacatua alba ) , (Lorius garrulous) , parrots ( Eclectus roratus ) and Lorys ( Eos Squamata ) . In fact, parrots are birds that have protected that should not be traded .
Birds - parrots are smuggled to the Philippines by sea . As a result of the transport of long , bad method possible arrest and mistreatment of birds during trading , making the death rate The parrot is very high , reaching 40 % .
Trade types of protected parrots violates applicable law in Indonesia . According to Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems , trade in protected species is prohibited and violators can be penalized a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment 100 million .
Tips to tame Bird Nuri.
1 . Location of the cage.
The first you should do to tame parrot that is by putting in place an open cage which is often in place through many people . It is intended that the birds kesangan you can adapt to humans .2 . Bathe.
The second tips to tame it is by way of bathing him , the parrot how to bathe a lot of things that are beneficial to the birds , of which will accelerate hunger in birds . When the moment of giving food to the birds , of course, are not tame pet bird will have a dependency on the owner . Try when you give food to your bird , you give it to eat using a long stick, the day try to stick you use the shorter and so on.
Just so simple tricks to tame your pet parrot , hopefully a little extra tips that I can give useful for you and hopefully you can be friends with your favorite birds.
So , thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 30, 2014 at 12:02
Tag : Nuri, About Nuri Indonesia.