Monday 1 February 2016

Commodities and Conservation.

Napoleon fish, napoleon wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus or on one side promises a very high gain and a source of livelihood for fishermen. But on the other hand large reef fish has become one of the rare animal with endangered status (Endangered) by the IUCN Red List and is listed in Appendix II of CITES that trade is restricted. Napoleon fish sandwiched between an economic commodity and conservation.

Napoleon fish in English is known by several names such as Giant Wrasse, Humphead, Humphead Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Napoleon Wrasse, Truck Wrasse, and undulate Wrasse. While the scientific name of this animal is Cheilinus undulatus.

Know the Napoleon fish.

Napoleon wrasse is a large reef fish species that live in tropical waters. Napoleon fish size can reach 2 meters and weigh 190 kg. When young, napoleon fish looks pale with vertical stripes are darker. After adulthood, the body color turns bluish green with stripes clearer. At the top of his head and over the eyes are bejolan typical sort of hump. Her lips look thicker and larger. Another distinctive feature is the presence of irregular scratches on the face. Napoleon fish sightings at a glance looks like a 'Beast'.

As reef fish, Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) inhabit the coral in tropical areas with depths between 2-60 meters and solitary life. Spreading region covering the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This region includes several places in Indonesia like waters Anambas and Wakatobi waters.

This rare fish food is molluscs, small fish, sea urchins, crustaceans, shellfish, sea cucumbers, sea worms and other invertebrates. These fish are looking for food by destroying the corals die with big teeth. Even teeth were able to break the shells and then take the meat.

Napoleon fish is a hermaphrodite or animals can change sex. Napoleon fish are born as females, while adults can turn sex into a male.

Commodities Vs Conservation Economics.

Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) into a very lucrative economic commodity. This fish is sold either as fish or fish consumption are especially valuable as expensive in some countries ethnic Chinese. One kilogram of fish is priced very expensive at between Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 700 thousand. This makes the hunting of these fish is always rife.

Though the status of reef fish is very alarming. IUCN Red List include the status of endangered species (endangered) while CITES lists them as Appendix II (trade is limited and strictly supervised). Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA) had been set up the capture and trade of this napoleon fish such as providing a quota for each region as well as the provision of fish weight may be exported only with a napoleon fish weighing between 1-3 kg.

But the more the fish Gorgon but high economic value is increasingly endangered. Poaching and illegal trade continue to occur even in ways that destroy nature and exceeded the quota and conditions that have been set. Coupled with the difficulty of cultivation can be done. Cultivation of fish species can only be limited to enlargement with seed collection from nature. This recall spawning (hatching outside the original habitat) very difficult with a success rate of only 2-3% only.

It took hard work of the relevant agencies to control hunting and trade of this species. Also need awareness of all parties that the economic value is very high although it will be meaningless if it ignores conservation.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86 @ gmail.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 01 February 2016 at 15:44
Tag : Commodities and Conservation.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:44

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