Sunday 7 February 2016

About Penguin.

Emperor Penguin.
Penguin or pinguin (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) is an aquatic animal species of birds that can not fly and generally live in the southern hemisphere.

Across the world there are 16 species of penguins depend on whether the two species as well as species Eudyptula calculated. Although all penguin species originally came from the southern hemisphere, but penguins are not found only in cold regions or in the Antarctic. There are three species of penguin that live in the tropics. One of the species live in the Galapagos Islands (Galapagos Penguin) and usually cross the equator in search of food.
Largest penguin species is the Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) with a height of up to 1.1 meters and weighing 35 kilograms or more.

The smallest penguin species is the Fairy Penguin (Eudyptula Minor) with a height of about 40 cm and weighing one kg. In general, large penguin better able to maintain their body temperature so that it can survive in colder regions, while smaller penguins are generally found in areas with warmer even the tropics.
Generally penguins feed on krill (kind of shrimp), fish, squid and other aquatic animals are caught while swimming in the sea with its beak. Penguins can drink sea water because supraorbital gland in the body filter out excess sea salt from the bloodstream. This salt is then removed in liquid form via the respiratory tract penguin.

Penguin looks are not afraid of human presence. They will be closer to the group of researchers who are studying them.
But the form of a big fight between the penguins will happen if a mother penguin lost her child (because they can not survive in a big storm or eaten by predators). If a child is missing, the mother penguin will "steal" a child of a mother penguin penguin others. This behavior attracted the attention of scientists. Interestingly, the other female penguins in the penguin groups dislike "theft" and would help, and "defend" penguin mother whose child was stolen.
Penguin body is very suitable for swimming and live in the water. Its wings are rowers and unable to fly. In mainland penguin using tails and wings to maintain balance when walking.

Each penguin has a white color on the inside of his body and dark color (usually black) on the outside of the body. This is useful for camouflage. Predators such as sea lions in the water would be difficult to see the penguin because her belly is white mixed with sea surface reflections. While a dark surface on the back also disguise penguin predators of view on the water.
Penguin able to swim at speeds of 6 to 12 km / h even been recorded up to
27 km / h. Penguin small size usually dive for one to two minutes away from the surface of the water to catch food. Penguin larger, the Emperor penguins can dive deeper, to 565 meters for 20 minutes.

Running and sliding.

To save energy, sometimes penguin walk with short legs or slide on the snow with his stomach.

Sensing capabilities.

Penguin has a very good hearing. If on land, penguins relying heavily on their hearing. Penguin eye adapted for underwater vision in finding food and avoiding predators. The ability of olfactory penguin is still not widely known and requires further research.


To view sex penguin is very difficult, because penguins have no external genitalia. As a result, to distinguish the sex of penguins, man must wear a chromosome examination techniques / DNA.

The emperor penguin.

Emperor penguins that have a Latin name Aptenodytes forsteri, including the largest species of penguin family, namely with heights reaching over 1 meter and weighs more than 35 kg. Just like other types of penguins, emperor penguins also have berjaring legs and thick fur all over his body which is watertight, and is a species of bird that can not fly.
Emperor penguin was described in 1844 by British zoologist George Robert Gray.
But the most visible characteristic to distinguish the emperor penguin with other penguin species is the faint yellow line on the neck. Unlike the king penguins, where the yellow line on the neck penguin is more striking and arced firmly around his neck than emperor penguins.


The population of emperor penguins found only in Antarctica - the South Pole of the earth, the coldest areas in the southernmost parts of the world with the lowest temperature reached -73 ° Celsius. They nest along the waterfront area of ​​the Antarctic continent.
Emperor penguins can survive in cold temperatures such as 2-3 cm thick layer of fat on the body are useful for storing hot and cold air separate from the outside.


Emperor penguins are the main food of fish, shrimp, and squid. Anatomy short wings that allow this kind penguin to swim as far as 15 km and dive to a depth of 900 feet for 18 minutes. Therefore, it eats fish larger than that eaten by penguins with smaller body size.


Period of the emperor penguin mating occurs throughout the year in June-August. Adult male penguin will flap-flapping wings to attract females, then when they have found the right partner will either create a bond through the wings find each other in the back of the neck. Penguin is a species of bird that is faithful to one partner.
After experiencing a period of mating, the female penguin will spawn and the eggs of the emperor penguin shaped like a pear. Incubating period is the duty of the male penguin, for approximately three months, the eggs will be incubated at the foot penguin and protected by the lower part of their abdomen. Then the male penguins will form large colonies to keep the temperature of the eggs remain warm, while the female penguin in a group would go as far as 90 miles to collect food.
When the eggs hatch, the male penguin that has been provided food reserves will keep their children until the mother returned. Vice versa, when the female penguin back to take care of a baby penguin, penguin males went to find food, constantly turns up to 13 months and grow into a baby penguin penguin independent.


There are 40 breeding colonies around the Antarctic, and in one colony, respectively, amounting to 10,000 head Emperor Penguin adult. These colonies will hold together and mutually warm each other by standing shoulder to shoulder with each other, especially when the male penguins incubating eggs. In January-February, the penguin will migrate to the south of the earth in search of food.
Baby penguins are never taught how to swim, dive or hunting by his parents. Automatically, the penguin will adapt itself to survive. If they are tired of walking, penguins will slide on ice using chest.
The population of Emperor penguins depend on the number of fish in the sea, if fishing by humans continues to be done on a large scale, the penguin population can be reduced in number. In general, penguins do not have a lot of enemies, sea lions is their main enemy. But with their agility in the water, penguins can easily avoid it.


1. No one knows exactly where the penguins get
    his name, but is likely to come from the Latin meaning pinguis
2. penguin ancestors have lived since 60 million years ago in the days
    prehistoric, namely Waimanu.
3. Emperor penguins have very good eyesight so as to enable
    him to see in the dark depths.
4. All species of penguins do not have teeth, they catch fish by
    sharp beak and then immediately swallowed.
5. The number of penguin populations have dropped by 50% during the
    next 50 years
    last. The main cause is precisely because of the reduced area of ​​the
    covered in ice in Antarctica due to global warming.

The types of penguins  :

King Penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus.
Gentoo Penguin, Pygoscelis Papua.
Adelie Penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae.
Chinstrap penguins, Pygoscelis antarctica.
Rockhopper Penguin, Eudyptes chrysocome.
Fiordland Penguin, Eudyptes pachyrhynchus.
Snares Penguin, Eudyptes robustus.
Royal Penguin, Eudyptes Schlegeli.
Erect-Crested Penguin, Eudyptes sclateri.
Macaroni Penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus.
Yellow Eye Penguin, Megadyptes antipodes.
Small Penguin (Penguin Blue or Fairy Penguin), Eudyptula minor.
Penguin White flippered, Eudyptula albosignata.
African Penguin (Jackass Penguin), Spheniscus demersus.
Magellanic Penguin, Spheniscus magellanicus.
Humboldt Penguin, Spheniscus humboldti.
Galapagos Penguin, Spheniscus mendiculus.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 07 February 2016 at 10:48
Tag : Penguin.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:48

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