Wednesday 26 August 2015

Secrets of Playing Cards.

The numbers 52, why 52? The number of weeks in a year is 52 and each card represents one week.
This is the mystery and the hidden secrets of Playing Card or in Indonesia is often called Rummy Card, may come from the East, Egypt or Saudi ago appeared in Italy (in the form of Tarot / Taroochi) approximately late 1200s. After it spread to Germany, France, and Spain. Maybe this time we do not ever matter, but we know that the card is a type of card from the UK. Such as JACK (J) QUEEN (Q) KING (K) and ACE (A). This type of card from the UK in a set of his totaled 52 sheets, coupled with JOKER.

There are some phenomena about which we often play cards :

The numbers 52, why 52? The number of weeks in a year is 52 and each card represents one week.

52 (5 + 2) = 7 = 7 days a week.

Because of Britain that in fact four seasons so the card has 4 types :

- Spade (?) Represents winter
- Heart (?) Representing autumn
- Diamond (?) Represents spring
- Club (?) To represent summer

* In one type, there were 13 cards (from Ace s / d King) 13 is the number of weeks in a season.
* 13 (1 + 3) = 4 = the number of seasons in one year = 4 winds.

* The red color of the same item, symbolizing Day and Night.

If the number of cards in one type you add up all the (As = 1, Jack = 11 Queen and King = 12 = 13), then the total number is 364, the same as the number of days in a year, plus 1 Joker, to 365 days.

If the number of letters of the names of one deck of cards you count, both in English, Dutch, German or French, then the number is 52! Just as the number of weeks in one year !!
- English: Ace, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King.
- Dutch: Aas, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, seven, acht, Negen, tien, Boer, Vrouw, Heer.
- German: As, zwei, drei, fünf, Sechs, sieben, acht, neun, Zehn, Bube, Dame, König.
- French: As, deux, trois, quatre, cing, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix Valet, Reine, Roi.

(All the same number of letters 52)

Of any kind also symbolizes the four main pillars in the days of the Middle Ages.
- Spade - Military
- Heart - Church
- Diamond - Class Trader
- Club - Aglikultur

Each card Raja (KING) of any kind, represent to some of the Great King from history, here:

Spade - King David is the King of Israel
Heart - Charlemagne is the founder of The Holy Roman Empire
Diamond - Julius Caesar, The Great Dictator of Rome
Club - Alexander The Great, General Macedonia Hearts Diamonds --- Spades Clubs
(K) Charlemagne - David - Caesar - Alexander
(Q) Ragnel - Judith - Pallas - Argeia
(J) Ogier - Judah Maccabee - Aulus Hiritus - Hector

Who are they ? They are the Hero in the first days of Middle Age.

In addition there are more mysteries about the card that can not be answered until now, for example:

King Heart is the only king without a mustache.

King Heart also directed towards his own sword, therefore King Heart always called 'The Suicide King'.

King Diamond plasticity only one side of the face, where the other king-king did not like it.

Queen Spade look to the right, where the Queen-Queen others look to the left.

Queen Spade the only queen who holds a stick and flowers, where the Queen-Queen others only hold interest only.

And probably still many things other hidden, maybe if we examine further, we will know more about the mystery behind the cards.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 26 Aguatus 2015 13:30
Tag : Secrets of Playing Cards.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:30

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