Monday 27 July 2015

Creating Unique Shock phobia.


Alliumphobia is one of the unique type of phobia is the fear of garlic. People with this phobia will avoid eating garlic and even frightened by the smell of garlic.

Mosquitoes are also an animal that has Alliumphobia. Therefore, garlic sprays are an effective tool to repel mosquitoes.


Approximately 5% of children transparently reported to have didaskaleinophobia characterized by a reluctance to go to school.

The roots of this can be caused by the inability of the child to learn, inability to cope with academic stress, and traumatic events. Therefore, teachers should have extra ability in dealing with children with this phobia.


Soceraphonia a constant fear and anxiety that arises when meeting laws. This is usually due to the fear that arises in yourself and unrealistic shadow of the law.


Pogonophobia derived from the Greek meaning pogono associated with the beard. This fear arises because the person has a negative thought that beard is something messy and unhygienic


Who does not like to hear the good news or the happy news? But in fact, there are some people who suffer from this unique phobia. The reason behind the emergence of this phobia because they fear that the news is false news. A person suffering from euphobia filled his mind with negative perceptions. Behavioral therapy is needed in dealing with this case.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia / Sesquipedalophobia.

This phobia name is unique and in accordance with the meaning of the word itself. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the phobia of long words or grandiose.

Experience fear and guilt while studying vocabulary as a child is one of the causes of this phobia.

Aligynephobia / venustraphobia.

Some men who suffer from this phobia will arise fear, anxiety, restlessness, depression even when they are dealing with a beautiful woman. This may stem from a traumatic event when they face a beautiful woman and they feel inferior.


The number 666 is referred to as the bad figures in the Bible. In the Book of Revelation, people associated with this number is left to face dire consequences.

In fiction literature and music, the number 666 is often associated with bad things. That is then the cause of this phobia.


Vestiphobia is reluctance that arise in a person to wear clothes. people with this phobia tend to choose very loose clothing or even not dressed at all.

This phobia arises because of trauma when they've been bitten by an insect that is hidden in the folds of clothing. Those who suffer from this phobia will experience a sense of suffocation, choking, nausea, shaking, and panicked when wearing.


This phobia is a phobia is the fear of spirits or other matters relating to spirits. This phobia can be categorized into several types such as Spectrophobia (fear of shadows sinister), Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts), Demonophobia (fear of evil spirits), Bogyphobia (fear sinister figure), Satanophia (fear of demons), Stygiophobia or Hadephobia (fear of hell), and Wiccaphobia (fear of witches).

Symptoms that occur because of this phobia is paranoia, panic attacks, nausea, sweating, mental disorders, and the feeling of being chased or mauled by a spirit.

Stories of ghosts, demons, and other sightings were popularized by many stories of literature, films, and mythology able to exacerbate this phobia.

Phobia is a mental disorder that can easily infect someone and usually begins with small things. Therefore, when you feel the fear of something appears, immediately opposed such fear in order not to become a phobia.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: July 27, 2015 at 12:03
Tags : Creating Unique Shock phobia.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:03

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