Friday 12 June 2015

Discus Fish recognize Closer.

The lovers of ornamental fish, if you want to know more about discus fish? This fish is very popular even for the beginners in the field of ornamental fish.

If you want to know in advance the types of freshwater fish a good idea to read the introduction of the kinds of freshwater fish first. Well we will go to the topic of discussion on the following discus fish.

Discus fish.

Red melon Discus fish.
Symphysodon discus commonly known as a genus of cichlids that comes from the river Amazon. Fish body shape is unique and has a bright color caused discus fish are popular as aquarium freshwater fish. This fish is also popular in Indonesia to decorate aquariums at home.

There are three types of fish are popular among other Symphysodon genus Symphysodon aequifasciatus (Blue discus), Symphysodon discus (Red disc or Heckel discus), and Symphysodon tarzoo.

Discus fish live in the Amazon river. These fish live in the tropics and has a high diversity. Discus fish species have a deployment / distribution different.

Discus fish have a body shape that is flat, disc-shaped pieces. On the chart of the body side are motifs in green, red, brown, and blue. Height and length of each fish 20-25 cm.

Red fish discus (red melom, red cover) female has a redder color than the males. Another characteristic possessed Discus fish are those concerned with the larvae of fish produced. Most fish brooding cichlid genus there is a relationship between the child and parent to child. Discus adult issued secretion of the skin for her children who are still in the form of larvae.

Discus fish are very popular among lovers of ornamental fish. This fish became an important industry for the cultivation of ornamental fish in regions of Asia. Are friends ornamental fish lovers interested in discus fish? Or keen to cultivate fish discus?

Discus fish.

Symphysodon discus come from the waters of the Amazon. Discus-called because of its shape like a disk (disc) with attractive colors. The carrying of freshwater fish is very quiet and gentle movements, so-called king of the aquarium. The biggest fish can reach a diameter of 15 cm.
Discus fit cultivated in tropical climates with water temperature 25-30oC. For maintenance in the aquarium should be a little patient, because the discus fish is stressed.


Discus classified in Symphysodon, which now encompass three species: ordinary Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), Heckel Discus (Symphysodon discus), and new species are yet to be named that is Symphysodon tarzoo. However, a further study published in 2007 Ogos reserve the genus THAT classed in the species: S. aequifasciatus (green disc), S. haraldi (regular disc / blue / war) and S. discus (Heckel Discus). Both studies back up the three species; with the exception will be the scientific names for each of them.


Epertimana cichlid genus Pterophyllum, all of Symphysodon species has a flattened body. Contrary to Pterophyllum, which makes prominent dorsal body shape Symphysodon as if round. Of body shape is the name "disc" was published. Side of this fish usually have motifs in green, red, and blue war. Height and length of mature fish is approximately 20-25 cm (8-10 in).


Other characteristics Symphysodon species are guarding them would larvae. Climb into the process will take a period of two weeks and so the eggs will start to hatch after two or three days after the eggs of male and female compounded. Like most cichlid fish, childcare done by both female and male fish. Additionally, adult discus issued secretion through the skin, which depend larvae live in the first few days. This behavior can also be observed in Uaru species. However, for breeding in captivity, the larvae will depend on the life of mother and father for a few weeks.

Location and Habitat.

Symphysodon species inhabit the lakes-lakes and rivers in lowland floodplain of the Amazon river, where it is a part of the Neotropical fish.

Three species of Symphysodon have differing geography sprinkles. S. aequifasciatus be found in the Rio Solimões, Amazonas and Rio Rio Putumayo-Ica in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. In contrast to the sprinkling of S. discus that may be encountered with in downstream rivers Abacaxis, Rio Negro and Trombetas. S. tarzoo be found in the upstream Manaus in the western Amazon.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: June 12, 2015 at 11:43
Tags : Discus Fish recognize Closer.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:43

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