Thursday 16 April 2015

Diseases Caused by bacteria.

Without our ever knowing it, our daily lives never escape from the target microorganisms that are not visible to the naked eye. Microorganisms are milling about near us. Some types are harmless, but some other types of health-threatening if it goes into our bodies.

Some kinds of bacteria that can cause disease, among others :

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas pyocyaneus)

These bacteria can enter the body's tissues and cause symptoms, such as urinary tract infections, lung tissue infections, infections of the cornea. The infection usually afflict people with diabetes mellitus or drug addicts. The best prevention is to keep the immune system remains high and the transmission of patients treated in hospitals can be done by means of a sterile work.

Vibrio cholerae

These bacteria cause disease cholera Asiatica. Symptoms of this form of the disease which caused nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. This situation can lead to seizures death within a few hours to a few days of illness onset. Mode of transmission through contaminated food and drink these bacteria. Treatment can be done by replacing lost fluids and electrolytes, while prevention can be done by keeping the food and drinks as well as the improvement of environmental sanitation.

Vibrio El Tor

The nature of this same bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
Spirillium minus (Treponema sodoku)
These bacteria cause disease rat-bite fever (rat-bite fever), with symptoms such as sudden fever, muscle pain, redness of the skin rash, headache, nausea, and inflammation of the regional lymph nodes. prevention is done with improved environmental sanitation especially the cleanliness of the house so that no mice.

Escherichia coli

These bacteria can cause epidemic diseases digestive tract, such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea, and flukes. seedling disease is derived from human feces suffering these diseases. indicator which indicates that the household water is tainted stool is the presence of E. coli in the water, because in human feces both sick and healthy are these bacteria.

E. coli can cause pneumonia, endocarditis, an infection of the wounds and abscesses in various organs. This bacterium is also a major cause of meningitis in newborns and cause tractor urinary infection (pyelonephritis cysticis) in humans are treated in hospital (nosocomial infection). prevention of bacterial infections is done with the best possible care in hospitals, among others: the use of appropriate antibiotic, antiseptic action correctly.

Klebsiella pneumonia

These bacteria often lead to urinary tract due to nosocomial infection, meningitis, and pneumonia in patients with diabetes mellitus or alcohol addicts. symptoms of pneumonia caused by bacteria in the form of symptoms of acute fever, malaise (lethargy), and dry cough, and the cough becomes productive and bloody sputum and purulent (pus). when the disease progresses, there will be an abscess, necrosis of lung tissue, and vibrosis bronchiectasi lungs. Prevention is by improving health and endurance. prevention of nosocomial infection was done by an aseptic work in patient care in the hospital.

Proteus vulgaris

Disease caused by infection of the urinary tract in nosocomial infection. prevention of nosocomial infection is done by using a catheter in a sterile condition.

Salmonella typhi

Diseases caused namely abdominal typhoid disease. symptoms include fever with high temperature (400C), often delirious and agitated (delirium), weakness, apathy, anorexia, and headache, no diarrhea but generally suffer from constipation. prevention is done by keeping the food and beverage, personal hygiene improvement, improvement of water sources for domestic use, improved environmental sanitation improvements especially for disposal of human feces and the eradication of rats and flies.

Shigella dysenteriae

Disease is bacillary dysentery caused by sudden symptoms usually come in the form of fever, lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, fesenya liquid, mixed with mucus and blood. In severe disease may be accompanied by vomiting, dehydration, collapse, and even cause death. Transmission is via the faeces of patients. Prevention is done by keeping the food and beverage, increased environmental sanitation and personal hygene.

Pasteurella pestis (Yersenia pestis)

Bubonic plague is a disease that affects rodents, but can be transmitted to humans through the bite of a rat infestation called Xenopsylla cheopis. The symptoms are fever and chills. Bacteria will go with the flow of the body's lymph while exerting leukocytes to regional lymph nodes will swell and ache. This swelling is called buboes which often rupture and ooze pus. Prevention is done by isolating the patient in a separate room so as not to infect healthy people, improve sanitation and to eradicate fleas her, and vaccination.

Haemophilus influenza

These bacteria cause diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous system and skeletal system. Prevention by vaccination and avoid contagion.

Haemophilus ducrey

Cause disease chancroid, transmitted through sexual contact.

Bordetella pertussis

This bacterium causes whooping cough. Prevention by vaccination.

Staphylococcus aureus

These bacteria can cause purulent infection and abscess, infection of the hair follicles and sweat glands, boils, wound infections, meningitis, endocarditis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, osteomyelitis. prevention is done by increasing endurance, personal hygene, and environmental sanitation.

Neisseria gonorrhea

Symptoms of the disease is piss festering. in women with chronic may cause the closing of the oviduct. Babies born to mothers with this disease eyes become swollen, festering and can cause blindness. To prevent neonatal gonorrhea Ophtalmia the newborn's eyes is to shed 10,000 units of penicillin solution in aqua or silver nitrate solution 1% or 0.5% erythromycin or tetracycline 1%.

Neisseria meningitides

This bacteria causes meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain). when the immune system decreases, these bacteria can cause pharyngitis and even pneumonia. Flu-like symptoms of meningitis initially, not so high fever, headache, sore throat, stiff neck, and lethargy.

Streptococcus pneumoniae

A disease-causing bacteria pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, conjuctivis, meningitis, endocarditis. Actually the normal flora oropharinx, but can be harmful to the human body resistance decreases.

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Cause diphtheria disease in children, with symptoms that are not so high fever and sore throat, followed by pseudomemran which in turn can cause asphyxia (strangulation), so people can experience death. Prevention dalat done with recurrent DPT vaccination from infants to adults.

Bacillus anthracis

A bacterium that causes anthrax disease, which usually affects cattle. However, the development of the disease can be transmitted to humans through wounds, inhalation and also food.

Prevention of transmission of this disease can be done in various ways, namely :

a. health education to enable workers in the farm to be careful to avoid cuts or abrasions and avoid contamination of cuts / abrasions with bacteria.
b. Improve personal hygiene
c. The use of masks and tools other safety for those working in the farm.
d. Vaccination
e. Increase endurance.

Clostridium tetani

The disease is caused by tetanus, with infection through various ways, namely: stab wounds, open fractures, burns, surgery, injections, animal bites, abortion, childbirth or injury cutting umbilicus. Symptoms include stiff muscles around the dank ram on the wound, hypereflexi the extremity tendon close to the wound, stiffness in the neck, jaw and face, and swallowing disorders.

Prevention can be done is

f. good wound care so wound contaminated tidka
g. administration of tetanus serum in patients
h. active immunization
i. tetanus toxoid vaccination in women.

Clostridium botulinum

These bacteria often cause food poisoning, it is because the bacteria grow in food and produce toxins that are harmful to humans. Symptoms of the disease in the form of throat felt dry, blurred vision, accommodation disorders, voice disorders, muscle paralysis, cardiac disorders. Prevention by keeping the food and cook until done.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

In humans it can cause tuberculosa disease that attacks the lungs, bones, lympha gland, kidney, brain and even the skin. Common symptoms are cough that does not go away. Prevention can be done by BCG vaccination and prevent transmission.

Mycobacterium leprae

A bacterium that causes leprosy, the first symptoms such as thickening of the skin to change color, form whitish spots, lost feelings. These bacteria can also attack the eyes, lungs, kidneys and so on. Prevention is by preventing direct contact with patients and increase endurance.

Treponema pallida
A disease-causing bacteria syphilis

Treponema pertenue

Is the bacteria that causes Framboeisa (yaws, yaws)

Leptospira interrogans / Spira icterohaemorrhagica

These bacteria actually cause disease in mice, but can be transmitted to humans through contaminated food and drink. Symptoms include fever, headache, sore muscles, calves, thighs, back, conjuctivis, diarrhea, constipation, anemiadan impaired renal function. Prevention is done by keeping the food, beverage, improve environmental sanitation.

Brucella sp.

These bacteria found in farm animals. If it enters the human body can cause persistent fever, chills, lethargy, sweating, headache, muscle pain, decreased appetite, weight loss, joint pain, pneumonia, meningitis, epistaxis, lympha nodes, spleen and liver. Prevention is by vaccinating the animals, cooking food or beverages derived from livestock until completely cooked.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 16 April 2014 at 18:46
 Tags : Diseases Caused by bacteria.
Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:46

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