Wednesday 19 November 2014

Animals mysterious secret.

The earth was still save a lot of wonders. One of them is the animal or animals, these days a lot of strange creatures emerging new find. There used to be back there, why? Because these animals are just like animals first ancient times, large and tend to be spooky or often called dinosaurs.

The mysterious animal found, but their presence there is still mysterious and difficult to accept the truth and there is also a deliberate in secret. Possible to avoid excessive exploitation that may affect extinction, and it is this mysterious animal, one of them in Indonesia.

Ahool, Giant Bat.

Giant Bat.

These animals manifold bat, but size is not fair, and face ape and has fangs. Terrible is not it? This animal was first discovered by Dr. Ernest Bartels in 1925. Bartels who was then down Mount Salak in West Java region to conduct research. Finding this giant bat swooped over his head.

And 2 years later when Bartels lay in bed at around midnight Tjijengkol hut he heard a voice saying "ahool. ahool .. ", Bartels who was then curious, immediately took the torch and check the direction of the voice, and that he found was exactly the same bat when he met at the Mount. Therefore, this animal is called 'ahool'.

Andean wolf.

Andean wolf.

This animal is not really a wolf, often encountered wandering around the Arctic sea in North America. Which makes it unique is, hairless body, only on the head and tail are feathered, fur is golden brown.



Animals with a snake-like body is found in some areas in Japan, except Hokkaido regions and islands Ryukku this animal was not found. The name 'Tsuchinok'o comes from Kansai population which covers an area of Kyoto, Mie, Nara and Shikoku, which means "animal". However, the presence of these animals can not be verified, and no one has ever managed to catch him, because this animal is very agile, but it is also most people who find it frightened, perhaps because of the sinister appearance.

Tasmanian Tiger.

Tasmanian Tiger.

Animals with the Latin name 'Thylacinus cynocephalus' if you see a glimpse of his face like a wolf, but the animal is classified as 'marsupial carnivore modern' largest ever in the know. Why say the tiger? because there are stripes on his body that resembles a tiger.

Animals are only found in Australia and Papua continent was declared extinct since the 20th century. Based microorganisms found, animals which lived in the time of Moizen. But anyone ever claimed to see these animals and try to catch it, it turns out there is a swarm of these animals. Is it true?


Yeti Bigfood.
Creatures legend Bigfood similar to this one, it's just a different life and color. Yeti white woolly, life in cold regions, Yeti story first appeared, saying if these animals live in the Himalayas of Nepal.

But many doubt the truth of this animal, whether true or just fairy tales? However, many also believe and say never see and deal directly with the Yeti.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 19, 2014 at 15:30
Tag : Animals mysterious secret.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:30

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