Monday 7 April 2014

The Benefits and Uses of Iron Sand.

Iron Sand buildup.
Iron sand is one of the results of the Natural Resources in Indonesia and is one of the basic raw material in the steel industry where availability can be found in coastal areas such as on the coast of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and East Lombok (NTB).
In addition to the steel industry as a raw material, iron sand can also be used as a raw material in the manufacture of cement concrete. Iron sand having Fe2O3 content, SiO2, MgO and concrete 80-100 mesh size has the potential to be used as a substitute for cement in the production of high-performance concrete.
The results showed:
The use of iron sand by 80% of the total weight of sand provide maximum compressive strength among sand iron levels are 42.65 MPa and compressive strength can increase by 28.41% compared to normal concrete.
The use of iron sand by 80% of the total weight of sand provide maximum compressive strength among sand iron levels are 3.07 MPa and increases the tensile strength divided by 4.84% compared to normal concrete.
In this iron sand improves the compressive strength and split tensile strength up to 80%, this is possible because in addition to the nature of the chemical nature of the filler also containing SiO2 sand iron which helps the performance of cement as a binder.
In terms of production, PT. Abdi Yasindo Son Iron Sand capable of producing 3,000 tons of iron sand in 1 day. Quality Iron Sand PT. Yasindo Abdi son is the best, this is the potential of the Tasikmalaya region since the Dutch colonial era have potential in mining Iron Sand with the most excellent quality in Indonesia. In addition, PT. Abdi Yasindo Son also see and explore the potential of Iron Sand in Indonesia such as: Kebumen Central Java, Cianjur, Sukabumi and Other regions.


Iron Sand Dredging Mining Tool.


Mining activity is considered as a coin that has two opposing sides, as well as a source of prosperity potential environmental vandal. As a source of wealth, the state sector income support over the years. As an environmental vandal, open-pit mining (open pit mining) can change in total as a result of both climate and soil throughout the soil layer above the mineral deposits are removed. The loss of vegetation is not directly killing the forest functions as watersheds, erosion control, flood, carbon sinks, supplier of oxygen and temperature control. Ideally, a company's obligation to the welfare of the surrounding community. The trick? By recruiting them into a permanent employee in the company. If they do not meet the criteria as an employee, then the duty of the company to train until they meet the criteria. In this way, the company will be able to help improve the welfare of local people. However, many companies are not willing to fulfill its obligations because it would cost quite a bit. As a result, the level of corporate profits will be less.
In the short term it's probably true. But if they think long term will be another anniversary. Actually, the welfare of the surrounding community is a much-needed social investment for the company. If people feel that the presence of the company was very profitable to them, they would try to protect the company from various threats.They will try to keep up with all their abilities for the company and move it forward . Because the company's progress also means an increase in welfare for them. In this paper put forward some things about the impact of the iron sand mining, prevention and mitigation of the impact caused by iron sand mining. This paper is expected to provide information for all of us, so it will be able to preserve the natural environment and repair the damage that has been going around mining.
In general, iron sand is composed of opaque minerals are mixed with granules of non-metallic minerals such as quartz, calcite, feldspar, ampibol, pyroxene, biotite, and tourmalin. The mineral composed of magnetite, titaniferous magnetite, ilmenite, limonite, and hematite, magnetite Titaniferous is a fairly important part is the alteration of magnetite and ilmenite. Mineral sand iron ore mainly from basaltic rocks and andesitic volcanics. Usefulness of this iron sand in addition to ferrous metals industry has also been widely used in the cement industry.
However, mining always has two opposing sides, as well as a source of prosperity potential environmental vandal. As a source of prosperity, had no doubt that this sector of the state revenue support over the years. As an environmental vandal, open-pit mining (open pit mining) can completely change the climate and soil as a result of the whole soil layer above the mineral deposits are removed. In addition, to acquire or dispose of seeds tanbang of rocks or sand as in gold mining, miners generally use dangerous chemicals that can pollute the soil, water or river and the environment.
In underground mining ( underground mining ) environmental damage is generally caused due to waste ( tailings ) generated in the process of refining the ore . Both open pit mine in and cause the release of certain chemical elements such as Fe and S from pyrite compounds ( Fe2S ) produce acidic waste water ( Acid Mine Drainage / Acid Rock Drainage ) that can be carried away by surface runoff during rain , and into agricultural land in the lower reaches of mining , resulting in higher soil acidity . Soil and acid mine water is very acidic with a pH ranging between 2,5 - 3,5 potentially contaminate agricultural land .


Climate is the average weather conditions , where weather -forming factors include rainfall , humidity , wind speed , solar radiation and so long .
Climate or weather factors that are often used for multiple applications hydrology is precipitation , as well as easy in terms of measurement also has a direct effect on the lives of humans , plants and animals .
Rainfall is used to describe the hydrological phenomena that often occurs as floods , landslides and others. In addition, to illustrate the potential availability of water ( soil moisture ) for plant growth .
Under these conditions, climate analysis will be described more to the condition that in the event of rainfall distribution in space and time.


Existing population data based on the 2007 publication of the survey population estimates between census BPS . The population in 2007 was 112,528 inhabitants, which consisted of 57 319 souls of men and 55 209 women's lives . This number increased from in 2006 , amounting to 107 473 .

Some negative impacts due to mining if unchecked, among others; 

1). Damage mined land.
2). Destructive and agricultural plantations.
3). Opening the forest to mining areas.
4). In the long run, mining is the biggest contributor to land is critical that the appropriate function returned difficult initially.
5). Pollution of land, water or air. For example, dust, toxic gases, noise etc..
6). Damage ponds and coral reef.
7). Floods, landslides, partial disappearance of biodiversity.
8). Acid mine water is toxic if it flowed into the sea to the river which eventually will damage the ecosystem and coastal and marine resources.
9). Cause a variety of diseases and damage the health.
10). Infrastructure such as roads etc.. severely damaged.

Why did it happen? Because: 

1). The big difference in interest between the interests of the environment vs. economic interests, political etc..
2). Law enforcement has not been good.
3). Rules are made often accommodate multiple interests with even ignoring environmental elements.
4). The rules are not implemented consistently.
5). In practice regional autonomy led to thriving mining and barely controlled. Many cases occur in some regions it protected forest conversion into the production area. Illegal logging is actually carried out by rogue elements who are supposed to protect the forest.

Impact of iron sand mining in an area; 

1. The decline in air quality. 

In the pre-construction phase of the mine due to the mobilization of heavy equipment activity is expected the company will operate 44 units of heavy equipment. At this stage of the activities undertaken include land clearing, road construction, mining, construction of the mine facilities, installation of iron sands development management, will certainly increase the amount of dust in the surrounding environment. This will certainly increase the intensity of the stage mining operations due to stripping of top soil.
The company set a target to manage and carry 1500 s / d 2000 tons per day with a freight volume of 75 s / d 100 trips per day. This will certainly improve the distribution of dust around the mine and will reach into rural residential areas due to transport of iron sand. The duration of the impact of dust is estimated by the company for 15 s / d 18 years (during active mining operations) level of dust pollution will be higher during the day where the wind is blowing from the sea towards the land (residential areas). This of course will reduce the level of public health, they threatened ARI (acute respiratory infection) tuberculosis, and others.

2. Noise. 

Iron sand mining activities in the form of pre-construction phase of the mobilization of heavy equipment totaled 44 units . This certainly will increase the noise in the mining areas and residential communities . The noise level will be growing when mining operations began to run normally . Long the noise lasts as much as 150 to 200 times per day according to the company planned volume of 1500 to 2000 tons per day . With a transport volume of 75 to 100 trips per day . This condition will affect the peace of the citizens at the time of sleep .

3. Conversion of Twin Lakes. 

Most mining areas are the waters of the Air Numan (Twin Lakes) is the initial condition and an area of ​​16.02 hectares of land covering an area of ​​163.34 hectares. Excavation activities will of course extend the shape and structure of the lake, is expected to expand by 28 acres. So also with depth, current depth of the lake ranges from 0.2 meters s / d 0.8 meters. With the iron sand is certain excavation depth of the lake will be 7 to 8 feet. It is very dangerous to people, and the discharge water will undergo structural changes, threats of drought and floods due to sudden uncertain climate, is a major threat to the residents.

4. Abrasion beach. 

It should be recognized mining activity will also affect the structure of the coast, the threat will increase, especially during high tides and large waves and high will make the shape of the beach changed. This condition is recognized by the company restored difficult because it requires huge cost. Communities directly affected. Long impact will occur during the company still operate until the postoperative phase of the mine.
The results of the analysis in the report said UPL, iron sand mining activities negatively affecting the morphology of the land because it can cause a derivative impact abrasion detrimental to society.

5. Decreased Water Quality. 

Mining activities will certainly reduce the quality of the ground water (wells) and surface water quality and the Twin Lakes Water Way Hawang iron sands refineries require a lot of water to be processed in the Magnetic Separator, which produces iron ore and waste water with a capacity of 225 m3 / h. Waste from these refineries would affect water levels in the surrounding residential areas. Another negative is the source of the operation of the workshop. Treatment of iron sands mining heavy equipment would certainly produce as much as 58.49 liters of used oil per day. The rest of the used oil if not managed properly can contaminate lakes will be twins and wells, and sea water in the mine environment. This is evident in many mining carelessly throw away their used oil into a river or scattered on the ground.

6. Damage Road. 

Lane highway transportation company covering the village to the harbor. This road is a country road with specification III A or to pass a vehicle with a maximum payload of 8 tons. At every stage of the mining operation planned 1500 - 2000 tons of iron ore transported by truck carrier with a capacity of 20 tons per unit. This condition can damage roads along the transport route cause, the maximum weight of the route path is 10 tons.

7. Aspects of biology. 

Mining activities certainly change the type of vegetation covering an area of ​​46.03 acres (total) of vegetation covering an area of ​​16.02 acres of land and water area of ​​30.01 hectares of vegetation cover loss would certainly cause abrasion. Besides, the income of the people of gardening, such as coconut, palm, rice plants also missing.

8. Water Biota. 

Impacts on aquatic biota is indirect impacts due to sand mining iron. Sources impact derived from water-quality changes as a result of treatment of waste sand. Another source is due to a buildup of iron sand seepage, wastewater former lubricant from the workshop activities. Diversity index of the lake will decrease from baseline 0.8 s / d 2, 48 for plankton and 1.90 s / d 2.98 for benthic biota. This will decrease the amount of fish, shrimp, crab, which is an additional livelihood for the community in addition to farming. Long lasting impact for 15 s / d 18 years.

9. Community income. 

The company claims their mining activities can recruit labor from local residents, surrounding communities can further open up shop and so on. However, keep in mind very few, if not to say no, a local resident who has expertise in mining means, they would be used as manual labor alone, which at times they can be laid off for various reasons. In addition, this process will make people leave their home profession who may initially farmers, fishermen, laborers labor in companies that typically they do not have high bargaining power. It happens in many other mines.
The reaction of acid mine drainage ( Acid Mine Drainage / AMD ) have a direct impact on the quality of soil and water as the pH decreased very sharply . The decline , soil pH will disrupt the balance of nutrients in the soil , macro nutrients become available because the metal is bound by the micro-nutrients while increasing their solubility . According to researchers the decrease of pH will drastically increase the solubility of heavy metals in the environment .
The effect is due to AMD for the company are the tools made of iron or steel becomes corroded very rapidly, causing both inefficiency in the procurement and maintenance of heavy equipment. On living beings, AMD may affect flora and fauna in the mined land and life that are along streams affected by mining activities. This causes the mined land revegetation activities become very expensive with unsatisfactory results. In addition, the quality of the water can interfere with human health.
Indonesia's land surface area that has been permitted for mining activities is relatively small (1.336 million ha or 0.7% of the total land area), and even a total area of ​​mining is still active and completed mined smaller number (36 743 ha, or 0,019 % of the total land area) (Anonymous, 2006). Although the total area disturbed nationally relatively small, mostly mining applying mining techniques on the surface (surface mining) which itself results in perturbation of the local landscape; acreage acreage of existing vegetation and fauna habitat becomes damaged, and the removal of topsoil cover 'mineral reserves produce' decisive changes in topography, hydrology, and landscape stability. If environmental management is not effective, the influence of local (on-site) can lead to harassment continued outside the mine area (off-site), which is derived from water and wind erosion on the rest of the excavation that has not been stabilized or waste materials derived from mineral processing. These effects may also include sedimentation of rivers, and a decrease in water quality due to increased salinity, acidity, and loads of toxic elements in the water of the river.

Definition Bioremediation. 

Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms to reduce pollutants in the environment. When bioremediation occurs, enzymes produced by microorganisms modify toxic pollutants by changing the chemical structure of these pollutants, an event called biotransformation. In many cases, biotransformation leads to biodegradation, where toxic pollutants degraded, its structure becomes complex, and ultimately into metabolites that are harmless and non-toxic.
By Anonymous stated that bioremediation is the process of cleaning the soil contamination using microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). Bioremediation aims to break down or degrade contaminants into less toxic materials or non-toxic (carbon dioxide and water).
Bioremediation of heavy metals in contaminated land is defined as the process of cleaning up (clean up) the land of pollutants (pollutant) in biology or by using living organisms, both microorganisms (microfauna and microflora) and makroorganisme (plants).
Since the 1900s, people have been using microorganisms to treat water in the drains. Currently, bioremediation has grown on sewage treatment hazardous waste (chemical compounds that are difficult to degrade), which is usually associated with industrial activity. Included in these pollutants include heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and halogenated organic compounds such as pesticides, herbicides, and others. Many new applications using microorganisms to reduce pollutants that are being tested. Bioremediation field is now supported by a better knowledge of how pollutants can be degraded by microorganisms, identification of the types of new and beneficial microbes, and the ability to improve bioremediation through genetic technology. Molecular genetic technology is very important to identify the genes that encode enzymes related to bioremediation. Characterization of the genes in question can increase our understanding of how microbes modify toxic pollutants into harmless.
Recombinant microbial strains or types that are created in the lab can be more efficient in reducing pollutants. Recombinant microorganisms created and patented the first time is bacteria "oil-eating". These bacteria can oxidize hydrocarbons are commonly found in petroleum. The bacteria are growing faster than other types of bacteria that is natural or not created in a laboratory that has been tested. However, these findings have not been successfully commercialized because of this recombinant strain can break down harmful components only in limited quantities. Even this strain has not been able to degrade the molecular components that are heavier tend to persist in the environment.

Type Bioremediation. 

The types of bioremediation are as follows: 


Nutrients and oxygen, in the form of a liquid or gas, is added to water or soil contaminated to strengthen the growth and activity of bacteria existing remediation in the water or the soil.


Microorganisms that can help clean up certain contaminants added to water or contaminated soil. This method is most often used in removing contamination somewhere. But there are some obstacles encountered when used this way. It is very difficult to control the conditions of contaminated sites so that microorganisms can develop optimally. Scientists do not yet fully understand all of the mechanisms involved in bioremediation, and microorganisms are released into an unfamiliar environment may be difficult to adapt.

Intrinsic bioremediation. 

Bioremediation of this type occur naturally in water or contaminated soil.
In the future, the recombinant microorganisms may provide an effective way to reduce the chemical compounds that are harmful to our environment. However, this approach requires careful research relating to the recombinant microorganisms, are effective in reducing pollutants, microorganisms and is it safe when it is released into the environment.


1. Prevention of coastal erosion. 

Coastal erosion has become a serious threat to the coastal beach areas, the solution:
Planting mangroves in an integrated manner.
Installation of a breakwater.
Making waves embankment.
Mangrove planting and trees in the forest to prevent coastal erosion. Definition or understanding Abrasion Abrasion is the process of coastal erosion by the force of ocean waves and sea currents that are destructive. Some say Abrasion as coastal erosion. Damage due to abrasion of the shoreline is influenced by natural phenomena and human action. Human actions that led to the abrasion is taking stones and sand on the coast as a building material. Besides felling trees in coastal forests or mangrove forests spur more rapid occurrence of coastal erosion. Coastal forests that do not happen to have some zoning abrasion clear, namely Ipomea pescaprae zone and zone Barringtonia. Zone Ipomea Ipomea pescaprae usually dominated by Spinifex pescaprae and littoreus (wind grass). While there is often a zone Barringtonia species Barringtonia asiatica, Pongamia pinnata Merr, Cordia subcordata L, L Calophyllum, Terminalia cattapa L, etc.. To prevent coastal erosion needs to be done and the planting of trees in coastal forests and preserve the trees from human disturbance.

2. Combating Acid Mine Drainage / AMD. 

There have been many technologies are intended to address acid mine drainage (AMD). The technology is based on the principle applied to both chemistry and biology have yielded disappointing results as a whole can address AMD. The technique is based on the principles of chemistry, such as calcification, although it is expensive but the results can only increase the pH and temporary. The technique of making the channel anoxic (anoxic lime drain) that combines the principles of physics and chemistry is also very costly and the results are not encouraging. Bioremediation techniques by utilizing sulfate reducing bacteria provide encouraging results. Selection results in the study show that the BPS can increase the pH from 2.8 to 7.1 in acid mine drainage East Pit Excavation within 2 days and lower Fe and Mn with efficiencies> 80% within 10 days.
Nevertheless , the studies carried out on the water while the resources into the base of the AMD untouched . It is very important indeed is the formation of AMD prevention . How to prevent contact with oxygen and sulfide minerals inhibit the growth of sulfur -oxidizing bacteria ( BOS ) is the most decisive in dealing with AMD . These bacteria are classified as chemo - ototrof , so the addition of organic matter will kill the microbes . How to provide organic matter to the soil so wide ? Planting good land is the right answer . How do the planting on land that is so heavy ? The right answer is also the addition of organic matter . Because organic matter can act as a buffer so as to increase the pH , as a source of nutrients , can increase water holding capacity , increase CEC and can bind metals are widely available on mined lands . Revegetation on mined land is managed well will supply organic matter to the soil through litter production and root exudates .

3. Thiobacillus bacteria Ferrooxidans As Waste Handling iron sand mining. 

Group of metalliferous minerals include gold, iron, copper, lead, zinc, tin, manganese. While nonmetalliferous minerals consist of coal, quartz, bauxite, trona, borax, asbestos, talc, feldspar and rock phosphate. Minerals for building materials and rock ornaments including slate, marble, limestone, Traprock, travertine, and granite.
The development of processing technology led to the extraction of low grade ore to be more economical, so that wider and the layers of the earth to be excavated. This leads to the mining activities pose a huge environmental impact and are important.
The safest alternative and environmentally friendly for the desulfurization of iron sand is microbiologically using bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus thiooxidans. The combined use of both bacteria is intended to better optimize desulfurization. Thiobacillus ferooxidans have the ability to oxidize iron and sulfur, while Thiobacillus thiooxidans was not able to oxidize sulfur by itself, but it grew on sulfur that is released after the iron is oxidized.

4. Utilization of Sludge For Land Revegetation Spur Mine Closure iron sand. 

Generally, using a top mining company (topsoil) or compost to restore soil fertility. On average it takes 5,000 tons per acre of compost or top soil. The conventional method is less appropriate in the former mining areas are vast. Utilization of industrial waste paper sludge could be an alternative option. The paper industry produces 10 percent of the total pulp sludge containing N and P.
Experiments demonstrated a dose of 50 percent paper sludge can improve the properties of the soil is more effective than top soil treatment. This paper sludge dual role in soil bioremediation processes are ex-mine coal as a source of soil organic matter (BOT) and sulfate reducing bacteria inoculum source (BPS). Giving former coal mine sludge on two processes that lead to environmental improvement (soil amendment) and effective microbial inoculation.
Provision of paper sludge to 50 percent in the former coal mining land able to reduce the availability of soil Fe 98.8 percent, 48 percent Mn, Cu Zn 78 percent and 63 percent. BPS is able to reduce sulfate to sulfda-metal compounds are not available.

5. Contaminated Soil Bioremediation. 

Environmental pollution of land recently received considerable attention, due to the globalization of trade apply strict rules ecolabel. Soil pollutant sources generally are heavy metals and toxic aromatic compounds produced through mining and industrial activities. These compounds are mutagenic and carcinogenic generally very harmful to health.
Bioremidiasi heavy metal contaminated soil has been done by using heavy metal reducing bacteria that can not be absorbed by plants. The results of the study showed that the fungus has a larger contribution from the bacteria, and its contribution is increasing with the increasing levels of heavy metals.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi can increase plant tolerance to toxic metals through the accumulation of metals in the hyphae ekstramatrik and " extrahyphae slime " , thereby reducing absorption into the host plant . However , not all mycorrhizal host plants can increase tolerance to toxic metals , because each has a different effect mycorrhiza . Bioremidiasi utilization of mycorrhizal fungi in polluted soils , in addition to the accumulation of the material in the hyphae , also can through the mechanism of the metal complex by external hyphae secretion .
Heavy metal pollution on forest ecosystems affects the health of the forest
plants , especially the development and growth of seedlings of forest plants .
This sort of thing is very common around the mining area ( tailings and surrounding areas ) . Soil contamination with heavy metals will increase seedling mortality and frustrate reforestation programs . Research shows that Ni is more dangerous than Cr . Symptoms of poisoning appear at concentrations of Ni 80 umol / l on land that is not in nokulasi with mycorrhizal inoculation whereas in soil with Pisolithus sp, Symptoms of poisoning occurred at a concentration of 160 umol / l. Pisolithus isolates taken from Ni mining residues are much more resistant to high levels of Ni compared with Pisolithus taken from stands of Eucalyptus that is not contaminated heavy metals .
Bioremediation wetlands polluted by industrial waste (organic pollutants, sediments high or low pH in the flow path and settling ponds) can also be done by making use of semi-aquatic plants such as Phragmites australis. Phragmites australis can associate with mycorrhizal fungi through gradual drying in a short period of time. It can be used as a land management strategy polluted (phytostabilisation) by increasing the rate of development mikotropik species. Research and Leyval Joner (2001) showed that treatment of the contaminated soil mycorrhizae by polysiklik aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from industrial wastes affect the growth of clover, but not on the growth reygrass. With the decline in mycorrhizal clover results for PAHs can be suppressed. But when coupled with the addition of mycorrhizal addition of surfactant, a substance that dissolves PAH, then the rate of decline increased clover results.
Plants growing coal mining waste study shows that of the 18 local plant species studied , 12 of them did mycorrhizae .
Plants that thrive in the coal waste land , there was an " oil droplets " in the mycorrhizal root vesicles . This suggests that there is a filtration mechanism , so that the material is not toxic until it is absorbed by plants .
Mycorrhizae can also protect plants from excess of certain toxic elements such as heavy metals ( Killham , 1994 in Madjid and Novriani : 2009) . The mechanism of protection against heavy metals and toxic elements that can be administered through the effects of mycorrhizal filtration , chemical or disable the accumulation of these elements in the fungal hyphae . Khan stated that the vesicles arbuskular mycorrhizal ( VAM ) can occur naturally in plants pioneer in the field of industrial waste discharges, coal mine tailings, or other polluted land. Inoculation with a suitable inoculant can accelerate reforestation efforts contaminated soil toxic elements .

6 . Prevention and Countermeasures Against the impact caused by the Iron Sand Mining .

Prevention and mitigation of the impact caused by the sand miners can be reached by several approaches , to do certain actions as follows :

1. Technological approach , the orientation of preventive technologies ( control / protective ) is the development of roads / lanes specifically for the transport of iron sand so it will reduce the complexity of the transportation problems . Pedestrian ( pedestrian ) will avoid a dirty air chamber . Using a dust mask ( dust masks ) in order to minimize the risk of exposure / exposed by sand ( coal dust ) .

2. Approach aimed at structuring the environment so that the environment will be protected from loss caused by damage to the environment . Reclamation and revegetation of mined iron sand can prevent malaria mosquito breeding . It is feared that the former pit / crater iron sand can become a mosquito breeding (breeding place ) . Planting mangroves and mangrove integrated manner to prevent coastal erosion .

3. Administrative approach that binds all parties to the exploitation of iron sand mining activities are to comply with the applicable provisions (law ​​enforcement )

4. Educative approach , to the people who made ​​and developed to foster and provide counseling / lighting continuously motivate behavior change and raise awareness for environmental sustainment participate .


Each activity must produce a result , so does the exploitation of minerals , must carry a clear impact on the environment and also the lives around him , the impact can be negative or positive , but in any exploitation there must be a negative impact , it can be minimized if the concerned party is responsible for the processing of natural resources and also use them wisely .
If done in-depth research , will be a lot of adverse effects of destructive force caused by the mining . If we learn from mining cases in Bengkulu such as coal , iron sand in Seluma , and others .
Relying dredging of Natural Resources ( SDA ) as a source of revenue ( PAD ) is a form of local government that is not creative and solution. Because mining is not only a blessing for its owner , but also catastrophic destructive force caused both environmental damage , damage to social , cultural societies become more consumptive and much more .
So , thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished : April 07, 2014 at 14.30
Tag : The Benefits and Uses of Iron Sand.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:30

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