Sunday 9 March 2014


Children with polio.

Polio ( Poliomyelitis ) is a highly contagious viral infection that attacks the entire body ( including the muscles and nerves ) and can cause permanent muscle weakness , paralysis or death .


The cause is polio virus .
The cause is polio virus .

Transmission of the virus occurs in several ways :

- Directly from person to person
- Through patient saliva splash
- Through the stool of patients .
The virus enters through the mouth and nose , throat and multiply in the digestive tract , and then is absorbed and distributed through a system of blood vessels and lymph vessels .

The risk of polio :

# Not getting polio immunization
# Traveling to areas where polio is still common
# Pregnancy
# A very advanced age or very young
# Wounds in the mouth / nose / throat ( eg, removal of tonsils or had undergone tooth extraction )
# Stress or physical exhaustion extraordinary ( because of physical and emotional stress can weaken the immune system ) .


There are three basic patterns of polio infection :
- Subclinical infection
- Non - paralytic
- Paralytic .
95 % of cases are subclinical infection .
Clinical poliomyelitis attacks the central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord ) and divided into non - paralytic and paralytic . Clinical Infection can occur after a person has recovered from subclinical infection .

1 . Subclinical infection ( no symptoms or symptoms last for less than 72 hours )
- Mild fever
- Headache
- Unwell
- Sore throat
- Throat looks red
- Vomiting .

2 . Non - paralytic poliomyelitis ( symptoms lasting for 1-2 weeks )
- Fever was
- Headache
- Stiff neck
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- Incredible fatigue
- fuss
- Pain or stiff back, arms , legs , abdomen
- Spasms and muscle pain
- Neck pain
- The front of the neck pain
- Stiff neck
- Back pain
- Leg pain ( calf muscle )
- Skin rash or sores on the skin that feels pain
- Muscle stiffness .

3 . paralytic poliomyelitis
- Fever 5-7 days before symptoms arise more
- Headache
- A stiff neck and back
- Asymmetric muscle weakness
- Rapid onset
- Soon developed into paralysis
- Location depending on the affected part of the spinal cord
- Feeling odd / strange in the affected area ( such as needle stick )
- Sensitive to touch ( a light touch can cause pain )
- Difficult to start the process of urination
- constipation
- Flatulence
- Swallowing disorders
- Muscle pain
- Muscle spasms , especially the calf muscles , neck or back
- drool
- Respiratory disorders
- Fussy or can not control their emotions
- Positive Babinski reflex .


Polio virus incubation for 5-35 days experienced in the body . Furthermore, the virus will evolve in the first pharyngeal wall ( in the neck ) or lower gastrointestinal tract . Of gastrointestinal virus spread to local lymph tissue or regional . Finally, the virus spreads into the bloodstream before penetrate and proliferate in the neural network .


The most severe complication is paralysis is permanent . Paralysis occurs much less than 1 out of every 100 cases , but the weakness of one or several muscles , are often found .
Sometimes part of the brain which controls breathing stricken with polio , resulting in weakness or paralysis of the chest muscles .
Some patients experience complications 20-30 years after stricken with polio . This condition is called post - poliomyelitis syndrome , consisting of progressive muscle weakness , which often leads to paralysis .


Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination .
To confirm the diagnosis , examination of the stool sample to look for poliovirus and examination of the blood to determine the antibody titer .
Culturing the virus taken from the throat mucus , stool or cerebrospinal fluid .
Routine examination of the cerebrospinal fluid gave normal results or stress , proteins and white blood cells slightly increased .


Polio can not be cured and anti- viral drugs do not affect the course of the disease .
If respiratory muscles become weak , can be used ventilator .
The goal of treatment is to control symptoms while the infection runs its course . Lifesaving measures , par-ticularly assistance with breathing , may be Necessary in severe cases . If there is a urinary tract infection , given antibiotics .
To relieve headaches , pain and muscle spasms , can be given pain medication . Spasms and muscle pain can also be reduced with a warm compress .
To maximize the recovery of muscle strength and function may need physical therapy , corrective shoes or buffer usage and orthopedic surgery .


Prognosis depends on the kind of polio ( subclinical, non-paralytic or paralytic ) and the affected body part .
If it does not attack the brain and spinal cord, the total recovery is likely to occur.
If attacking the brain or spinal cord , is an emergency situation that might lead to paralysis or death  ( usually due to respiratory problems ) .


The polio vaccine is part of routine immunization in childhood .
There are two kinds of polio vaccine :
# Salk vaccine , a vaccine inactivated poliovirus
# Sabin vaccine , a live polio virus vaccine .
Which gives better immunity ( up more than 90 % ) and the Sabin vaccine preferably by mouth ( orally ) .
But in people with impaired immune systems, live polio vaccine can cause polio. Because the vaccine is not given to people with impaired immune systems or people who have close contact with an infected person 's immune system is impaired because the viruses are live excreted through feces .
Adults who have not been immunized against polio and were about to travel to areas that are still common polio , vaccination should undergo first.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 09, 2014 at 10:59
Tag : Polio Disease.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:59

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