Wednesday 5 March 2014

Cyst disease in women.

Cyst Disease in Women

Generally , the presence of cysts is not recognized by the sufferer and disappeared before a woman knows the existence of the cyst . However, some women complain of stomach area pain or lower abdomen . The pain can arise if a cyst ruptures or breaks, due to enlargement of the cyst and surrounding tissue stretching, bleeding inside the cyst , or twisting of the cyst because disturbing the surrounding blood vessels . Large cysts may cause a shift in emphasis or surrounding organs .

Cyst Symptoms Uterus.

Uterine cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries ( ovaries ) women . Cysts include benign tumors are harmless . However , some cysts can cause problems ranging from pain during menstruation , cyst rupture , bleeding , until a serious illness , such as ovarian stem entwined , pregnancy disorders , infertility and cancer of the endometrium .
In normal women , usually have two ovaries the size of a walnut on the left and right side of the uterus. Each ovary produces one egg wrapped in a follicle (bag). When the eggs out, the hormone estrogen will give a signal to the uterus.
In turn , the uterine lining begins to thicken and prepare for fertilization of the egg by the sperm ( pregnancy ) . If the egg is not fertilized , then the entire contents of the uterus will be issued in the form of monthly menstruation .
If the follicle fails to rupture and release the egg , the fluid remains and can form small cysts (smaller than 4 cm). This is normal and usually occurs on one ovary. This condition is referred to as functional cysts , usually goes away by itself , and does not need to be treated .
Some of the factors that led to the development of cysts , namely :
- Descendants of the mother or grandmother .
- Irregular menstrual cycle .
- Stomach distended .
- Menstruation at an early age ( before age 11 ) .
- Difficult pregnant .
- Patients with hypothyroidism .
- Breast cancer patients who had undergone chemotherapy ( tamoxifen ) .
Cysts in the uterus usually does not cause symptoms , and it was discovered when a woman womb through an ultrasound check . However , in some women may experience symptoms such as the following :
- Cramps in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain that arises suddenly drowned and stabbed
- Irregular Menstrual Cycle
- Stomach feels full or down frequently depressed
- Menstrual pain is remarkable , even felt up to the back waist
- Pelvic pain after intense exercise or intercourse
- Pain or pressure during urination or accompanying the Chapter
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pain or vaginal discharge of blood spots
Usually new woman went to the doctor when the pain became unbearable , faint , or experiencing unusually severe bleeding until limp / anemia . Obstetrician ( Obsgyn ) , will usually perform tests ranging from ultrasound , CT scans , blood tests , such as CA125 - ovarian tumor marker test , or a pregnancy test to detect pregnancy wine .
Because no disease symptoms often arise cyst , the cyst is generally only known when the patients underwent ultrasonography ( USG ) , or checks in the lower abdominal area . In women aged less than 40 epidemic , usually in the form of cysts or follicular cysts corpus luteum cysts are not dangerous . This type of cyst usually disappears on its own within a few months .

Ovarian cysts and normal uterus.

However, in women who use oral contraceptives should not be having these types of cysts , for that , women who take birth control pills but have cysts should undergo further examination . Further examination is also required for dense shaped cysts . Examination is usually conducted blood tests to look for a protein called CA - 125 . Levels of these substances can be increased if the cyst is suspected malignant , although these tests are not always accurate and specific for malignancy .
In the case of a benign cyst , made ​​the observation in a few months to see if the cysts disappear by itself . If the cyst looks solid , additional examination .
Cysts that form tumors can be removed through surgery , especially if the cause of severe pain , do not disappear or there is a suspicion of malignancy . Once issued , tissue cysts examined using a microscope to determine the type of cyst .
Resproduksi problems in women can be said to be more complicated than men . Perhaps this is the reason why women are more likely to be blamed in cases of infertility . However, women should not be discouraged , because most of these reproductive problems can be addressed and resolved . Of a number of problems in the area of ​​femininity which is most often the scourge of ovarian cysts and myoma uteri . Here are some facts about the two who might want to know .

Ovarian cysts.

Ovary or ovaries, is a pair of reproductive organs are located between the pelvis. Each ovary the size of an almond , are on either side of the uterus . Functioning ovary to produce eggs every month . He is also tasked to produce the female hormones , and regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy .

Ovarian cyst is a closed sac sort that may contain liquids , gases , or solids .

Ovarian cyst is a closed sac sort that may contain liquids , gases , or solids . Cysts can be formed through a variety of processes and produces various types of cysts , among others :

** Follicular cysts .
Is the most frequent type of cyst occurs . These cysts are formed because the egg is released during ovulation ( the release of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus ) . This type of cyst can sometimes cause pain , but most do not cause symptoms and disappear by themselves within a few months .
** Corpus luteum cyst.
Is a cyst that had formed after the egg is released from the ovary . Regional ovaries produce eggs which will then be transformed into a network called the corpus luteum which would disappear if there is no pregnancy . But in certain cases , it can fill with fluid or blood that settled in the ovaries without causing symptoms .
** Dermoid cyst.
Is a cyst containing body tissues , such as fat , bone , teeth , hair , etc. . These cysts are considered as benign tumors that usually the young woman .
** Chocolate cyst or endometrioma.
Cysts are formed due to the uterine tissue contained in the ovary . As a result , when he would shed menstrual cycle and bleed , but trapped inside the ovary . This can cause pain and impaired fertility in women .
** Cystadenoma.
Is a benign tumor that develops from ovarian tissue containing mucoid fluid . Cysts of this type can be enlarged with a diameter reaching more than 12 inches .
In some women , the cysts are formed can amount to more than one . In polycystic ovary syndrome cases , both ovaries may have multiple cysts . It is caused by a hormonal disorder and is a major cause of infertility in women .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 5, 2014 at 14:13
Tag : Cyst disease in women.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:13

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