What is a Science?
Science is part of the classified knowledge, ter-systems, and scalable and can be verified empirically. Overall knowledge is knowledge that has not been arranged, both on the physical and the metaphysical. So it can be concluded that Science is a business man who wants to investigate something of meaning and nature of life in this world.Developments in science today has been very rapid. Various discoveries were found to help all purposes of life.
Science has also made changes to a more advanced age and better than ever. Every time humans have activity, which is a way for them to discover something new. Many vying for new discoveries, which they own the copyright to. This is because if a person has had the ability to find new discoveries, which have not been there then he will get an award for supporting life. Science enables humans to grasp the world very easily.
Implementation science is a lot, for example "CLONING". What is cloning? Cloning is the process of generating the individuals of the same species (populations) are genetically identical. Cloning is the result of human thought which is very unusual, because it is through a very complicated process.
The process of cloning in animals can be described as follows:
* Stem cells are cells that contain a nucleus taken genetic information is then separated from the cells.
* Preparing the egg cell: a cell taken from the female then essentially separated.
* The core cell of stem cells implanted into the egg
* The egg cell is triggered to occur division and growth. After dividing (day two) into embryonic cells.
* Embryo cells continue to divide (called a blastocyst) began to separate (fifth day) and ready to be implanted into the uterus.
* The embryo grows into a baby in the womb with exactly the same genetic code with donor stem cells.
Cloning benefits.
> Can produce offspring that have desirable or superior properties.
> Can provide opportunities for sterile couples to have children.
Cloning is often applied in many fields, for example in the field of beef cattle / goat meat, in agriculture by applying tissue culture systems that make new plants have the same properties as the parent who is superior. Lots of controversy on cloning, which states that human beings create other living things that make her claim to be God. However, knowledge of the principle of cloning is very useful in many ways. That man can do is to apply the knowledge that God has given, and can apply to for the benefit of himself. Because only God who created all things and beings in this universe nothing can be against Him.
CLONING history.
Cloning as a non-sexual reproduction procedures have been successfully performed since 1952 by Briggs and King, and perfected in Oxford by Sir John Gurdon years 1962-1966.Cloning could be a clone of cells, which is a group of cells that are identical genetic traits, all derived from a single cell, and gene or molecular clones, which is a group of genes that are identical copies of the replicated from one gene that is inserted into the host cell.
1. process of cloning
Dr. Ian Wilmut and 1997 colleagues from Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, UK, clone sheep from mammary epithelial cells (breast cells) other sheep. Wilmut first took mammary epithelial cells types Finn Dorset sheep was six years old who are pregnant. Then the udder cells were cultured in a petri dish with a limited food source. Starvation the cells stop growing or turn off the activity of genes. Meanwhile they also take the unfertilized egg cells of the type Blackface ewe. Egg nucleus can split into adult sheep after it was taken fertilized, the egg cell is now empty, only containing organelles and plasma cells alone.
Furthermore, the two cells were brought closer to each other. Shock of electricity makes it joins the two cells like two soap bubbles. Second electricity shock mimics the natural energy that arises when an egg is fertilized by sperm, so the egg with the new nucleus that was fertilized. Electricity shock that has changed the egg with the new nucleus seemed to be embryonic cells. Approximately six days later, cells were mock injected embryos into the uterus other Blackface ewe which then contained. After over 148 days containing surrogate mother gave birth to a lamb, a sheep weighing 6.6 kilograms cute are genetically exactly the type of Finn Dorset sheep owners udder cell nucleus.
2. Eukaryotic cells.
3 types of cloning known biology:
1. Cloning DNA level
Cloning is done on the DNA strands to obtain identical DNA strands, which then uses bacterial plasmids produce molecules with the same genetic trait for the purpose of making monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic purposes, the manufacture of vaccines and so on.2. Cloning for therapeutic efforts.
Cloning is intended to produce sitem cell (stem cell). Openness cell is in "harvest" from cloned human embryos that produce, but not developed into a new creature.3. Cloning for Reproduction.
It is very intriguing to scientists to "create" creatures using cloning technology. Mature eggs were discarded cell nucleus, which is then injected into the somatic cell nucleus, so that the cells are then formed strived to grow produce new creatures. This is similar to vegetative reproduction, without going through the process of egg fertilization by the male germTYPES OF CLONING.
1. Cloning In Plants
Another name of cloning in plants is tissue culture, which is a technique for isolating cells, protoplasm, tissues, and organs and regenerate the section on nutrition containing plant growth regulators in aseptic conditions, so that these parts can multiply and regenerate be a perfect plant back.There are two basic theories were influential in tissue culture. The first is the theory that the cells of a multicellular organism wherever it is located, is virtually identical to cells derived from a single zygote because these cells. The second is the theory or cell totipotensi Total Genetic Potential. That is, each cell has the genetic potential is able to reproduce themselves and differentiate into a complete plant.
In tissue culture there are several factors that affect the regeneration of the plant, namely:
1. Form of regeneration in vitro culture, such as adventitious shoots or somatic embryos its2. Explants, which is part of the plant that is used as a starting material for the plants multiply. What is important in these explants are varieties of factors, age, and sex. Ekspan part is often the young shoots, cotyledons, embryo, and so on.
3. Growing medium, as in the composition of the growth media contained inorganic salts, growth regulators, and the physical form of media.
4. Plant growth regulators. Factors to consider in the use of these substances is the concentration, sequence and use induction period in a particular culture.
Growing environmental regeneration of plants that can mempengruhi including temperature, length of exposure, the intensity of radiation, beam quality, and size.
2. In animal cloning.
Animal cloning is a process in which the whole animal organism is formed from a single cell taken from the parent organism and form a new individual is genetically identical. That is, this is a duplicate of cloned animals are exactly the same in terms of both the nature and appearance as its parent, due to the similarity of DNA.In nature, cloning could actually happen. Asexual reproduction in some types of organisms and the discovery of the emergence of twins in one egg cell is also what is called cloning. With advances in biotechnology now, it is not impossible to create more on cloning in animals.
The first time scientists have tried to establish cell cloning in animals is not successful for many years. The first success was achieved by the scientists when they successfully cloned a tadpole of frog embryonic cells in the adult body. However, the tadpoles never managed to grow into adult frogs. Then, by using nuclear transfer was in embryonic cells, the scientists began doing research on animal cloning mammals. But once again, these animals never reached a long life.
The first successful cloning could reproduce is tested and a sheep called Dolly. Dolly was found by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues in Scotland in 1997. But not the same as the previous trials cloning using embryonic cells, cloning dolly using cells from adult sheep. Because the adult sheep cells are considered old, then, dolly was so short-lived, though not as short as the result of cloning other animals using embryonic cells.
Today, scientists have successfully cloned many animals such as rats, cats, horses, pigs, dogs, deer, and so on from embryonic cells and non-embryonic cells, depending on the purpose of cloning. If, it is expected that cloned animals can reproduce, it is used non-embryonic cells, whereas if the cloned animals are not expected to be able to reproduce, then the use of embryonic cells.
The process of cloning animals through the following stages, ie extracting the DNA from the nucleus of a cell embryos are then implanted in the egg before the core has been removed. Sometimes this process is stimulated by human use of tools and chemicals. The fertilized egg is then put back into the body of its host animal cells and form an identical nature.
Some scientists make the results of animal clones that can not reproduce as food. But recently, it was reported that cloned animals, unfit for consumption as human food although there is no definitive evidence to that effect. Further research on this subject is still underway.
3. At Human Cloning.
After the success of mammal cloning technology, it is now only a matter of time, the onset of the news reported the birth of a cloned human. For instance the "Eve", which reportedly was first cloned baby girl, but the truth of the story remains uncertain. There's more news about the cloned requests from gay couples from the Netherlands. However, concrete evidence about the results of his clone humans did not exist.Some sources say, the researchers reasoned that it violated personal privacy concerns of donors if the gene is widely reported. Possibly, concealment news like this is done, because there are many controversies as well as the pros and cons that happen in the community about human cloning in violation of nature and nature is not in accordance with the ethics of the religion professed.
The process of cloning in humans, does not really have much difference with IVF or in vitro fertilization. In this process, the husband's sperm is mixed into the eggs of the wife with the process in vitro in the glass tube.
After the sperm grows into an embryo, the embryo is implanted back into the mother's body, or other women who become 'mother overlap'. Babies born biologically a man and wife had children, although born from the womb of another woman.
Human cloning process can be described simply as follows:
1. Preparing stem cells: an initial cell which will grow into various cells of the body. These cells taken from a human to be cloned.2. Stem cells taken cell nucleus containing the genetic information is then separated from the cells.
3. Preparing the egg cell: a cell taken from female volunteers then essentially separated.
4. Cell nuclei from stem cells implanted into the egg
5. Egg cell is triggered to occur division and growth. After dividing (day two) into embryonic cells.
6. Embryonic cells that continue to divide (called a blastocyst) began to separate (fifth day) and ready to be implanted into the uterus.
7. The embryo grows into a baby in the womb with exactly the same genetic code with donor stem cells.
1. For the development of science.
The benefits of cloning, especially in the context of the development of biology, particularly reproductive-embryology and differentiation.2. To develop and multiply quality seeds.
As we have seen, in cattle embryo transfer has been done. Something similar can of course also be done on other animals, such as sheep, goats and others. In this case if the nucleus of the donor cell is taken from the seeds, then the members of the clone will have the superior properties. The superior properties can be improved further, when combined with transgenic techniques. In this case the zygote nucleus is inserted into a desired gene, so that members of his clones will have additional genes are superior.3. For diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
For example, if a married couple is expected to decrease genetic disease thalassemia major. Previously the couple not to have children is recommended. Now they can be encouraged to undergo gene therapy with the first made at the level of blastomere clones. If it turns out one of the blastomeres clones containing gene abnormalities that lead to thalassemia major, then it is advisable to perform gene therapy on the other blastomeres, before it developed into a blastocyst.Another example is the principal cell culturing (stem cells) in vitro, forming an organ or tissue to replace damaged organs or tissue.
4. Helping or curing infertile couples to have a derivative.
Benefits that are not less important is that human cloning can help / cure infertile couples to have a derivative. Medically infertility can be classified as a disease, while it is psychologically devastating condition, or frustrating. One is to use the help of in vitro fertilization techniques. (IVF = in vitro fertilization). However, IVF can not help all infertile couples. For example, for a mother who can not produce eggs or a man who can not produce sperm, IVF will not help.In this connection, the cloning technique is revolutionary as infertility treatment, because the patient does not need to produce sperm or eggs. They only require a somatic cell taken from anywhere, enabling them had already containing genes derived from his or her spouse.
Human cloning would eliminate the lineage.Cloning women will not have a father.
Complicate the implementation of the laws of Personality '. Like, legal marriage, lineage, living, inheritance, relationships kemahraman, relationship 'residuary, and others.
1. Human cloning would eliminate the lineage.
2. Cloning women will not have a father.
3. Difficult for law-enforcement of Islamic rules '. Such as, legal marriage, lineage, income, inheritance, kemahraman relationship, relationship' residuary, and others.
4. Treats people as objects.
The person doing the cloning should be done by the husband and wife are legitimate , which simply can not have offspring . By doing cloning . Before doing cloning couples should consult with your doctor first .
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 25, 2014 at 14:48

Tag : Cloning Development of Science.
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