House fly.
Tephritidae fruit flies.
Fruit fly (Bactrocera sp.) Are pests that attack many fruits and vegetables, including pepper plants. Fruit fly attack is estimated at 4,790 ha with a loss of U.S. $ 21, 99 billion. Fruit flies are one of the causes of the failure of fruit pests.Morphology.
Medium size adult fruit flies and yellow and flat wings. At the trailing edge of the wing there are patches of yellowish brown. There abdomen black ribbons , while his thorax there are patches of yellowish . Ovipositornya consists of three segments with hard materials such as horn .Life Cycle.
With ovipositornya, it pierced the skin of fruit flies. The number of eggs around 100-120 grains. After 2-3 days, the eggs will hatch and become worms. The worms will make tunnels in the fruit and eat it for about 2 weeks. Adult worms leave the fruit and fell on the ground, then made a tunnel 2-5 cm and berpupa. Period of 7-8 days old pupa.The total life cycle between 23-34 days, depending on the state of the air. This flies in one year produces approximately 8-10 generations.
Fruit flies are pests which attack many fruits and vegetables.Symptoms of attack.
Ovipositornya female flies with piercing fruit and lay their eggs in the epidermal layer. At the time of hatching, the larvae will eat the flesh of the fruit to fruit color becomes ugly and not edible. These flies usually attack followed other pests. Sometimes the egg is placed not only on the fruit, but also on flowers and stems. The stems are attacked will become ulcers. While the fruit will be small and yellow.As a result of the attack.
For example, in pepper, chili characteristic of the fruit fly pest attack is his skin color to black hardened, foul thereby reducing the quantity and quality of their products, and cause the chili will fall prematurely. As a result of the attack of fruit flies, fruit will fall prematurely, black harden, and rotten thereby reducing the quantity and quality of their products.Control.
During this time, Bractocera dorsalis in plants can be controlled in several ways, among which insecticides. Utilization of natural enemies, use of flavonoids from sweet orange peel and bioinsektisida.Insecticides.
But control with insecticides can cause a variety of negative impacts on the environment. Such as pest resistance to insecticides, resusgensi, death of non-target organisms, and the residue insektsida harmful if consumed by humans.Bioinsektisida.
Bioinsektida is insect control microorganisms. Besides disease, the main obstacle in the cultivation of plants are pests. At the beginning of bacterial infections, insect would show a decrease in feeding activity and tend to seek refuge in a hidden place (under the leaves). While insect larvae will experience diarrhea, discharge from his mouth, and was paralyzed on the food channel. One study reported that extracts of the plant Citrus hystrix ( kaffir lime ) and Tephrosia vogelii ( hog peanut ) can inhibit the search process of Bactrocera sp . the red chili crop .Utilization of Natural Enemies.
Pest management of fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) with memnfaatkan biodiversity in agroecosystems. Control of dorsal Bractocera like that has been done is the use of natural enemies as control agents. Where the application needs to be supported by several things, namely the propagation of its host ie B. dorsalis by using artificial feed; exploration, identification of natural enemies, namely parasitopid B. dorsalis and their role in pest management of fruit flies, and manipulation of natural enemies through agronomic practices that effective as a biological control agent. Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants (Balitro) in Bogor has conducted a series of studies of the pest control. Control is selected using the Ghost Pine Oil (Melaleuca braceata) oil and basil (Ocimum sanctum) is likely to be because it contains methyl eugenol attractant high enough. Nature as attractants to attract fruit flies. But do not kill him. Plant purple basil (Ocimum sanctum Linn) can also be used as a fruit fly attractant in plants guava (Psidium guajava). Utilization attractants can also be done with a combination of methyl eugenol, protein hydrolyzate, and glue traps scented with colored balls in capturing fruit flies. The results showed that there are 7 species of fruit fly ball that was caught by a trap. The combination of colored balls trap using attractant methyl eugenol and scented glue can capture more of the fruit fly. While the protein hydrolyzate trap the ball relatively few, but a lot of female fruit flies are caught in the trap of protein hydrolyzate compared to methyl eugenol and scented glue. Catches the ball trap fruit flies is influenced by rainfall.At first glance, fruit flies like houseflies, especially his size is almost the same. The difference, fruit flies have a brighter body colors, the combination of grayish black, brown brick or orange, yellow, and white. House fly body color tends to dull, which is a combination of black and gray.
Some morphological features typical fruit flies of which are in the abdomen. Note the picture above. Abdomen predominantly brick or orange brown color with a pattern of black spots or other dark colors. In some species, such as Bactrocera dorsalis, the pattern of spots on the dorsal part of the abdomen resembles the shape of the letter T.
In the fruit fly species B. Abdominal calumniata pekten can be found, ie a row of bristles on the third abdominal segment Tergit male fruit flies. In the dorsal part of the abdomen, on the fifth vertebra Tergit genus boasts several large round dots called seromata.
Graph abdomen fruit flies.
What are the typical morphological features tephritidae fruit fly pests that need to be known as the basis for the search for the species ? Find LBHP descriptions in the book . So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.comauthor:
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 24, 2014 at 19:46

Tag : About Bactrocera.
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