The world is filled with strange creatures live. From vertebrates to invertebrates, many living things are different from others. Here will be discussed weirdest animals in the world .
King Heriang.
Japanese spider crabs.

The world's largest arthropod, this huge crab has legs that can reach 4 meters (13 stiff) and weighs 20 kilograms (44 pounds). They also can live for thousands of years.
Sea spiders.
Animal that looks like a spider living in different depths in the ocean. The most distinguishing characteristics other than their home is a big foot (when compared to the body). They do not have a respiratory system, but use diffusion to survive. The largest of these is the type species Colossea Colossendeis.
Whip scorpions.
This frightening Arachnids have pedipalus (clamp) large and "whip" on the edge of their stomach. Even more frightening is that these animals can spray various chemicals from their abdomen, including formic acid (formic acid) (CH2O2), chlorine, and a mixture of acetic acid (C2H4O2) and oktanoic acid (C8H16O2), depending on their species. Their last spray smells like vinegar, which is why they are also called "Vinegarroons". Similar animals including whip scorpions (also known as tailless whip scorpions) and micro whip scorpions.
Catfish Reversed.
As the name suggests, these African fish are often found swimming upside down. It is estimated that they do this so that they can reach the food on the water surface, such as insect eggs. Their body color is also reversed, unlike most fish, their belly is darker than the upper part of their body. This is useful for camouflage against predators above. They are a popular pet fish and may soon be sold in local pet shops.
Water bears.
Small animals such as caterpillars that this is one of the greatest living creature that ever existed. They can live almost anywhere, ranging from hot springs to polar regions. Amazingly, they can go into cryonic state (a state of very low temperature) which makes them almost entirely immune from environmental damage. They can survive in temperatures over 150 degrees Celsius and even the temperature approaches absolute zero. They can withstand great pressure, radiation and even a vacuum. Most commonly found in moss and other wet places.
Vampire moths.
Not all butterflies and moths drink nectar, moths fact drinking vampire blood. This is done by using a trunk that penetrates the skin and drink the blood of the target. And, yes, they sometimes bite humans. Fortunately they do not cause disease. Only males that bite.
Megalopyge opercularis.
This type of hairy moth, especially as a caterpillar. Famous with several designations, such as moth cat / cat caterpillar, southern flannel moth, and venomous caterpillars, moths is more similar to Persian cats than caterpillars. They may look cute but DO NOT ever touch it. Like most worms, small insects have defense systems: their hair is actually poisonous spines. Touch it will not kill, but it will hurt and cause scars. First aid should be done if you accidentally touch the caterpillar. They use their fur as a cocoon.
Borer Beetle Giraffe.
As expected, this weevil has a long and slender neck (only the males have). The long necks help the weevils to build their nests. They are also colorful, mostly black body and red.
Sperm whales.
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest animal in the group of toothed whales once world's largest toothed animal. Pope was named as a milky white substance spermaceti found in its head and originally mistaken for sperm. Sperm whales are large head and a different overall shape, plus they appear in the novel Moby-Dick by Herman Mellville written, making it known as the pope archetypes (archetypes). Known as the world's smallest whale. Length not greater than the size of an adult human.
Whiptail Lizards Uniparens.
These lizards might look normal from the outside, but once explored deeper, a surprising fact is revealed: in some species, such as the New Mexico Whiptail, is entirely female. They experience Parthenogenesis, which is without male fertilization embryo to produce offspring. Nonetheless, these lizards still need to "marry" to increase fertility. So, thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 12:53

Tag ; The most unique animals, unique, species
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