Thursday 13 February 2014

Sea urchin.

Sea urchin.

Sea urchin.

If you think urchins are part of the pig's body, you are completely wrong. Because sea urchins is precisely the name of the other animals who not only live on land but are also able to live in the ocean.
Marine animals this one is almost always found in the waters of Indonesia , especially in polluted areas . Animals whose entire body is covered with spines do look grim from the outside . The horror of the higher level if you punctured thorns .
Phylum Echinodermata includes sea urchins, the basic body shape pentagon. Line has five pairs of legs and spines long tube that can be driven. Tube feet and spines allow the animals crawling on the coral surface and can also be used for walking on sand. And a thin outer shell composed of plates which are related to each other. Sea urchins or urchins also called (Echinoidea) is divided into about 950 species and can be found ranging from tidal zones at depths of up to 5,000 meters.

Sea urchin. 

Popular species found among others Diadema antillarum, Strongylocentortus, Spatangus, Echinarachnius and many others. In the meantime, if distinguished from the color variants, the urchins urchins consists of black, brown, purple, red and green.
Although not visible, sea urchins have teeth made of calcium carbonate used for chewing. Teeth can also be sharpened itself, even to chew rocks. For its survival, sea urchins have many favorite foods, namely algae, dead fish, shellfish and seaweed. Meanwhile, enemy sea urchins are crabs, birds, snails and humans.
95% of the body sea urchin or sea urchin consist of thorns. These thorns are used to move, take food and protect themselves. In some types of sea urchins, these spines contain toxins. There are two types of spines on a sea urchin, the spines smooth and hard spines. In the hard spines often are toxic. The more bright colors urchins, it shows that the stronger the poison he had brought.

Structure of Sea Urchin.Poisonous thorns is extremely fragile and dangerous skin when touched. If punctured, the spines can be left in the skin layer, and of course the pain left.
Like most injuries in the world of diving, sea urchins injury caused animals to defend themselves when they feel threatened. Sea urchin spines are their first line of defense. With the length and sharpness of spikes that vary on each - each species. Even sharp spines can easily penetrate thick wetsuit.
Many species of sea urchins, such as the purple sea urchin, has an additional defense mechanism called pedicellarines. Pedicellarines form of small, has a structure that resembles the jaws can grip the skin and inject venom divers painful.
In extreme cases, such as many stab wounds, a relatively small number of thorns and toxins can accumulate pedicellarines cause severe muscle spasms, fainting, difficulty breathing, and death.
The best way for divers to avoid touching the sea urchin is to maintain a good awareness of their surroundings. Divers must control their buoyancy for at least a few feet of coral, sea urchins that can hide in the cracks. The diver must also be careful of the thorns in the sand, as many urchins bury themselves. Choosing a dive spot can also help avoid the sting of sea urchins.

First Aid If Stung Fur Pig.

If you accidentally step on Sea Urchin, the following steps you can take: 

* Coming away from Sea Urchin and seek help.
* As soon as possible you avoid the area where the incident because it could be there are other Sea Urchin around the site.
* Set aside a thorn that sticks to the skin
Although it has been trying to clean up, often times the end of the spines still inside the skin. You can destroy the end of the spines are small pieces to be very small so it can be absorbed by the body. In certain cases if the rest of the left are thorns in the finger joints, medical attention is needed to capture the rest of the spines by using tweezers and surgical tools is simple. The rest of the remaining spines can cause skin reactions such as swelling granulomas.
* Use of liquid ammonia.
Sea Urchin tell which are toxic or which do not require special skills-in-emergency situation difficult. Therefore, let's assume each of the Sea Urchin spines have venom. Toxins found in Sea Urchin spines capable neutralized with ammonia administration.
However, very rarely people prepare themselves to carry liquid ammonia while walking on the beach. Fortunately, liquid ammonia is naturally very easy to find, which is present in the urine (urine). Right! Habits of our society that gives urine when exposed to Sea Urchin spines seem to have a scientific basis that can be justified. With the flow of urine (urine should be alone, yeah) expected to toxins can be neutralized immediately.
There are things to consider after administration of "natural liquid ammonia", ie immediately to health care to prevent secondary infection.
* Anti Tetanus injections.
If you have a history of tetanus immunization of more than 5 years, and during the journey to health centers passed the place is not clean, it is advisable to get a shot of anti tetanus. One example is the injection of Anti Tetanus Tetagam.
* Relieve pain with warm water.
While waiting for medical care, you can reduce pain by entering the wounded part in warm water. If soaking the affected part of the spines can not be done, then compress with warm water also helps reduce pain.

Benefits Fur Pig. 

These animals consume algae or algae to survive. Because healthy foods, not only sea urchin eggs contain healthy high protein even reached 70%, sea urchin eggs also contain other compounds such as iron, minerals, amino acids as well.
With the composition of the compounds it contains, sea urchins quite nutritious for the consumer. Not only that, these animals also proved to cure some types of disease such as reducing bad cholesterol in the blood, lowering blood pressure, improving the metabolic system, increase vitality, and many others. Meanwhile, not only the useful part of the egg. Because almost all of the body parts of sea urchins have benefits. Call it shell, this part can be processed into flour which is used as animal feed. Not only that, the body shell can also be used as high-quality craft products. Meanwhile other parts of the gut is also very good as processed into organic fertilizer.
In some other countries, such as the Mediterranean, New Zealand, and North America, sea urchins have become one of the promising marine commodities. In Japan, the popular sea urchin sushi as well as sashimi culinary complement. If compared with the potential of Indonesian sea, the sea urchins should not only be used as garbage but economic blessing for our society. Moreover, our sea is the habitat of marine life complete.


sea urchin

Red Sea Urchin.

Landak laut.

Landak laut merah

Landak laut kuning.

Landak laut yang berbeda.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 13, 2014 at 12:24
Tag ; Sea urchin, urchin.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:24

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