Sunday 8 December 2013

Some moles are not uncommon.

Everyone is born indeed have a mole . Small black spots that are shown on the face is very disturbing appearance .
However , in addition to making appearances in the face to be imperfect , sometimes there are some moles that are very dangerous if raised from birth or who grew up as an adult .
Some moles are unusual birthmark , but there is also a mole into melanoma ( skin cancer ) . Melanoma is shaped like a mole , but if ignored can be a bad influence . Fortunately melanoma predictable itself .
Followed like Beautylish, expert dermatologist in New York Macrene Alexiades- Armenakas , MD , Ph.D., said as many as 80 % of melanoma moles be discovered by the patient , not the doctor .
Melanoma can be caused by exposure to intense sunlight , both UVA and UVB . However, hereditary factors can also cause skin cancer types .
" One particular mutated gene that is CDNK2A , cause ' familial mole syndrome ' , which can increase as much as 15-19 times melanoma , " said Dr. Alexiades .
The good news , melanoma is virtually 100 % curable if it is detected early . Diagnoasa early can prevent melanoma to lose your children .
To avoid melanoma , Dr. Alexiades advised to always protect yourself with sunblock at rush hour , from 10 am to 4 pm . He suggested to use a sunblock that has SPF 30 .
For additional information on the woman's moles often appear on the toe area , while in men arises in the back . If you find a suspicious mole on the body, do their own initial diagnosis by looking at the shape and color.
Some clues to look at your mole is dangerous or not.

1. Moles periphery .

Note the skin around the mole, if jagged could be an early indication of melanoma. Moles norms have flat edges and smooth.

2. Asymmetric .

If your mole asymmetrical or irregular shape , you need to be vigilant . Non- spherical shape can be an early warning of melanoma .

3. Color .

Color can be a sign of 'morbidity' mole. Moles that have many colors like brown , black or blue , it could be a sign of cancer .

4. Diameter change .

Melonama typically have a diameter larger than ordinary moles . Usually the diameter is more than 1/4 inch . In the meantime , if you look at the changes in shape , texture and color from time to time , then immediately consult a doctor . It could be that your mole has turned into melanoma .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 8, 2013 at 21:21
Tag : Some moles are not uncommon.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:21

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