Friday 6 December 2013

Kind of healthy food.

Every one of us always strive to consume more nutritious foods , not just to lose or maintain weight , but to make sure we get everything we need for a healthy and happy . We eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day , try adding whole grains into our diet , and studied nutrition labels on packaging . However there are some foods to avoid scrutiny because we thought the food was included ' healthy foods ' . But some of them are not healthy !

1. Chicken soup.

We've all heard , may have even experienced healing and restorative powers of chicken soup , which can treat colds and flu , and general malaise . But did you know that this soup is rich in sodium content , and may also contain high fat ? Before you buy canned soup , check the nutrition label and do not buy if you are not included in the nutritional content of your qualifications . Unless you make it yourself , or buy canned soups containing low sodium is a ' healthy choice ' .

2 . Bottle Juice And Tea Bottle .

You may think that fruit juice and iced tea would be a better choice than soft drinks , but did you know that most of the juice and tea in bottles containing sugar very much , and few contain original juice or tea ? Once again , check the ingredient label to see what is actually contained in the juice or tea before you buy it . If it contains high fructose corn syrup or sugar content of more than 12 grams , you better skip these products ... and take a bottle of water or pure juice instead.

3 . Sandwich .

I am very fond of sandwiches , especially sandwiches made ​​of white bread and rolls shaped . But did you know that these foods are also not always a healthy choice ? Many meat contains a lot of fat and sodium , and tuna or chicken salad can be made ​​using mayonnaise is far more than it should . Check the nutritional information on sandwiches and ingredients from the restaurant , and choose low-fat mayonnaise ( if any ) or vegetables with a little extra low-fat .

4 . Salad .

Of course fruits and vegetables that are part of a salad is a healthy choice that is fantastic , but so many salads were added to the junk food ... such as croutons , bacon bits , fried breaded chicken , and cheese as well as additional fattening ( but very tasty ) .

5 . Smoothies ( fruit and ice in a blender , usually added to milk ) .

The same logic with fruit juice used in these foods - smoothies supposed to be good for you with all the vitamins and antioxidants that you desire , but for some reason , smoothies made to commercial usually have a very low quality . Smoothies have artificial fructose corn syrup ( sugar ) high and contain very little juice and original yogurt . Smoothies can also fatten artificial ... like for example a serving of strawberry banana smoothie made ​​great by a fast food restaurant can contain 330 calories and 77 carbs ( of which 70 of them are sugar ) . Gosh ! If you really want a smoothie , use low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit smoothies to get a tasty , nutritious ingredients from home .

6 . Yogurt .

The women need calcium and vitamin D , so many of them that will add yogurt into their lunch boxes . But have you ever peek at the nutrition label on the back of the packaging ? Yogurt can be just as unhealthy with other junk foods , which are loaded with sugar content , fat and much more. Choose yogurt that contains very little fat and sugar as possible . There are hundreds of flavors from dozens of brands , so experiment a little to get the most healthful choices while finding the flavor that suits you best .

7 . Granola Bars .

I often include granola bars into my daughter's bag as a snack during the day at school , until one day I was bored and I went to the cashier and check the nutritional information . I was very surprised - even without grain chocolate granola bar really high in fat and sugar , almost as much as a candy bar ! Currently I only choose a granola bar and fresh with a version of ' low sugar ' , and it only occasionally as a treat .
The seven food is just a handful of foods that we often think of healthy but when you look more closely , however, it is! It is surprising is not it? Which of the above delicacies that have deceived you ? Or maybe there is another type of ' healthy foods ' other you know it was not as healthy as you think . Please share it here ! Thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 6, 2013 at 14:01
Tag : Kind of healthy food.
Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:01

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