Thursday 19 December 2013


Benefits of Garlic .

Opportunity this time we are still going to discuss about herbs . Who would have thought that garlic has so many benefits that can be utilized for the health of our bodies . If you are curious about the benefits contained in the garlic , let us know further that many plants made ​​in these herbs .

Efficacy Onion .

Garlic is a plant of the genus Allium name once the name of tubers produced . Bulbs of garlic plant is the main ingredient for seasoning base Indonesian cuisine . Every dish is made ​​in Indonesia is certainly using the garlic .

Benefits of Garlic to fight the flu .

Normally , with rest and eat nutritious food , the flu can disappear . However , there are times when flu also found that " stubborn " : 've rested and maintain nutrient intake . Here , garlic can help . The logical explanation is that garlic contains germanium

Efficacy Garlic To Improve stamina .

Tadashi Watanabe , a Japanese scholar of biology , have done research on this by using a mouse . The rats were divided into two groups . The first group was given normal food . The second group was given a diet rich in garlic .
After some time , the two groups of mice were plunged into a pond . Watanabe found that the rats of the second group could swim farther than the mice of the first group .

Benefits of Garlic minimize the risk of cancer.

In particular , gastric and colon cancers. A study conducted by a team of University of Minnesota, USA, concluded, chances of developing cancer by 50 % among older women who regularly eat garlic. Meanwhile, prostate cancer cells were only a quarter of the normal speed grows when sufferers eat garlic .
Actually there are a lot of benefits from this Garlic , including eliminating insomnia , helping the treatment of tuberculosis , relieves constipation , controls the symptoms of diabetes , slimming the body , relieve rheumatism , as well as to reduce interference in the menopause . Well So many benefits of garlic is, depends how we use it, May be useful for you all.
Thank you for reading this article.   Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 18:45
Tag  ; Garlic.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:45

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