Friday 6 December 2013


1 . Everyone Needs Sunglasses In Old Age.

If you are reading this article and are under 40 years old with perfect visibility , I can say with absolute certainty that you will need reading glasses at certain times in the future . Approximately 99 % of the world population , the age of the first time you will start needing reading glasses is between 43 and 50 years . This is because the lens of your eyes gradually lose their ability to focus with age . To focus to see objects that were located close to the lens of your eyes has changed shape from a flat shape to a more rounded shape so that it will lose the ability to do this when you get older .

2 . Eye lens Moving Faster Than Anywhere Camera Lens .

At the rear there is a pupil of the eye 's natural lens that which serves to focus the view on the object that you see . Take a minute to look around the room and think about how many different object distance you focus . Each time you do this , the lens in your eye immediately change focus without you even knowing it ! Compare with a camera lens that takes a few seconds for the distance and focus are different from one another.

3 . Perfect Eyes Will Evolve In the age of 7 years .

At the age of 7 years old our eyes are fully developed and have physiologically similar to adult eyes . It can be used as a reason that it is important to cure " lazy eye " ( = is a condition in which the visual acuity can not be optimal in the absence of organic pathology ) before we reach this age . The earlier " lazy eye " diagnosed the greater the chance for a cure , since the eye is still evolving and still subject to change in vision . After 7 years of age there is no treatment that is able to change eye sight .

4 . Blinking eyes Approximately 15,000 Times Every Day .

Blinking is the eye function that a semi intentional , this means that not only the flashing is done automatically , but people can also be forced to blink when necessary . Eye blink about 15,000 times per day . Flashing is a very important function of your eyes as it helps remove dirt on the surface of your eye , by spreading fresh tears over them . These tears help to nourish your eyes with oxygen and also have important anti-bacterial properties . You can assume a function similar to the function of flashing wiper on your car , clean up and remove everything to make you see clearly .

5 . Everyone Will Experience When They're Old Cataract .

People do not realize that cataracts are a normal consequence when it reaches old age and every person will experience it at some point in their old age . You can think of cataracts same with that hair turns white with age is a natural change with age . The average age people first get cataracts is about aged 70 years and 80 years , you are guaranteed to have cataracts ! This is not the same as you might find a 80-year -old man without gray hair , as well you will not find the 80 -year -old without cataracts .

6 . Diabetes Frequently Detected First Time By Doing Eye Test .

People who suffer from type 2 diabetes ( the type that will develop later in the day ) often experience symptom - free , which means they often do not know that they have diabetes . This type of diabetes usually can be seen with the eye test , as it can be seen as a small hemorrhage from leaky blood vessels in the back of your eye . It is certainly a good reason to do a routine eye test

7 . People Viewing Using Brain , Not Eyes .

Your eyes function is to collect all the necessary information about the object you want to see . This information will then be forwarded from your eye to the brain via the optic nerve . It is the brain ( the visual cortex ) where all this information is analyzed to allow you to ' see ' objects in its finished form . This is not to say that your eyes do not play an important role because of course that they have an important role .

8 . Your eyes can adapt to Blindspot ( Blind Point ) .

In your vision eye conditions such as glaucoma and certain health conditions such as having a stroke, can cause you to develop blind spots in your vision . It can be very debilitating if not for brain and your ability to adapt to make these blind spots disappear . This is done by pressing the blind spot in the eye which impaired eye and let others who are healthy to " fill the void " which is created by the eye which impaired .

9 . 20:20 vision is not the vision Best That You Can Have .

When people hear the phrase 20:20 vision they assume that this * is the size that best eyesight . But it is not true that the 20:20 vision refers to what an average adult should be able to see . If you imagine a typical eye test chart , 20:20 vision is probably only the second line from the bottom . The bottom line is even lower than 20:20 vision and this means you may have to have 20:16 vision . So do not be too impressed when someone tells you that they have 20:20 vision !
* What is meant by 20:20 vision is : figure 20 which shows the distance in front of you with objects that you see , which is 20 feet or 6 meters . Meanwhile, behind the number 20 which states that the object can still be seen clearly by normal vision from a distance of 20 meters . 20:20 And the vision is considered as a measure of the view that the best . But the reality is different .

10 . When They Will Watery eyes Dry.

It might sound crazy , but this is one of the strange facts about your eyes . Your tears consists of three different components : water , mucus and fat . If these components are not exactly the right amount , then your eyes can become dry . Your brain 's response to drought by producing extra water .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 6, 2013 at 16:19

Tag : Eye.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:19

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