Biology associated with geography raises biogeography , the science that studies the spread of the creatures living on the surface of the earth and its relationships with space and time . Biogeography is divided into three disciplines namely human geography (human geography ) , geography animals ( zoogeography ) and the geography of plants ( plant geography = Phythogeography ) .
Animal Geography is the science that studies the phenomena of the animal in relation to the environment and regional spatial context .
Zoogeography geography or animals , derived from zoology ( animal science ) and geography . Zoology is a branch of life sciences ( biology ) who study animal life ( animals ) . Moderate Geography is the study of the differences and similarities with the geosphere and regional environmental viewpoint in spatial context . Thus zoogeography or animal geography is a science that studies the phenomena of the animal with the conditions and circumstances on the Earth's surface with an environmental perspective and in the context of regional spatial distribution of such boundaries , zoning , radial distribution , regional distribution and others.
In a particular region or environment is always an interaction between the action and the population of a species with other species . Either directly or indirectly . Thus there was a life of a community or group of life forms . Within the community there are always components of the flora, fauna, and microorganisms and humans.
A living thing , not only depend on other living creatures , but also depends on non-living beings ( physical environment ) . Community or a group of life forms along with their physical environment as a container or a place of life , always creating an ecosystem form .
In the development of a community usually there is a process development cycle , as well as mutations and modifications , because the presence of variations or environmental interventions that give natural selection . Selection can be a hindrance, obstruction rival (competition), dominance, movement (deployment) or migration and so on .
Studying geography animals and plants can not be separated from an expert named Alfred Russel Wallacea (1823 - 1913) , who pioneered modern research on animal geography . He described an imaginary line that is the limiting of the spread where the animals lived above six regions ( areas ) such as :
a. Neartik
b . Neotropikal
c . Paleartic
d . Ethiopian
e . Oriental ( Asiatic )
f . Australic
Specifically in Indonesia Wallacea region divides into three based on the characteristics of plants and animals as well as the characteristics of the geological structure of the western region of Indonesia , namely , that characterized Asiatic, Transition Region and Eastern Indonesia which is Australik Environment there are two types of living things are biotic environment and the physical environment .
All living things are required to be able to adjust both environments . To be able to adapt to the environment is the physical adaptation and social adaptation . The types of abiotic environment include: land , air , water , temperature and sunlight .
Animal habitats can be classified into terrestrial habitats , marine , freshwater and air . Can be classified into terrestrial habitats : grassland habitat ( steppa ) , tropical wet forest habitats , forest habitats season , homogeneous forest habitat and tundra habitat .
The animals found geographer studying the spread ( distribution ) of animals is to approach the assumption , that except for certain factors , each species was actually supposed to be everywhere . However, because of certain factors , the presence of animals in an area is not possible .
These factors include the lack of adaptability .
Problem .
1 . How do electric eels generate electricity ?2 . How living condition of the electric eel ?
3 . Is the electric eel can survive outside of the water ?
1 . To find out how eels generate electricity .2 . To find out how to live or living habitat requirements of the electric eel
3 . To determine whether the electric eel can survive outside of the water .
Discussion .
Anatomy .
Electric eels have an elliptical body while his head flat . Generally electric eel upper body dark green or grayish , or brownish and lower body yellowish or orange . Electric eel adult males have more dark colors in the stomach . Electric eels can reach a very large size , with a length exceeding 2.5 meters and weigh up to 20 kg.Ikan it does not have scales . Her mouth square shaped , and were right at the tip of the snout . Electric eels do not have teeth . His eyes are very small compared to the size of his head . Anal fins extending to the tip of the tail .Habitat .
Electric eels live in the murky streams and puddles of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins of South America. There is a lot of fish in the waters around Guatemala , Argentina and the Caribbean island of Trinidad . Electric eels liked the muddy and watery calm .Generate Electricity.
Freshwater fish get the name of this well-known " electric eel " of large electrical charge that can be produced . Their bodies contain electric organs with about 6,000 specialized cells called " electrosit " which saves power like tiny batteries . Electric cells are located along the electric eel 's body that gives a positive charge and a negative charge at the head of the tail . The longer the size the more the cells of its electricity . When threatened or attacking prey , these cells will detach the power supply voltage simultaneously, emitting a shock of at least 600 volts , far greater than the voltage of electricity in our homes are just 110 or 220 volts . Electric eels use electric voltage to detect and electrocute prey or enemy . Electric eel also use an electric field as a navigation aid and to interact with fellow electric eel in a muddy murky water .Direct inhalation of air from the atmosphere .
Electric eels breathe in air atmosphere so they must often rise to the surface of the water . These fish will rise to the surface every 10 minutes or so . Nearly 80 % of the oxygen used by the fish taken in this way .Survive Outside Air
Electric eel may breathe air directly outside . Although it is true including fish , these animals can survive out of water for several hours to several days as long as their skin remains moist .
Carnivores .
Electric eels are predators , the main food is another smaller fish , but he also prey on amphibians and even birds and small mammals. Electric eels do not have teeth, so he just looking for prey that is small enough to be swallowed whole . Electric eels are nocturnal animals . Nocturnal animals which means active at night . Electric eels can not see very well . Their bodies compensate for poor vision is to produce low-voltage electrical field that helps them to maneuver in rivers and lakes are dark and muddy . The electric field also helps these fish to hunt prey hiding in the murky water .Is the Electric Eels Dangerous ?.
Electric shock from an electric eel electric eel is known to paralyze a horse or a crocodile . However, electric eels are not aggressive , he will generate a maximum electric shock when surprised or disturbed . Young electric eels produce a smaller voltage ( about 100 volts ) . Electric eels are capable of controlling the amount of voltage that is generated depending on the needs . When disturbed , it can produce an electric shock is discontinuous over an hour continuously.Human deaths from electric eel shock is extremely rare . However , some electric eel shock can cause respiratory or cardiac failure , and there is known to man who drowned in shallow water after the animal is exposed to shocks .
Reproduction .
In the dry season , the electric eel males will build nests from saliva . In this nest electric eel females will lay their eggs . In one nest the female will lay eggs electric eels reach thousands of eggs .Life in Nature
Electric eel is not endangered , and the arrest in nature is not prohibited . Electric eels are animals that can be found in their habitat . Electric eels can live up to 15 years old in their habitat .
Scientific classification .
Scientific classification is the electric eel ;
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Super Class : Osteichthyes
Class : Actinopterygii
Order : Gymnotiformes
Family: Gymnotidae
Genus : Electrophorus
Species : E. electricus
Binomial name is Electrophorus electricus .
How How to Generate Electricity Flow Electric Eels ?
Several hundred species of fish have electricity -producing organs , but only a few are able to generate strong electric power . Electricity -producing organs possessed by most fish is composed of nerve cells and muscle cells that have undergone significant changes . Disc shape like a small electric organ that produces mucus called elektrosit , arranged and fused at the top of the other parallel arrangement . In general , all facing the same direction disc containing 150 or 200 discs each arrangement.
For example , the torpedo fish there are 140 to 1000 electric disc on each column . In a very large torpedo fish , the total number of discs to half a million . The working principle of electric disc is similar to the way the battery . When the fish rest , the muscles that are not related yet active . However, if you receive a message from nerves , will soon be working in unison to bring electric power .
At that time , all disk electric voltage or elektrosit fused , so as to generate electric power up to 220 volts in fish torpedo or up to 650 volts in an electric eel . In general, all species of freshwater fish produces only mild electrical , except Sembilang electric and electric eels . Electric fish that live in the sea have stronger power and dangerous , because sea water contains salt which makes him more resistant to electrical current . The position and shape of the electric organ varies depending on the species .
In addition to the fish that are armed with an electric charge potential , there are also other types of fish that produce low-voltage signals 2 to 3 volts . If these fish do not use this kind of weak electrical signals to hunt or defend themselves , and then used for what ?
These fish take advantage of weak signals as sensory organs . God created the body's sensory system in this fish , which delivers and receives these signals .
The fish generate electric radiant in a special tool in its tail . Electricity is transmitted through the thousands of pores on the backs of these creatures in the form of signals to temporarily create an electric field around it . Any object refracts in this field , so that the fish know the size , power flow and motion of the object. In the body of the fish , there are electrical sensing continues to determine the field as well as radar . In short , this fish has a radar that emits electrical signals and translate changes in terrain caused by objects that inhibits the signals around the body . When the complexity of radar used by humans is still being grown, awesome creation in the body of the fish as it will become clear .
Electric eel 's body shape is unique , almost 7/8 body parts such as the tail . At the tail there is this small batteries in the form of small plates are horizontally and vertically . Huge numbers , more than 5,000 pieces . Small electrical voltage of each battery is not great , but if all the batteries are connected in a row ( series ) , will be obtained about the electrical voltage is 600 volts (compared with batteries are only 1.5 volts ) . Tip of the tail acts as the positive pole of the battery and the head end acts as a negative pole . Electric eels can regulate the relationship between the small battery inside the body to get a small electric voltage and large electric voltages .
For navigation , electric eels requires only a small electrical voltage . But when dealing with an enemy or prey , electric eel will give the maximum voltage through the head and tail are attached to the body of the enemy or prey . About 1 ampere of electrical current generated by the high-voltage electricity will flow and kill them. But other animals are not disturbed because they are not in direct contact with the tail and the head of the eel . So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 23, 2014 at 12:44
Tag ; You Need to Know About Electric Eels, Electric Eels