One of the central Asmat make wood carving.
Sundries Asmat.
Asmat is the name of a tribe of the largest and most famous of the many tribes in Papua, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. One of the things that makes Asmat well known is the result of traditional wood carving is very typical. Some ornaments / motifs that are often used and became a major theme in the process of carving sculptures made by the Asmat population is the theme of the ancestors of their tribe, commonly called mbis. But do not stop there, often also found ornaments / other motif that resembles a boat or wuramon, which they believe to be a symbol of the boat that brought the spirits of their ancestors on the nature of death. For natives Asmat, woodcarving art is more an embodiment of their way to perform a ritual to honor the spirits of the ancestors.Natural conditions.
The area they live in is very unique. Soft brown plains covered by cobwebs river. The area occupied Asmat has become its own district with the name Asmat district with 7 sub-district or district. Almost every day it rains with rainfall 3000-4000 mm / year.Every day ocean tides also go into these zones, so it is not surprising that the ground is very soft and muddy. The road is only made of wooden boards stacked on soft ground. Practically all motorized vehicles could not pass this way. People who walk must be careful not to slip, especially when it rains.
There are many contradictions between different villages Asmat. The most terrible is the way the Asmat used to kill enemies. When the enemy was killed, his body was brought to the village, then cut and distributed to the entire population to be eaten together. They sing the song of death and cut off his head. His brain is wrapped in sago leaves are roasted and eaten. But this is rare even officially gone from memory.Distribution.
Asmat inhabit scattered around the beach and Arafura sea and mountains Jayawijaya, with a fairly heavy considering the terrain occupied area is wilderness, in Asmat life, the rock that we usually see on the streets turned out to be very valuable for them. In fact, the stones can be used as a dowry. All of it is because the place is set up a live Asmat swamps making it very difficult to find stones street which is very useful for them to make axes, hammers, and so on.Asmat village.
Now usually, about 100 to 1000 people living in the village. Each village had one house Bujang and many family homes. Single house used for ceremonial and religious ceremonies. Family houses inhabited by two to three families, which has its own bathroom and kitchen. Today, there are approximately 70,000 Asmat live in Indonesia. The majority of the children were at school Asmat.Physical traits.
Asmat population in general have distinctive physical characteristics, black and curly hair. Her body is quite high. The average height of women Asmat people around 162cm and height of 172cm man reaches.Livelihood.
Survival habits and foraging among the tribe with other tribes in the region Citak District-Mitak turned out pretty much the same. Asmat tribal land, tribal and ethnic mitak citak have a daily habit of making a living is hunting forest animals such as snakes, birds cassowary, wild boar etc.. they also always meramuh / pound sago as a staple meal and the fishermen catch fish and shrimp to eat. The third life of this tribe was already changed.Asmat people everyday working environment, it is mainly for foraging, hunting and gardening in a way, which of course still use the traditional method and simple enough. Asmat cuisine unlike our cuisine. Special dishes for them is sago worms. Yet daily they just grilling fish or meat of animals hunted.
Asmat cuisine unlike our cuisine. Special dishes for them is sago worms. Yet daily they just grilling fish or meat of animals hunted.
In Asmat life "rock" that we usually see on the streets was very valuable to them. In fact, the stones can be used as a dowry. All of it is because the residence Asmat swamps that form so it is difficult to find stones street very useful for them to make axes, hammers, and so on.
Basic food.
Staple Food Asmat people is sago, almost every day they eat sago is made so the dots are burned in the fire. Another craze is eating sago worms that live dibatang sago palm, sago worms usually wrapped in palm leaves, sprinkled with sago and burned in the fire. Besides vegetables and grilled fish used as complementary. However, of concern is the issue of clean water sources. Ground water is hard to come by because they are the areas of land use rainwater berawa.Terpaksa and swamp water as clean water for daily needs.Lifestyle.
One thing enviable lifestyle of the natives Asmat, they feel they are a part of nature, that's why they respect and preserve the natural surroundings, even, around the tree of life where they are considered to be a picture of him. Describe the tree trunk arms, head depicting fruit, and root describe their feetHow To Make Up Yourself.
Asmat has a very simple way to apply them.They just need a red ground to produce the red color.
To produce white color they made from shells that have been crushed, whereas their black markings produced from pulverized charcoal. How to use is quite simple, just by mixing the ingredients with a little water, the dye was able to use to color the body.
There Asmat customs.
Asmat is a tribe that embraces Animism, until the entry of the Missionaries of the carrier of the new school, then they began to recognize any religion other than the religion ancestors. And now, this tribal community has embraced many religions, such as Protestant, Catholic and even Islam. As with society in general, in carrying out the process of life, even the Asmat people, through various processes, namely;Pregnancy.
During this process, the next generation will be maintained properly in order to be born safely with the help of the biological mother or mother-in-law.Births.
Shortly after the baby is born implemented in a simple ceremony salvation with cutting the umbilical cord using a knife, an instrument made of bamboo in lanjarkan. Furthermore, breast-fed until the age of 2 years or 3 years.Marriage.
This process applies to both men and a woman who has aged 17 years and older conducted by the men after the two sides reached an agreement and through the trials of women with the courage to buy antique plates dowry which is based on a value for money deal Johnson aboard the boat, when it turns out there is a shortage in the interpretation of the price of the boat Johnson, then the man shall pay it off and during the repayment period of man is prohibited from persecution, despite being allowed to live under one roof.Death.
When the head of the tribe or tribal chief died, the body was stored in the form of a mummy and displayed in front joglo this tribe, but when the general public, his body was buried. This process is carried out to the accompaniment of singing and speaking Asmat cutting knuckles of the hands of family members left behind.Unique.
In fulfilling biological needs, both men and women do in the field or garden, while men and women come home from hunting were working in the fields. Furthermore, there are other unique event where the piglets suckled by the tribal women until the age of 5 years.Traditional House.
Traditional home Asmat are Jeu with lengths up to 25 meters. Until now still found this Traditional house if we went to Outback Asmat. In fact there are also among those who have built houses on the tree.Religion.
Asmat Peoples Catholic, Protestant and Animist the doctrine and practice of the balance of nature and the worship of the spirits of the dead or sculpture. For Asmat sago worms are an important part of their rituals.Each ritual is held, it is certain that a great many caterpillars are used.
Basic confidence.
Asmat customs recognizes him as the son of god who came from the world of mysticism or unseen, the location of where the sun sinks every afternoon. They believe that if their ancestors in earlier times landing on earth in mountainous areas. Besides the Asmat people in the region also believe that if there are three kinds of spirits, each of which has a good nature, evil and evil, but dead. Based on the mythology of the Asmat people dwell in Flamingo Bay, was named Fumuripitis god. Asmat people convinced that human habitation in the neighborhood also silent assorted spirits that they divided them into 3 groups.Yi - ow or ancestor spirits are good, especially for the offspring.
Osbopan or evil spirits are considered some of the occupants of a particular type.
Thud - Ow dead or demons ridiculous.
Asmat people's lives much filled by the ceremonies. Great ceremony involving the entire local community is always associated with the village honor ancestral spirits as follows:
Mbismbu (pole maker)
Yentpokmbu (the making and strengthening of the yew)
Tsyimbu (canoe-making and confirmation)
Yamasy pokumbu (ceremonial shield)
Mbipokumbu (Ceremonial Mask)
The tribe believes that before entering heaven, the spirits of the dead would interfere with humans. Interference can be a disease, disaster, and even war. Thus, in order to save mankind, and redeem the souls, those who are still alive to make sculptures and statues held a party like the party bus (Bioskokombi), party mask, party boats, and party sago worms.
The spirits and the Power of Magic.
Demons.Asmat people's lives are inextricably linked to its natural surroundings. They have a belief that the universe is inhabited by spirits, devils, spirits, all of which are referred to as demons.
Satan is classified into 2 categories:
1. Satan life-threatening.
Satan is believed to be life-threatening by the Asmat people as demons that threaten life and one's soul. Like the devil pregnant women who have died or demon who lives in the banyan tree, the spirit who brings disease and disaster (Osbopan).
2. Satan is not life threatening.
Satan in this category are considered by the Asmat people as demons that do not endanger the life and soul of a person, just like to scare and disturb it. Besides the Asmat also good to know that nature spirits, especially for his descendants., Which is derived from the ancestral spirits known as yi-ow
Science magical powers and magic.
Asmat people also believe in the existence of magical forces that are mostly in the form of taboo. Many of the things that abstinence is done in running daily activities, such as the collection of food ingredients such as sago, fishing, and hunting animals.
This magical powers can also be used to locate lost items, stolen goods or goods showed the thief. There is also the use of this magical power to master nature and bring wind, thunder, rain, and hurricanes.
Potential Sources of Natural and Natural.
In addition to fish, shark, crab, shrimp, sea cucumber, fish, turtles, squid and other animals are abundant. Asmat area also has natural resources are tremendous, such as rattan, wood, gahar, pecan, Masohi leather, leather mace, amber and incense.Women In view of the Asmat.
Symbolization of women with Flora & Fauna valuable to society Asmat (trees / wood, possum, dog, parrot and parrot, and daffodils), such as the Asmat said above, shows how the Asmat people actually put women very valuable for them. It is also implied in a variety of art and sculpture carving them. But in his great fanfare and fame Asmat carvings and engravings. A hidden reality of the suffering of the mother and the girl Asmat inaudible from the outside world.Asmat women suffering becomes the sole performers in support of the tribe. Every day they have to provide food for her husband and her children, ranging from searching for fish, shrimp, crab and tembelo up to look for the old sago palm, sago tree felling, tapping, bringing sago forest, cooking and serving. After that wash food or cooking places referred to fetch water from the lake or river clear for drinking family.
While the male activities of daily Asmat are enjoying the food provided his wife, smoking tobacco and gambling. Sometimes he makes a house or a boat, but with a rock wife. There is also willing to accompany her husband for firewood. Unfortunately they only really accompany. Rowing boat, chop wood and carry it home are wife tasks. Husbands who were kind enough to help bring her ax.
If the wife did not prepare her request as sago or fish, then the wife will fall victim to angry outbursts. If they lost gambling, then the wife will also be the object of resentment. Those who live in Agats, now accustomed to get drunk anyway, they are more prone to raging, so that the wife would receive much more violence.
Sometimes men Asmat carve, if they want to know or if you want to organize a party. When the men carve, then the task of the women will be growing. Women should continue to provide fuel sago and other desired foods in order to continue their husbands powered to carve.
The longer the men carve, the more food they need to provide. That means women will get tired of the Asmat, having memangur, meramah and even catch fish processing sago, more tragically, if the carving was sold, then the money just for the husband who makes it, Asmat women do not receive any compensation for his trouble providing food. Yet without the food, the engraving would not be completed.
The Disaster In Beware.
Asmat disaster for the less there are three, namely;Malaria.
After the HIV / AIDS virus began to bloom in the Asmat and claimed casualties, the stacked list of issues that must be faced by local government and the whole society Asmat. As a new district was busy-busy doing the infrastructure and everything that is needed in order to organize a new government, in several aspects, the spreading of HIV / AIDS is a serious blow that would siphon funds, time, energy and thoughts of all components Asmat people, associated institutions in a particular line of Asmat district administration and certainly need the central government should immediately take steps to alleviate poverty.
In terms of confidence Asmat people convinced that they are the descendants of the gods coming down from the unseen world which is across the ocean behind the horizon, where the sun sets every day. According to the Asmat people's beliefs, god of the ancestors first landed on Earth in a place far away in the mountains. On his way down to the downstream until he arrived at the spot now occupied by the Asmat people downstream, he experienced many adventures. In the mythology of the Asmat people who dwell in the Gulf Flaminggo for example, it's called Fumeripitsy god. When he runs from the headwaters to the sea, he was attacked by a giant crocodile. The host canoe sank. In the fierce fighting that happened, he could kill the crocodile, but he was gravely injured. He swept her that beached on the riverbank Asewetsy, Syuru village now. Fortunately there is a bird Flamingo care until he recovered back; later he built the house yew and carve two statues are very beautiful and make a drum em, powerful sound. After he finished, he started dancing continuously without stopping, and the magical power that comes out of the movement that gives life to the second statue carved. Shortly thereafter it began moving sculptures and dance, and they later became the first human pair, which is the ancestor of the Asmat.Ceremony.
Ritual / Ceremony Asmat namely;
Death rituals.Asmat people do not know in terms of burying the bodies of the dead. For them, death is not a natural thing. If someone does not die, then they believe that the person died because of a black magic that hit him. Newborns who later died was considered a matter of course and they are not too upset because they believe that the spirit of the baby wanted to get into the realm of the spirits. Conversely adult deaths bring profound condolences to the Asmat people.
The Asmat believe that death is coming unless the age is too old or too young, is caused by a malicious act, either of magic or violence. Confidence they demand vengeance for his dead victims. Ancestral spirits, to whom they dedicate themselves, represented in spectacular wood carving canoes, shields, wooden poles carved human figures. Until the end of the 20s century, the Asmat youth meet their obligations and devotion to fellow members, to the ancestors and to prove masculinity by bringing the head of an enemy, and offer the body to eat other family members in the village.
If there are parents who are ill, the family gathered to approach the nearest hospital crying because they believe death would pick him up. No efforts to treat or feed the sick man. Kin sick man did not dare to approach him because they believe the pain will 'carry' one of his beloved to accompany. On the side of the house where the sick man lay, a kind of fence made of palm branches. When it became known that the sick man died wailing and weeping to-be. Families were left scrambling immediately embraced the sick and out of the house roll-roll him in the mud. Meanwhile, people around the death has closed all the holes and driveways (except the main entrance) with the intent to obstruct the entry of evil spirits who wander on the eve of death. Asmat people show grief by crying every day for months, his body smeared with mud and shaved her head. Married promised not to marry again (though will also be getting married again) and cover the head and face with a hat that does not appeal to others.
The bodies of the dead laid on the regular (woven bamboo), which has been provided outside the village and left to rot. Later, his bones were collected and stored at the top of the main points of the wood. Skull was taken and used as a pillow marker on the death of love. Asmat people believe that the spirits of the deceased (bi) still remain in the village, especially if the person is manifested in the form of mbis sculpture, wood sculpture that is 5-8 meters high. Another way is to put the corpse in a long canoe with supplies such as sago and sago worms for later released in the river and the sea beyond drifting toward the final resting spirits.
Today, with the entry of outside influences, the Asmat have buried the remains and some personal belongings of the deceased. Generally, the bodies of men buried without the use of clothes, while the body of a woman buried with used clothes. Asmat people also do not have a public funeral, the bodies are usually buried in the woods, on the edge of the river or the bush without a headstone. Wherever the body was buried, the family can still find his grave.
Ritual Preparation and Confirmation Boat Dimples.
Every 5 years, the Asmat people making new boats. In the process of making a boat to finish, there are few things that need to be considered. Once the tree is selected, harvested, peeled and sharpened at both ends, the rods are ready to be transported to boat building. Meanwhile, place the handle to hold the towing ropes and the reins have been prepared. Restrictions that must be observed when working on it all is not to be making a lot of noises around wrought it. Asmat society believes that if the stick stamped before being pulled into the water, then the rod will gain weight so it can not be moved.To pull logs, the boat owner asked for help from relatives. A small portion will be driving the wood in the back and pull the rest of the wood. Previously held a special ceremony led by an old man of influence in society. The point is that the boat will be in balance and smoothly.
The boat was painted white on the inside and on the outside of the red and white alternate. The boat is also given in the form of engravings deceased family or in the form of birds and other animals. Once painted, the boat was decorated with sago leaves. Before use, all boats opened first. The new boat owners along with their respective boats gathered at the home of the most influential people in the village where the holding party while listening to singing-singing and playing of drums. Then go back to their homes to prepare for the race boat. The rowers decorate themselves with white paint and red with feathers.
The children and women cheering spirit and enliven the atmosphere. However, there is also a cry in memory of his brother who had died.
In the past, boat building carried out in preparation for an assault and headhunting head. When it has finished, the boats to where the enemy is attempted with the intent of provoking them and lure the enemy in order to be ready to fight atmosphere. Now, more directed use of the boat for transport of foodstuffs.
Bis ceremony.
Ceremony bus is one of important events in the life of Asmat carving sculptures because associated with ancestor (bus) if there is a request in a family. In the past, bus ceremony was held to commemorate family members who have been killed, and the death it should be immediately returned to kill the family members of those who kill.To create a sculpture ancestors or relatives who have died required approximately 6-8 weeks. Carving sculptures done in the longhouse (flunky) and during the making of the statue took place, women were not allowed to enter the house. In times of buses making sculpture, usually occurs wife exchange called Papis. This action is intended to strengthen the friendly relations that are indispensable at certain times, such as war. Mate selection occurs at the time of the ceremony war between women and men are held every afternoon.
This war ceremony intended to ward off evil spirits and at this time, women had the opportunity to hit a man who hated or never hurt her. Today, due to inter-clan warfare no longer exists, then the new bus ceremony performed when there is havoc in the village or if the results of the collection of food was not sufficient. According to belief, this is due to the spirits of deceased family who has not delivered the final resting place of, which is an island at the mouth of the river Sirets.
The statue depicts such a bus from family members who have died.
The one standing on the shoulders of another compound and foremost be on top of the bus. After being awarded colors and decorations awarded. After dressed, bus statue is placed on top of a platform that was built a long house. At that time, the family would say that revenge has been carried out and they hoped that the spirits of the deceased had gone to the island Sirets calmly. They also requested that the family left behind is not to be disturbed and given fertility. Typically, a bus sculpture is then placed and enforced in the sago until broken.Inaugural ceremonies and the manufacture of home flunky (yentpokmbu).
Asmat people have 2 types of homes, family homes and homes that flunky (je). The house flunky is what is important for the Asmat people. The house is named for the footman surname (family) owner.
Flunky home is the center of activity both religious and nonreligious nature. A family can live there, but if there is an attack to be planned or certain ceremonies, women and children are prohibited from entering. Asmat people do a special ceremony for the new footman, which was attended by family and relatives. Making the footman was followed by several people and ceremonies performed with dance and playing of drums. So, thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 10, 2014 at 21:10

Tag ; You Know Asmat, asmat.