Special beauty of women.
The woman is a creature that God created complete with its beauty. Both visual and physical beauty, and beauty of the heart. Both will complement each other. Women will look more beautiful if she uses her well. Although his face was not beautiful, but the beauty of a woman who appears through inner beauty will beautify the looks of a woman by itself.Beauty of Women, Alloy Weakness and Strength.
Is a boon to every woman because he was given the advantage to use feelings and these feelings can be channeled through gentleness, though women often associated with weakness. But actually, these weaknesses is an incredible power to radiate beauty. Imagine, in the hands of women, almost all of the work can be completed. The work here, of course, not only the work of a physical nature. Women with both hands, besides being able to resolve almost all the household chores, with sincerity also take care of the children with patience and incredible love. In the hand, there is the comfort of being able to cool. Women are also many who work to supplement the husband's income households to make ends meet. Without forget or neglect to take care of his family.He was able to calm her husband and to serve the weary heart, though he also felt exhausted. By the time the woman looks so fragile by the load that seemed to overwrite. However, he can still smile despite the tears.
When that's the beauty of it appears and looks there. Tears is a symbol of fragility. However, if shed at a certain moment as an expression of sincere feeling. Tears can also dazzle and turn into a force behind radiated weakness in a woman.
The beauty of a woman is often we have seen so far is only based on what is caught in the eye and what it is able to look though at a glance, without feeling or learn more. While in reality, beauty itself appears as a form of unification with nature. Women often synonymous with beauty. Basically this is because women have the most natural properties, namely romantic. While the romance is an attempt to align themselves with the balance of nature.
If so, one would find getting emotional tranquility and charm captivated by the beauty of women. It is not possible a man also has a nature that, although the capacity is not for women. Because a lot of things that can not be perceived men women can actually be felt. Though gentle man who will not always indicate vulnerability through tears, in the end, many people are attempting to capture the charm of the beauty of women in a variety of work tools.
Beauty of Women in Art.
In works of art, especially the art, in addition to a view or a variety of interesting things, women are often used as the object in the painting. Similarly, in the form of works of art such as sculpture, or photography.A woman's body can be used as an inspiration in the talents and imagination of an artist. Examples are as follows.
Mona Lisa by Da Vinci, for example, who does not know the object of painting with a woman with a little smile on the lips. The painting has been a legend almost a thousand years.Monalisa painting as an object of women with physical beauty is not unbeatable. He was just an ordinary woman without makeup is painted with a graceful pose, however, through the help of the touch of the hands of a Da Vinci, the painting became so timeless, as if offering a form of beauty through the greatness of women. Aura that appears through the beauty of a woman, capable of lasting shine and recorded in a painting to date.
In the field of photography, various works which make women as a medium to convey the message of beauty has many displayed. To enrich photographic techniques, it is not uncommon for photographers to make the woman as his model.The more unique and character, the rich offer of the woman in this one field. Photography is not merely using beautiful women in the work of the display.
In addition to creative poses, as well as the look and the idea of photography by using a variety of techniques. Women with luring charm in him too interesting to be the object image. Charm of the beauty of women who do not always shown through photos highlight the beauty. Rather aesthetics art which often highlight the beauty of women. Display photos are often mixed with a variety of specific techniques. There is a photo absurd as abstract paintings, photographs were able to describe the beauty of women through the imagination of the resulting observer. For example, a woman silhouette images, and much more. More views can be photographs that deliberately to accentuate the beauty of the art of photography through a woman's charm.
In the art of music, many musicians and songwriter who got the idea of writing lyrics using the inspiration of a woman. Before finally arranged and sung. Most of the song finally managed to boom in the market. The idea of inspirational writing can be a variety of different forms. From start to express ideas how to understand a woman's feelings, or other ideas that expressed the beauty of a woman.Maybe you remember the following lyrics Band: "Because women want to understand . Through gentle speech and behavior of the great ..".
In the lyrics, the feeling of a woman who tends to be complex used as an inspiration in the creation of the song. Through the lyrics, women also often described as being beautiful. As a fragment of lyric ever sung by Mulan, "I am a creature of God who created the most sexy. Only you can make me continue downloading jerit..aw aw aw. "
Women are Precious.
The beauty of women in general is often even misunderstood. Exploitation becomes the main body to highlight the diverse beauty possessed.Physically altered in such a face and an all-out just to gain more beauty when seen others. The beauty of being so narrow and meaningless because only seen limited amazement and body.
Worse, when all these things make a woman apparently oblivious to appreciate him. Because beauty is measured through the physical form it can be appreciated in the form of matter.
Nowadays, money is almost everything. Humans can survive because of money. So if the kosher been so difficult to be reached, someone will take an instant way to through shortcuts in improving their living standards.
Many women who end up doing the dirty efforts for the sake of money by using the facility of the body. Though precious woman is a woman who can appreciate and take care of himself well. The woman is a precious woman who is able to take advantage of the gift of tenderness and affection to calm the hearts of those he loves. Capable of reducing the weaknesses by showing the strength to always uphold the agency to take any journey of life, as well as giving a smile to be strong family.
The beauty of a woman is not only exploited by myself. Often other people interfering in utilizing these circumstances. In the name of art which is really just a mere satisfaction. The female body became a kind of tool to deliver a message, especially a sexual message. If you are like this, women would be blamed for making herself a snare of sin.
Therefore, if you are a woman who appreciates the beauty of the form, give thanks all the grace that has been given to yourself naturally.
How, by continuing to do good. Because the beauty of the women come from the true heart with tenderness and patience decoration.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
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name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 14, 2014 at 17:55
Tag : Women beauty.