Showing posts with label Type rabbits in Indonesia.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Type rabbits in Indonesia.. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Type rabbits in Indonesia.

Currently there are many types of circulating rabbit and farmed in Indonesia, as well as a bunny rabbit or decorative pieces. Here will be described the types of rabbits are relatively popular and many fans kept rabbits and rabbit breeders.

1. Anggora rabbit (ANGGORA). 

Anggora rabbit
Angora rabbit is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit, originating from Ankara, Turkey, which was first discovered and brought by British sailors. Then brought to France in 1723. 1777 Angora spread to Germany. 1920 extends to Eastern European countries, Japan, Canada and the United States. Until now France became the biggest center of Angora rabbit farms that produce wool. In Indonesia types of Angora rabbits in great demand as an ornamental rabbit.
There are many types of Angora rabbits, for example French Angora, German Angora, Giant Angora, English Angora, Satin Angora, Chinese Angora, Angora Swiss, Finnish Angora, etc.. English angora rabbit angora is a descendant of the French (French angora).
Colors vary white fur, brown, black, black and white, agouti, white spots, gray, orange, and mixtures or combinations of these colors.
Angora rabbit fur has a characteristic thick and soft in all parts of his body surface. In addition there is another characteristic, that is the hair that grows on the tips of the ears and front legs, along with long fur contained in the body. This rabbit has a gentle temperament, but not suitable for people who do not like combing their pets.
At the age of adult Angora can weigh 2.0 kg - 4.0 kg both males and females, and the age of 5-7 years depending on the type of Angora her. Maximum number of children in one delivery as much as 6 tails. Rapid growth of the fur 2.5 cm per month, so it should be diligent shave every three month 6-8 cm so that the fur does not clot.


Rabbit LOP
Lop rabbits there are various kinds / types, including english lop, holland lop, dwarf lop, american fuzzy lop, Angora / angora lop, French lop, etc..
Among various Lop rabbits mentioned above, the most famous relative is English Lop (Lop Rabbit England).
The hallmark of this type are generally lop wide head shape and ears that hang from the base of the head to the side to cheek, not like other rabbits generally have erect ears.
At an early age lop rabbit ears that have not showed koploh, until the age of 2-4 months can only be seen a change in the position of the ears. Overview of this kind such as dogs, interesting, and very funny so popular with many people.
Holland lop rabbits have long ears and fall, short nose. While French lop ear has a super long until it hits the ground, but this type is quite difficult to live in Indonesia. Body length 12-23 cm. Variations in the color white or gray. Red or brown eyes.

3. GIANT Flemish rabbits. 

GIANT Flemish rabbits.
Flemish Giant Rabbit, including the type of "giant" because of his immense for the size of rabbits in general, the weight can reach 13 kg. The rabbit with a special feed weighs've reached 22.23 kg.
The rabbits used to be descendants of wild rabbits Argentina, during the 18th century Dutch traders brought the giant rabbit from Argentina to Europe and cultivate them. Official record of the new type itself there in 1860.
Flemish giant rabbits initially only developed in the UK to meet demand for rabbit meat in the country. The rabbit then spread throughout the world, because of the need to make a bunny rabbit meat and farmed this type favored large scale in various countries.
Although this type of Flemish Giant rabbit meat in general, but in Indonesia tend to be pet rabbit or rabbit decoration, especially for those who love the great body shape.
General characteristics of the Flemish Giant is having a long body (as an adult over 51 cm), and large, thick boned, and full chest. Wide head, long ears and thick, and standing (as an adult ear length more than 15 cm), and possessed great legs, long and sturdy.
The color of rabbits flemish giant that is recognized is black, blue, light yellow brown (fawn), light gray, like sand (sandy), gray iron (steel gray), and white.

4. REX rabbit. 

REX rabbit.
Rex rabbit fur has distinctive features in a smooth and soft as velvet. Rex was first discovered in France from the offspring of wild rabbits in 1919. They began to be known when published in the Paris International Rabbit Show in 1924. And years later rex began imported into the United States in large numbers.
Because the beauty of fur, then this type of rabbit widely cultivated as a producer of meat and fur besides as pets (as an ornamental rabbit). They are exotic feathers are used as raw material jacket or clothing accessories.
Rex rabbits there are various kinds / types of fur color depends, among other white rex, dalmatian rex (mottled), black rex, pappilon res, ermine rex, rex blue, etc.. Some farmers in Indonesia to give his own name, for example rex tricolor (three colors), and so on. Rex Rabbit is the most famous Rex White, fluffy white smooth and thick.
Rex rabbit fuzz will be more beautiful and better quality fur if living in a low temperature environment, which ranges from 5-15 C. But that does not mean it can not live in the tropics the temperature hot, it's just not as beautiful feathers when living in cold regions.

5. DUTCH rabbit (Rabbit NETHERLANDS). 

DUTCH rabbit Rabbits are also known as the Dutch or Dutch rabbit, originally came from the land of windmills (the Netherlands).
The Dutch Rabbit short fur and rich colors, such as black and white, brown, gray or the color combination. Typical fur color, coiled like a white saddle on the back of the neck to hold onto the front foot and the back of the head black, brown or gray, white muzzle and forehead. Generally, the front legs entirely white, but there is not. The hind legs are generally black or any other color with white toe. There also once had 3 kinds of color, often called Tricoloured Dutch or calico.
Due to the unique combination of rich color and fur color, this Dutch rabbit is a rabbit that is most favored by breeders and pet lovers.
The Dutch rabbit, including the type of mini-sized rabbit or dwarf, adult stem weight only 1 - 2,5 kg. Rabbits motherly female high fertility. Every time delivery, produce child rabbits tail 7-8.

6. Rabbit ENGLISH SPOT. 

These rabbits are from England and began bred in the 19th century, also known as the English rabbit (rabbit Britain). This rabbit is a cruciferous Flamish giant, English lop, Patagonian, angora, Dutch, silver and Himalayan.
Basic color is white-spot clean and air. Other variations such as black, brown, gray. The spot throughout the body and there is no spot in the big nose. English spot rabbit has a black stripe, brown, or gray on the back, black hair color, brown or gray are also seen around the eyes, nose, and ears. In the abdomen there are spots (spots) of black, brown or gray.
Including the type of large-bodied rabbits, almost similar to the type of fluffy rex but more subtle.

7. Himalayan rabbit (Rabbit CHINA / RUSSIA) 

Himalayan rabbit
This bunny rabbit has another name Chinese or Russian rabbit. Himalayan rabbit is white with color interspersed around the nose, ears, tail, and the legs after they grow up with pink eye.
The Himalayan rabbit is one kind of the most popular and sought after in Indonesia.
Originally Himalayan rabbits have a standard weight of 2.5 to 4.5 kg, and a slender body like a tube while lying down. However, in the later development coincides with the crossing-crossing, this time also many mini-sized, weighing about 1 kg. In the wild rabbits are active at night and sleep during the day.
Including small entities such as rabbit rabbit Hotot, is a distinguishing characteristic of the presence of a distinctive color on the ears, face, and feet. There are color variations of black, brown, and blue.

8. Rabbit LION (Lionhead). 

Rabbit LION
Rabbits were initially lion British Angora rabbit not so, short ears, his face filled with long feathers, much like the lion (lion) which tends funny. Because his head like a lion, then this condition is maintained and subsequently renamed rabbit lion (lion).
Rabbits Lion has short ears and the distinctive elongated feathers that grow around the neck and face like a lion with a short and round body. When I was younger (around age 2 months), similar to the angora lyon. Long hair evenly in the body. So adults will be more obvious difference. The head and long neck feathers. The color varies from white other, black, gray, reddish brown, yellowish, etc..
Body size bunny rabbit is in the category of small to moderate. Because this is a close relative of rabbits with angora, then every 3 months must be diligent to shave his fur is growing rapidly.

9. SATIN rabbit. 

 SATIN rabbit.
This species originally came from the United States, the body has a weight of 3.8 to 5.0 kg. They have the characteristic thick fur and feathers so the distance between the meeting, the head somewhat rounded and erect ears are not so long.
In appearance similar to a rabbit Satin Rex rabbit breed, so it is often also called Satin Rex rabbits, but the fur is a bit thick and dense, varied color, such as brown, red, beige, silver, and there is also a combination with white spots.
Satin rabbit's body length, head width, short neck, ears wide by his looks. Looked strong bones, legs straight, and dark black nails.
Satin rabbits have 11 varieties such as black, blue, California, broken, chinchilla, chocolate, copper, otter, red, and white Siamese. Satin rabbits, which first appeared is Havana brown rabbit mutation, this mutation on the hair shaft in the form of lighting.
To make the hair healthy and ideal body needed a high-protein feed with sunflower seeds and satin rabbit fur is not required special treatment but just routine brushing.
Inventors satin rabbit is Walter Huey of Indiana from 1930 Havana rabbit development. Furthermore, Walter K send rabbits to Harvard University where geneticists establish the presence of a new mutation is recessive gene with shining fur and short fur texture. This mutation is similar to the mutation rex rabbit.
Furthermore, satin rabbit genes introduced in many colors including a black, blue, California, chinchilla, chocolate, copper, otter, red, Siamese, white and broken varieties. Satin rabbit is now crossed with various types of satin angora rabbit, among others, dwarf rex satin and satin for various industrial purposes purposes rabbit.

10. ND Rabbits (Netherland DWARF). 

 ND Rabbits
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits including dwarf rabbit breeds that originally came from the Netherlands, often called a mini rabbit (for guinea pigs). Her adult weights under 1 kg. Her form of short, roundish head, a short neck so called lost rabbit neck, small ear size.
Its fur is not thick, the color varies a lot because this rabbit is crossed, the most desirable color is white with red eyes. This rabbit was found in 1940, later developed by J. Meijerig and C. W. Calcar, and spread to other countries, including Indonesia as ornamental animals, and a lot of the fan.

11. NEW Zeland rabbits (WHITE, RED, BLACK) 

NEW Zeland rabbits
New Zeland rabbits, including a rabbit was big, fast growing large because so often bred for their meat consumption (adult weight of about 5 pounds more, children can reach 10-12 tail). As the name implies, this type of rabbit from New Zeland and initially grown apart in New Zeland itself, also in the United States and Australia. But now it is spreading throughout the world, including Indonesia.
New Zeland rabbits there are a variety of colors and named after the color they will be, for example, New Zeland White (white), New Zeland Red (red), New Zeland Black (black) and so on. The most popular is the New Zeland White rabbits, white fur smooth, dense, thick, generally colored red eye.

12. Rabbits Hotot 

Rabbits Hotot
Hotot Rabbit has a special mark that is the dark circle around the eyes, so it looks like a thick eyeliner or a ninja. This kind of small-bodied rabbits, mostly white.

13. Rabbits HARLEQUIN 

Harlequin is called when there are different colors in a single individual with a regular pattern to form a straight line, such as brown, black, dark brown, reddish brown, gray, blue, silver, etc.. Therefore, a rabbit with a combination of colors like that rabbit called Harlequin.
Harlequin rabbit is dazzling with its unique combination of colors and striped brindle. Harlequin Rex Rex-like body shape, body shapes such as Harlequin Lop Lop, Harlequin shaped like Angora Angora, etc..

14. Rabbit TAN 

Tan rabbit
The Tan rabbit including small rabbits, fur shiny reddish brown (there is also a dark gray). The color is clear, bright, located under the chin down to the chest, nape, and under the tail. The belly up in the next part of the front leg also reddish brown, white soles of his feet. Tan rabbit race type is very suitable for the pet and loved.
Tan rabbit was found in 1880 near Braillsford Culland Hall (Derbyshire), still wild and timid. Having bred rabbits born with the color blend of black and dark brown, blue and bluish white (lilac). Rabbits of this type is very handsome and attractive.

15. Rabbits POLISH 

 Rabbits POLISH
Polish rabbits, including a rabbit bodied petite, delicate feathers and colored farrago. His ears were erect, short round tapered inclined. Rounded head and ruby ​​eyes or blue, but there are also black.
Polish rabbit race is almost similar to the Netherland Dwarf rabbit, just a little bigger.

16. HAVANA Rabbits 

HAVANA Rabbits
The Havana rabbit rabbit hobbyist preferred because it is a quiet, gentle temperament, and his fur is soft and shiny. Satin Rabbits actually comes from the Havana rabbit.
Havana rabbits were first developed in the Netherlands in 1898. Then the rabbit Havana began to spread in Europe in 1908, in America in 1916, and has since then spread to other continents and countries, including Indonesia.
Havana Rabbit traits:
Have a small body, short, compact yet muscular shoulders.
Has a small head with a neck almost invisible.
Initially having a solid color (color uniform throughout the body) which is brown, black, and blue, but this time also appear mottled due to cross other rabbits.
Has a thin fleece, very soft, and shiny with a length of about 2.5 cm.
The average weight for this type of rabbit is 2.75 kg.

17. JERSEY wooly rabbit (Rabbit DWARF ANGORA) 

JERSEY wooly rabbit
Jersey Wolly rabbit is a rabbit type dwarfs (small / dwarf) are new. First introduced to Arba in 1984 by Bonnie S from New Jersey but has recognized the 1988 convention Arba. Rabbits jersey wollies originally developed as a pet with fur care (wool) is easy. Now rabbit jersey wooly rabbit is one of the most popular races since launched in 1988.
Jersey wooly rabbits Netherland Dwarf Rabbit was developed by the French Angora Rabbit where in the cross (cross) is small pets with long hair. Although jersey woolies rabbits have fur rather long but not as hard to maintain the affairs of the angora rabbit. This is because the fur has a slightly rough texture so it is not easy to become tangled. Rabbit is known in Europe as a dwarf Angora rabbits and animals is known benign and clever, once appropriate for pets.
Weight standard adult rabbit jersey wooly 1.5 kg. Long live rabbits ranged from 7-10 years, but it could be much longer if the treatment was excellent.


American sable rabbit type first appeared in 1924 from crossing Chinchilla rabbits by Otto B. This rabbit was recognized in 1931 and 1970 gaining popularity. Following that is recognized by the Arba in 1982.
American Sable rabbit is big and large, docile temperament and happy to be pampered man, and his hobby is sleeping, and is very suitable for pets.
Body mostly brown sepia colors, also black, and on the ears, tail, face, back and legs dark brown sepia or black her. The bottom of the somewhat faded sepia brown or black. For the senior male called after 6 months and the female 8 months. Weight 8 kg adult rabbits. Generally have brown eyes and when exposed to light reflection will reveal a ruby ​​red color.

19. Rabbit chinchilla (Chinchilla AMERICAN) 

 Rabbit chinchilla
Chinchilla name is actually the name for the color. Basic color chinchilla is a dark gray color pearl gray and black. Chinchilla fur color because of lack of yellow pigment and optical effects due to black fur and gray that has a silvery-gray appearance.
Chinchilla rabbits often called American Chinchilla, body shape and severity vary, there is a mini, medium would also gigantic. Suppose a giant chinchilla rabbit or often called Giant Chinchilla, derived from crosses between the Standard Chinchilla and Flemish Giant. Then Fuzzy Lop rabbits chinchillas actual American Fuzzy Lop rabbit chinchilla colored. So, thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 29, 2014 at 10:49
Tag ; Type rabbits in Indonesia, rabbit

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:49