Showing posts with label Think Before Plastic Surgery.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Think Before Plastic Surgery.. Show all posts

Monday 3 February 2014

Think Before Plastic Surgery.

Plastic surgery is becoming the most popular cosmetic procedures today. For most people , this is also a shortcut to get the perfect body shape or who have long coveted . Well , here are four things you should think about before actually doing plastic surgery .

Costs .

Plastic surgery is not a simple process that can be passed over . You need a big budget to do so bsia . After surgery , you also need to prepare for treatment and drug costs during recovery . Keep in mind that the cost of plastic surgery is not cheap , because it is quite a complicated procedure .

Pain .

You could fight the pain caused by plastic surgery ? If not , do not even try . Plastic surgery will certainly leave scars on your body and it takes time to recover.

Think about the risks and dangers .

Consider also the risks and dangers that you will face . Therefore , do not ever think that this operation is cheap . Plastic surgery is very expensive reliable definitely worthwhile , because it is done by a plastic surgeon who has been certified .

Time .

After surgery , you need time to recover your body . Think of these points carefully because you certainly have to go back to work and cultivate your money coffers . So , think about when you have free time to do so .
Here are four things you should think carefully before having plastic surgery . Just because a moment of euphoria , you also fall into the wrong choice . Once again , this is not about profit -and-loss plastic surgery , but consideration should be taken before someone decides to undergo the procedure this beauty .

Evidence Photos Healing Period pain Plastic Surgery.

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

Beauty is pain . Women willing pain and no health care, which is pretty important. You 'll often see photos before after women who perform plastic surgery , but a missing part , which is the healing period after surgery .
In this article , you will see some photos of a woman who had just finished doing plastic surgery . Do not imagine a face or a beautiful body instantly captivating . During the healing period , these women experienced the painful , body bruised , swollen , scarred , full of bandages and blood . That said, this period was embarrassing at the same time painful .

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

These photos were taken by Ji Yeo , a photographer from the International Center of Photography in New York . While living in the United States , Yeo Ji prefer South Korea as a place to perpetuate his work entitled Beauty Recovery Room . Unlike the American women who are more interested in changing the shape of the body , the South Korean women more often change the shape of his face .

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

South Korean women in these pictures look terrible , imagine what kind of pain they are experiencing . But Yeo Ji surprised with their joy after the completion of plastic surgery . " They seem to have no fear as I am , in fact most of them are planning to plastic surgery again in the near future , " said Ji Yeo , reported by , Wednesday ( 18/9 ) .

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

This idea is rarely performed photographer , but that's what you want displayed Ji Yeo . These women in isolated conditions , some even from those who do not have the support of friends and family . Agree or not , women of all countries have the pressure to look beautiful , such a desirable community in general .
Yeo Ji hope that these photos evoke empathy of others. That they are also women who want to be appreciated and loved . Many people say plastic surgery is reprehensible , but look at the perpetrators of plastic surgery , the decision because they do not hold the pressure and humiliation have a physical form that is not in accordance with what is often advertised on tv and the demands of society .
Conscious or not , you , we , may have physical insult other women overtly , for example, a flat nose , black skin , slanted eyes a surgerynd so on . Sometimes this is a woman who pressed plastic surgery .
Back again at the photos Yeo Ji , what do you think , ladies ?
So , thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 17:13
Tag ; Plastic surgery

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:13