Showing posts with label The quality and quantity of sex and love.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The quality and quantity of sex and love.. Show all posts

Friday 7 March 2014

The quality and quantity of sex and love.

Sex is a need, as well as love . However , what if a lot of sex and love spit it definitely needs can be met ? Is all that difficult to get into quality and quality so that the quality was ignored ? ! It's sexual needs or the needs of lust and love , money , and proving himself , anyway? !
In the era of the " free" full commercialization and industry as it is today , it seems increasingly difficult to find the specific and special , which is really good quality and able to keep themselves in order to remain qualified . Too many " ordinary " , the same , and most , so it is very boring . Want to women or men , rich and poor , young and old , have many school degree or not , have a high position or not , almost the average behavior and thinking is tantamount to matters of sex and love . Market really ! ! !
" I actually was a problem with my partner . Well there .... We survive only because of the family and the kids alone .... Blah blah blah .... "
" I love to wonder , why do they want , yes , I am the same when I was mediocre . They said me this ....... Preeettt ! ! ! "
"After he's also a lot of her boyfriend ! How many times have caught ..... Jeez ! !  "
" Why should pretentious and hypocritical ? His name is also sex , all must take . Lost are if not enjoyed ? What do you like to keep it at ? ..... Hedeh ! ! ! ! "
" Love it differently , yes ! ... Stale ! ! ! "
Coupled with the easiness in the virtual world and the real world as well as smart to speak for reasoned and seek justification . " Mode " it was predictable and in fact almost the same with each other . No need to be smart to be able to figure it out , the important thing is not " the feeling " and indeed dare to be yourself filled with a sense of respect for themselves and others . Unless it has the intent and purpose for pleasure and personal interests as well , it is that other story. The risks are well , swallow it himself .
Surprisingly , they rarely want to admit about this quantity . Most definitely feel remains concerned with the quality and maintain the quality and choosing quality. And , when it's in there here and let the " cheap " and " easy " then what's so qualified ? ! Not necessarily who claimed to have " experienced " and " great " it is true. Mostly just speaking course , as true yes . From the research, it was proven that " less , mediocre , and problematic " was the most widely - indulgence. If you are truly qualified , would not be arbitrary, dong ! Doing too humble themselves better while maintaining quality. Only quality goods certainly expensive although not necessarily expensive goods quality also. Yes, is not it?!
If you think about it , what the hell is gained from all this ? What he liked to have sex just to have sex alone . Physical needs over the sexual fulfillment of this is unavoidable , but if only for a moment and just so-so , for what ? ! How much time that can be enjoyed over such behavior , compared with the risks and consequences . Not to mention the added sorrow and loneliness and undermine increasingly becoming recognized unacknowledged , unconscious conscious .
Else if true love , of course, will be felt at the beauty and pleasure all the time . There is a " sense " in the hearts of more than just a physical affair , there is fulfilled in themselves . At the very least , there is a tremendous happy because filled with love . There's no business then feel profit or loss , because of the truly sincere heart and selfless .
The most ridiculous is when then " kicked " or "thrown " away. Not a few who feel hurt , embarrassed , and angry because they do not accept it . And then there was all the struggle that yields defensive passing attack everywhere intended for "revenge " or just let go of all the hurt and embarrassment . The virtual world also widely used without also aware that The real all it shows ignorance , his dwarf - soul , and the poor quality yourself . What do other people are stupid and do not understand all ? ! One of their own , really, want ? ! Why not dare to admit mistakes and high-minded self to accept it as a mistake that later repaired ? !
All of these problems can occur due to yourself and who choose to take this option as well is yourself . Pair does have a role , but only half of it , so that he could not fully considered responsible and blamed . So also with the culture or the environment , must be of the self that took the decision despite " disruption " and " temptation " from everywhere. If the devil was willing to blame , should be ashamed of yourself, why to be stuck in a trap . Too " ordinary " to really use excuses and justifications so . Absolutely not qualified ! ! !
Our body is really just a piece of meat that will return to dust and soil later , but there is a spirit and soul that makes us more valuable it becomes . There are also brain and liver that is a boon , which becomes useless if not used properly . If the quantity is really an option , go ahead , but do not be upset if it just gets a " value " that is so , yes ! One of their own , too! ! !
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 07, 2014 at 19:47
Tag : The quality and quantity of sex and love.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:47