Do you ever feel nipple pain ? So , what causes sore nipples ? For every woman , there is a certain time each month sore nipples . The pain can be normal or dangerous conditions . If nipple pain before menstruation , it is normal because of the changes in the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body .
However , if the pain lasts longer and is constantly the possibility of inflammation as an early sign of a cyst or tumor . It is the worst affected by breast cancer .
Breast is derived from the Latin , meaning mamma organ located in the upper chest with a mammalian species the female gender . The composition of human breast organ consists of chest wall, pectoralis muscles, lobules, surface nipple, areola, duct , fatty tissue , and skin .
Play a role in human breast breastfeeding and sexual . In the process of breastfeeding , breast milk contained in the mammary gland provide nutrients for infants and toddlers . While the sexual process , the breast attractiveness and individual pleasure .
Properties are very sensitive breasts . Due to the nature of that, the breasts become very susceptible to various diseases . Both are caused by bacteria or viruses . Maintain cleanliness of the area around the breast becomes very important especially after puberty women. Puberty is characterized by changes in breast size.
Diet and exercise was useful for maintaining the health of a woman 's sensitive parts . So that various kinds of complaints on the breast and nipple can be controlled .
So , what are the causes of pain in the nipples ? Nipples will be sore for a particular condition of an individual . The possibility that individual is experiencing symptoms of pregnancy , puberty , or other abnormal conditions . Here are the factors that generally lead to sore nipples , namely :
• Cramps during menstruation . At the time of menstruation , the amount of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body increases . Increased estrogen and progesterone hormones also cause changes in the breast and nipple to match the body . The adjustments result in pain around the breast and nipples .
• The pain of pregnancy factors . During pregnancy , hormonal changes in breast affect breast size . Mammary glands begin to produce milk for breastfeeding purposes . As a result , the breast and the nipple was swollen and painful . In other cases , nipple pain can also be a sign of pregnancy .
• Fertile period . At the time of fertility , ovulation occurred in the various activities of the female body . The hormonal activity causes the area around the breast and nipple pain .
• Pre Menstrual Syndrome or PMS . When experiencing PMS , fluctuating hormone levels in the menstrual cycle . Levels of estrogen and progesterone also change resulting in sore breasts and nipples . Not just the physical , emotional symptoms associated with PMS also .
• The presence of muscle cramps . Sleeping position may result in the breast muscle cramps so painful.
• Pain in the left breast . The location of the left breast above the heart . The pain that occurs section to the left breast is a sign of a problem in the heart .
• Breast and sore nipples during breastfeeding . The cause is due to inflammation or infection of the gland ducts .
• An indication of cysts in the breast .
• Indications of breast cancer if there are bumps along the breast shape changes . Lump in the breast can be directly felt to the touch because cancer cells are not buried in the breast fat .
The causes of breast pain and nipple are still in the normal range . However , if the pain is indicative of irritation of the nipple , you most likely affected by mastitis . Mastitis is an inflammation of the nipples due to the entry of bacteria through the nipple is damaged .
Damage to the breast can have sharp teeth or the pressure of the mouth . Why does this happen ? Nipple is a very sensitive area because it is composed of delicate nerves more sensitive .
In the breast that had been infected with the disease mastitis, breast will look red, swollen , feel warm , and soft . Typically , the patient will experience fatigue mastitis very , high fever , and very fast heart rate . If not handled properly will cause abscesses in the breast .
That is , the formation of pus in large quantities in breast and nipple removed through . Breast abscess will be bluish red , swollen and inflamed . This can lead to sore nipples .
In some cases , if the sore nipples can be treated with cold compresses and anti-pain medication use . If the pain is still felt , use of antibiotics . If persists more severe , surgery is needed to overcome them .
Another case when the sore nipples during breastfeeding . The possibility of a clogged milk glands causing inflammation . Handling can with warm compresses for 15 minutes every day to facilitate the flow of milk . If not addressed , the body temperature will increase significantly, which ultimately lead to fatigue .
Breast Care .
Maintain breast health is very important for every woman . In addition to beautify the appearance , breast care also prevents any irritation , even worse affected by cysts or cancer . Breast Care must be done since puberty .More intensive treatment is needed for women who have given birth and breastfeeding . Here are some tips on how to treat breast naturally without the expensive costs :
• Choosing the right bra and breast propped up with a comfortable so perfect .
• Perform massage in the breast area on a regular basis to maintain the elasticity of the breast and is able to stimulate breast growth .
• Be diligent exercise for toning the muscles of the breast . Types of sports are like swimming , tennis , running , and cycling can affect the chest muscles that are in the breast tissue .
• Perform regular inspections , especially once past the age of puberty .
• Increase consumption of vegetables . Vegetable types of broccoli and kale good for fighting cancer because it contains sulforaphane . Substance sulforaphane is believed to prevent the proliferation of cells that cause breast cancer .
• Avoid beverages containing alcohol . Breast cancer can be caused by the compound resveratrol contained in the alcohol . The compound resveratrol can trigger the growth of cancer because it helps reduce the level of estrogen in the breast .
• Avoid smoking habit . Nicotine contained in cigarettes can allegedly cause breast skin loosens .
• Expand consume sea fish . Omega found in marine fish to maintain immune function and prevent the proliferation of tumor cells and cause cancer .
• Eating soybeans . Soy intake into the body to help fight the development of cancer cells as soy beans have natural estrogen or genistein .
• Always keep the breasts and nipples especially when breastfeeding . Clean the breast by using cotton wool and warm water before and after feeding .
Come on , take care of your breast health , so that they can avoid sore nipples .
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 11, 2014 at 16:41
Tag : The cause of nipple pain.