Showing posts with label Stone ring and usability.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stone ring and usability.. Show all posts

Friday 24 January 2014

Stone ring and usability.

1. Stone Itself. 

batu lumut bulan purnama

The nature of native stone is a stone hill / mountain. There are also people say this stone as a full moon rocks moss. This is because the stone has a number of moss plants in it and he is living the rock is cool. This stone is said to have properties as follows:
subdue the enemy, eliminating pain and cure diseases, to avoid disturbance of spirits, eliminating rumble blood, as well as for personal safety

2. Nur Panca stone. 

 Nur Panca stone.

Nur Panca stone or Five Color is a kind of agate are characterized by more than two to five colors. Excess is a common sight on the five colors namely red, green, yellow, black, and white as it affects the strength of the five human senses. Nur Panca original stone that is if they are so heavy and vibration. Nur Panca stone's strength is said to have properties such as the following:
- Exuding a charming glow to the face of the wearer.
- Emit series and dignity will be respected by the people around. -
  Inspires confidence and high confidence in the general public
- Make the enemy does not attempt to make something nasty to us.
- People will be amazed, very trusting and stunned with our words.

3. Lafadh stone. 

Lafadh stone is shaped / picture / inscribed in God's original so her sentence or sentence letters. Very, very rarely found in the world of rocks. If you encountered this type of stone, you need to be careful and you indulge fully researched many stones are formed as a mixture of boulders where the original stone called synthesis.

4. Serai stone. 

Serai stone just is obtained than lemongrass principal villages or on the flowering plants that emit flowers as rice flower. To know all, is the principal lemongrass plant is very difficult to remove the interest and principal lemongrass flowers that emit a very difficult and rarely to be found. If you found lemongrass principal flowering, to take the stones that are at the bottom of the lemongrass principal shrubs require rules and certain ways and only wise people who can get him the rock lemongrass. There are various kinds of colors are commonly found such as red, yellow, clear color, blue, green and purple. The advantages and privileges in the eyes of the general lemongrass stone is a carrier for sweeteners and selling.

5. Emerald stone. 

Emrald or an emerald green gemstone which was always admired since ancient crowded again. Most rock enthusiasts acknowledge stone ring is very beautiful and nutritious spiritual terms. Mohs hardness scale emerald reading is between 7 to 9. Emerald is very valuable and not much you indulge factors that can have a rather high price. Emeralds are seldom found in a big saiz and most valuable emerald / highest quality coming from Colombia states that the price could reach tens of thousands of ringgit. Emrald or emerald is the gemstone or birthstone for those born in the month of May. Whatever the stone is still used by the corresponding sake only without any thought Anybody birth month. In ancient times, emeralds worn only by the nobility, the kings and princes countries as a symbol of majesty and power. Users also believe emerald stone and sure this will bring benefits da high confidence.

6. Iron Stone Badr. 

Badar iron stone is also commonly referred to as a rock cock starch or its scientific term is magnetsteen proposed magnetic iron if you indulge him, the stone will move in circles. The general public recognize the full moon rocks iron in the mystical heritage groups are believed to provide many benefits and advantages.
Full moon stone ferum iron containing elements with a high oxygen content so that it has a blackish gray color and has a hardness of 5-6 Mohs scale. Actually the full moon rocks iron prevalent areas of Brazil, Mexico, Australia and America where near a mountainous region with frequent floods of lava hundreds of years ago.
Illustrious story is known about the efficacy of full moon rocks are a lot of iron. The most primary weapons are anti-immune or even resistant to bullets. Another is as a hedge of self, able to protect its owner from harm magic, anti-shaving and avoid evil aura.

7. Amethyst stone. 

Amethyst is also recognized as an amethyst purple stone. Amethyst comes from Greek words that mean the bidder which form the old belief suggests that drinking wine in the glass amethyst will not cause the drinker becomes intoxicated. Amethyst or amethyst has a hardness 7 on the Mohs scale. Amethyst is believed to have first been used since the earliest times of ancient Egypt. Quality amethyst only be found in countries such as Brazil, Uruguay, Siberia, Russia and India. Amethyst stone is a gemstone that is popular as a jewelry material kings and princes country ancient times. In addition to the color purple, it also has some attractive colors. For example pink colored amethyst most valuable but should be bluish purple colored. Stone Amethyst / Amethyst is the birthstone for those born in February. The eyes of the general public, the advantages and privileges of amethyst is for Compassion and could realize a charming aura to the wearer.

8. Batu Merah Delima. 

Ruby or recognized his deep red ruby ​​red color that describes the feeling of love, power and grandeur. This is the king of all gemstones or recognized as the "king of germstone" that is so popular throughout the archipelago and even the entire world. Red pomegranate and mashyur very synonymous in Malay society fizikal his deep beauty of this stone and efficacy through her, this rock is also actually present in pink color (pink) and maroon (dark red). Pomegranate is a very hard gemstone with size 9 on the Mohs scale reading. Pomegranate is the most popular course, comes from the country of Burma (now Myammar) you indulge the quality and beauty of the stone. Whatever the rubies are also bekalan that berkualiti taken from other countries such as the southern African country, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tanzania and the Indian state. Ruby or pomegranate or stone is the birthstone for those born in July. In the knowledge society Malay archipelago, located in the red Pomegranate myth that the highest efficacy for self protection from malicious threats including magic, for princes or governments, Ruby is said to open the aura of grandeur that makes people crowded obedient to the wearer. Excess red Pomegranate most fame in the Malay community is immune to the class of general and Merchant also be said for wealth. Ruby or ruby ​​is the best of the country where the price is followed burma rust scales.

9. Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye (Cat's Eye). 

Cat's eye stone or 'cats eye' given name if you indulge in the dark and there is little light, the beam line will emerge on this rock called cat-like eyes Haiwan. This is unique this stone so crowded that crazy looking for it. Cats eye stone is widely available in dark brown, honey yellow and light green. cats eye has a strong resilience you indulge this stone has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 8-9 size. Chrysoberyl is a gemstone that has a high value in the market with very good qualities. State major expenditures have included the cat's eye stone Russia, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, and East Africa. Cats eye Chrysoberyl become crowded rock favored by enthusiasts and professional collectors. It's his deep gemstone is very difficult to be found and the price is a bit expensive. Cat's eye is good to have a light as fairway in the middle portion. When buying the original stone, make sure the "cat's eye" on the stone is in the middle portion and the "eyes" it may be "open" and "closed" when the stone was skewed. The surplus in the eyes of the general saying an awful lot like give you confidence and make your opponent / enemy gerun and fear us as well as giving the wearer an aura puller was also associated with a health (disease fizikal and evasive dodge magic).

10. Stone Tiger Eye (Tiger Eye). 

Tiger Eye stone is also known as the tiger eye stone belonging to the Quartz family. This stone was named his deep colors and light that enveloped fairway when it is as if the eye of the tiger that was brooding sharp. The predominant color for this stone is yellow mixed with a mixture of black and brown and orange. Mohs hardness scale for tiger eye stone is at 7 readings that are often found in countries south africa, russia, western australia, germany and china country. Tiger's eye suit worn by all classes and rank various walks of life. Efficacy and strength are believed to make the wearer will spread respected opponent and respected friend, all the commands and words wearer will be readily accepted and adhered people. This stone is also believed to be a weapon to fend off witchcraft and evil.

11. Golden Needles stone. 

Stone golden needle in the set of stones which is a type of Quartz rutilated quartz. There are many colors in a collection of quartz stones such as pink, yellow, blue and green as well as black and white but golden needles stones usually have a dominant color in which there are clear whitish with yellow crystal formed as elongated as if the needle shape. Stone has the most gold needle type and the name of his deep quartz is one of the most mineral elements is found in the earth's crust. Violence rocks of this type are in size 7 Mohs scale. There is a note stating that quartz is the material commonly used as ingredients in the mystic mythology of the indigenous people of Australia that shows this stone has great benefits and advantages in the mystical world. In the Malay archipelago society, believed to be a golden needle Stone tool for self-defense and safety of the wearer.

12. Batu Nilam (Shaphire). 

Patchouli is also commonly referred to as sapphire or sapphire. The world's most recognizable sapphire stones as the stone is a popular gemstone lovers crowded and difficult to is obtained. Mineral structure is single crystalline aluminum oxide which causes Patchouli has a hardness that is high at 9 on the Mohs scale readings. Patchouli in the market when it comes largely from Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Russia, Indonesia and Borneo Africa. Gemstone Patchouli headliner shaphire world is blue (blue sapphire) which minerals and fiber structure has a unique glow-Beza differing light making it look very enchanting. There is also a black patchouli, amber and white but the price is not standing with blue patchouli. Excess and spread the myth that sapphire is believed to purify the mind, improves strength and inner peace fizikal, bringing happiness, enhancing confidence and purpose in life. Kings and wear patchouli state governments to show authority and as a powerful defense against danger. The specialty in the eyes of the most common major for this sapphire is towing aura for the wearer shine. This special stone is the birthstone or a stone suitable for those born in September.

13. Stone Turquoise (Turquoise). 

The turquoise stone is also called as "turqouise" recognized as a gemstone lovers crowded the stone blue and green with a fairway that is interesting and unique veining formed him. Turquoise stone has a mixture of minerals copper, aluminum and ferum (iron) which gives a role to the formation of color. increasingly blue color indicates high copper content in it is and if the green color that stands out, shows ferum content (iron) too high. Direkodkan turquoise stones have hardness of 5-6 on the Mohs scale readings. He is encountered in many countries of Iran, Afghanistan, Israel, America and Mexico state. Usually this stone is widely used by those aged 40 years or older. Interest in this stone so teruja with his deep turquoise beauty and uniqueness of the stone veins formed with attractive and beautiful. The most famous turquoise stones and high market price is turquoise blue or green of the Iranian nation that does not have a fairway or a pattern on it. Special properties that coursed stone is believed to help in the healing process, providing peace of Minda and open aura particular strengths depth or spiritual strength. So, thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 24, 2014 at 15:48
Tag ; stones ring, Stone ring and usability.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:48