In its heyday of the Majapahit kingdom has mastered throughout the archipelago , including the island of Borneo Sambas kingdom ( Nagara Kertagama Canto XIII ) . Majapahit not only mastered the kingdoms under his conquests , but has sent a descendant of the royal family and the soldiers . They not only dominate the region and its people , but also develop the most important Hindu and Buddhist culture . But not many relics of the kings of Hinduism in Sambas and Borneo . This area is generally muddy and swampy areas no big rocks to make inscriptions or temple . Historical relics of that era are difficult to make and easily destroyed by water and mud . Some argue that the Hindu and Buddhist statues in Sambas made of gold . The proof is in the British Museum in London, there are 9 statues of Hinduism and Buddhism came from Sambas .
Sambas the days before the Queen Sepudak less known , historical mist of darkness . From the legendary folklore that is spoken from the mouth of the mouth there are a variety of versions . As the Malay kingdoms / Islam in general , as well as new Sambas Sultanate began its history in the early development of Islam since the late 16th century . According to folklore , before the arrival of the Majapahit soldiers in Paloh , there kingdom Old Sambas . told that at the end of the 13th century there were areas Paloh kingdom ruled by a queen ( King ) named Raden Janur . One night the fall of the celestial kingdom ( Tahi Star / Meteor ) of the coconut fruit , which is very bright glow , known as the " Star Mustika " . strange events that are widespread throughout the archipelago up to Majapahit , King of Majapahit commanded His people to get " Mustika Stars " is. Majapahit troops landed at the base Jawi ( Jawai ) . Once upon a time , not willing to give up Janur Raden Star Mustika, he fled into the woods and disappeared with
" Mustika Stars " , he is said to be the Kebanaran or fine ( according to the beliefs of Sambas , Paloh is the center of the kingdom of State Kebanaran / State Ghaib ) .
Told that the Majapahit troops Majapahit but not back to stay and mingle with the natives , they eventually formed a powerful kingdom , the queen comes out of the marriage with the locals . also told that one day the queen of this kingdom banc kepulau "Lemukutan" island was the faint sound of crying babies ears sound king . The whole group was told to find where it came from the sound . After a long search it was found that the sound came from a clump of bamboo . The bamboo is cut and then brought back to the palace and in the evening the bamboo is split and how shocked all who saw the incident , turns on one segment of split bamboo contains a baby boy . The baby finally kept the king with his son . More days grow healthily , but unfortunately he just has a gear tooth just like freshwater turtles . therefore he was given the name " Tang Nunggal " (Scalloped Single Only ) . ( sambas people also often call " Tang Nunggal " with the title " Tan Unggal " )
When the Queen dies , Tang Nunggal ambition to become king . By relying on his strength and cunning . He got rid of the crown prince and crown himself king . The King Tang Nunggal is cruel , cruel and inhuman . Because of his cruelty and Her daughter Son Single Nadi and Dare humming the Mount Sebedang buried alive because the brothers were accused of intending to marry a fellow brother ( Legend Single Nadi Dare humming ) . Long story short , eventually the law of karma applies to himself , Tang Nunggal eventually died in very tragic circumstances , he was put into the coffin and casket dumped into the river Sambas ( excerpts of stories by Dato ' Ronggo , a book published in 1991 ) . After Tang Nunggal buried Sambas river , which knocked the crown Son descended from Majapahit appear and take over the reins of government . King that the kings down until the Queen Sepudak Sambas .
After the collapse of Majapahit , Sambas kingdom under Johor ( Malaysia ) . At the time of Queen Sepudak has held a trade agreement with Samuel Bloemaert Oppenkoopman of VOCs , signed on October 1, 1609 in the city of Old ( Testament queen Sepudak with VOC ) . The arrival of massive Majapahit soldiers to Sambas is king during Cananagara . Majapahit soldiers were brought by boat , landed in 1364 at Base Jawi . The area now called Jawai . Majapahit soldiers were not fighting and ruling but stayed to mingle and mate with the local population . mixing with migrants from the Majapahit which encourages the establishment of royal power centered in Majapahit hereinafter " Paloh " . Probably because too many wars and in 1364 in Gajah Mada was dead . Many descendants of Majapahit move other regions . They also go to Brunei , Mempawah , Tanjung Pura , Porcupine , Sanggau , Sintang , Sukadana , small kingdoms and empires of West Kalimantan hinterland . This is evidenced by the many historical relics found objects Hindu kingdom of Majapahit , among others, Batu Pahat in Sekadau , Eka Advances in Sepauk Guwa Linga , and others .
In mid- adad to 15 , the center of the Majapahit kingdom 's descendants moved from the city to the Old continent Paloh Bantanan - Tempapan Gulf sacred in the district . The kings of Sambas time it is called by the title of queen , as the title of king of king of Majapahit . When King Tang Nunggal ruling , he also pays tribute to the King Tumasik . probably because it was already independent , having separated from the kingdom of Majapahit . Queen Timbung Paseban Sepudak with his brother in power since 1550 in the " Old City " ( Sambas Old Capital ) , in 1570 , the kingdom of Sambas in " Old Town " was under Johor royal power . After the collapse of the Majapahit kingdom , the kingdom of Johor has religious beliefs of Islam , and the Sultanate of Johor sultanate mastered the western shore of Borneo such as Brunei , Sarawak , Sambas , Mempawah , Sukadana / Matan . Since the Islamic religion began followed by people dikesultanan Sambas . ( Prof.Dr.E.Gade Malsbergen ; " Geschidemis van Nederland indie , llitgertrdMij , Amsterdam , 1939 , deel ' , hal.349 ) .
Sepudak as king queen sambas old town is the last Hindu king in the Old City of Sambas . Dutch ( VOC ) which has just mastered Batavia in 1596 , in 1604 had visited the kingdom Matan and open trade relations with Matan . Of Matan , VOC obtain information about the kingdoms on the west coast of Borneo . In 1609 , the VOC came kekota Old Sambas . Sambas know rich with gold , VOC binding agreement with Queen Sepudak . the agreement dated October 1, 1609 , the representatives of the VOC Samuel Bloemaert simultaneously bind Hedgehog and Sukadana kingdom . Dutch understood correctly because hedgehogs are famous diamond producer and Sambas and Matan is a gold and diamond sales center at that time . This was the beginning of the Dutch treaty in Sambas , although only since 1817 the Dutch sit and rule in Sambas ( source of VOCs and Sambas attachment agreement 1Oktober 1609 ) .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 08, 2014 at 20:49

Tag ; Sambas relationship with Johor , majapahit, sambas, johor