Showing posts with label Puppet show.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puppet show.. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Puppet show.

Marionette Puppet Sunda.
Many thought that the art of puppet show originated from India. However, the introduction of the book puppet show prototype in West Java, R. Gunawan Djajakusumah dispute this. According to his original puppet is developed culture of Indonesian society. It may be inside there acculturation with other cultural influences.
Puppet comes from the words "wad an hyang". That is ancestral. But there is also the income is from the word "boyangan", those with incomes that puppets are from India, seems to see the story of the origin of the story that is taking comes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata Hindu scriptures, but subsequent stories were modified and adapted to Javanese culture.
The presence of a puppet can not be separated from the puppet is a puppet for the development of puppet. However, Salmun (1986) mentions that in the year 1583 AD Sunan Kudus make puppets out of wood which was then called the puppet show to be staged during the day. Correspondingly Ismunandar (1988) mentions that in the early 16th century Sunan Kudus make puppet prototype building number 7 pieces with interesting interesting story accompanied by gamelan (music) salendro. The show was performed at noon. This puppet does not require color. The shape resembles a doll made of wood, instead of leather as well as leather puppets. So like a puppet therefore referred to as a puppet show.
At first the puppet show is told in the story banner and puppet puppet show called aristocrat. It is said that this puppet show since Queen Cicin Panembahan Sunan Gunungjati (1540-1640). There Cirebon area called papak puppet or puppet crew cut because the shape of his head flat. Prince Girilaya pda era (1650-1662) smacking puppet comes with a story taken from the chronicle and the history of the land of Java. The play-time lokn brought it revolves around the spread of Islam. Furthermore, puppet show with the play of the Ramayana and Mahabharata (prototype puppet) who was born in 1840 (Sumatri, 1988).
Nativity puppet show initiated by Dalem Karangayar (Wiranta Koesoemah III) at the end of his term. At that time Dalem ordered Ki Darman (handyman painting puppet from Tegal) living in Cibiru Ujungberung to make puppets out of wood. Puppet who made the original form of flat-shaped and patterned on the puppet.
However, on further developments at the instigation of In Ki Darman make the puppet show is not much different from the puppet show now. In the Priangan itself known in the early 19th century. Introduction to the Sundanese people puppet is possible since the opening of Daendels highway that connects coastal areas with mountainous Priangan. Originally puppet show in Priangan using the Java language, but after a clever puppet Sundanese language used is the language.
Puppet made of Albasiah or lame. How to make it is to whittle and carve it, so as to resemble the desired shape. To color and draw eyes, eyebrows, lips and head puppet motif, used paint duko. This Cat puppet becomes brighter. Staining puppet is an important part because it can produce a wide range of character figures. The basic colors used in the puppet there 4 are: red, white, prada, and black.
Puppet show as an art does not only contain the aesthetic value alone, but includes the whole range of values ​​contained in the supporting community. The values ​​were socialized by the artists and artists who developed a code of conduct puppetry puppetry. Code of Conduct puppetry is called "Sapta please honor the artists of West Java puppetry artist". The formulation of a code of conduct is the result of deliberation puppetry artists puppetry artist on December 28, 1964 in London Ferbuari.

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Marionette Puppet

Marionette Puppet Sunda.

Marionette Puppet Dawala

Marionette Puppet Sunda.

So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 12, 2014 at 13:56
Tag ; Wayang golek.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:56