The importance of a well-known member of the human is an ornamental orchid and vanilla, lidded beautiful flowers and colorful
Botanical characteristics.
The tribe members tend to have a succulent organs or "fleshy": thick with high water content. Thus he can live in conditions of low water availability. Water is obtained from the rain, droplets, dew, or water vapor in the air. However, orchids are not found in desert regions because the roots are not intensive. The orchid likes light but not direct sun so she usually found in nature as a plant floor or under the shade of the forest. As houseplants, orchids hold in space.Root fibers, not inside. The types of succulent epiphytes that develop roots and attached to the tree trunk where he grew up, but not harm the host tree. There is also a growing geofitis, with other terms means terrestria grown in soil with the roots in the ground. There also is a saprophyte, grow on media dead leaves and rotting wood that has decomposed into humus. At the root surface is often found root fungus (mycorrhiza) that is symbiotic with orchids.
Jointed stem orchids. Orchid that lives in the soil ("orchids") and tend to resemble short stem tubers. Meanwhile, trunk epiphytic orchids grow well, often thickened and protected wax coating to prevent excessive evaporation. Stem growth may be "elongated" (monopodial) or "wide" (simpodial), depending on the genus.
Orchid leaves are usually oval elongated bones elongated leaves Similarly, the typical leaf monocots. The leaves can also be thickened and serve as penyimpn water.
Typical orchid flower shaped and become identifier that distinguishes it from the other tribe members. Orchid flowers arranged compound, emerged from the elongated flower stalks, the leaves emerge from the armpit. The flowers bilateral symmetry. Strand petals (sepals) are usually colored like petals (so-called tepals). One piece of petals modified form a kind of "tongue" that protects a structure of accessories that bring the stamens and pistils. Stamens have a very short stalk with two small disc-shaped anthers (called "pollinia") and protected by a small structure that must be opened by insect pollinators (or man for vanilla) and carry pollen to the pistil mouth. Without the help of organisms pollinating, pollination will not occur.
Fruit capsule-shaped orchid green and when ripe dry and open from the side. The seeds are very small and lightweight, making it easy to wind. Orchid seeds do not have a network storage food reserves; even the embryo has not reached perfect ripeness. The new Germination occurs if the seeds fall on the appropriate medium and continue its development until maturity.
Kinship among orchid species based on morphological characteristics of plants and flowers.
Based on the results of analysis of variance for plant height, leaf length, leaf width, ratio between the length of the leaves with leaf width, number of flowers, flower stem length, diameter and length of flower petals from the sixteenth orchid species tested showed a significant difference in effect.
It appears that G. scriptum have leaf length, leaf width and length of a real flower stalk highest among sixteenth orchid species tested. However, the value of flower diameter (6.24 cm) is substantially smaller species of D. stratiotes. D. stratiotes flower has a diameter of tangible greatest among the species tested, namely 9.27 cm. Likewise, the number of flowers produced by G. real scriptum less than D. secundum, respectively 27.75 and 50. This indicates that the length and width of the large leaves do not warrant will generate great interest and numerous.
D. anosmum plant height had the highest value, that is 118.40 cm, which is clearly different to plant height to fifteen other orchid species. This orchid stems form pseudobulb or pseudo stem that grows hanging down. Only when the new shoots course, the growth of the orchid's pseudobulb upward. Further stem growth hanging downwards, in line with the increased length pseudobulb. Orchid plants is the shortest B. lobii (5.00 cm). Unlike the anosmum D., B. lobii has a rod in the form of bulb. High value crops is not a real orchid species differs from D. bracteosum (17.77 cm), D. capra (12.15 cm), D. Johannis (34.48 cm), D. macrophyllum (31.12 cm), D. phalaenopsis (20.02 cm), P. amboinensis, P. violaceae, A. and G. miniatum scriptum.
G. scriptum has the longest and widest leaves. Scriptum G. leaf width equal to the width of the leaves of P. violaceae, P. amboinensis and D. macrophyllum. The width of the smallest leaf owned D. capra (1.09 cm) that is equal to D. bracteosum (1.56 cm), D. Johannis (1.76 cm), D. phalaenopsis (2.36 cm) and A. miniatum ( 1.52 cm).
Value ratio of length to width of largest leaf is owned by V. tricolor, amounting to 10.48; were not significantly different with D. capra (9.55). Value ratio of length to width of the smallest leaf is owned by D. stratiotes (2.20) were not significantly different from macrophyllum D., D. secundum, D. undulatum, D. veratrifolium, P. and P. amboinensis violaceae (each with value of 3.05; 2.75; 2.25; 2.48; 2.73 and 2.68).
Highest number of flowers that are owned by D. secundum (50 pieces) and at least owned by B. lobii (1 piece) that did not differ significantly with anosmum D., D. bracteosum, D. capra, D. Johannis, D. phalaenopsis , D. stratiotes, P. amboinensis, P. and A. miniatum violaceae. Characteristics B. lobii interest lies in labellumnya that can sway when the wind. With the characteristic of interest like this, orchid B. lobii have designations tongue orchid flower swaying or rocking. G. scriptum has long flower stalks most of the sixteenth orchid species tested, which is 92.27 cm. The shortest length of the flower stalk is owned by orchid D. anosmum (1.36 cm) equal to the length of the flower stalk of orchids D. bracteosum, D. secundum, P. amboinensis, P. violaceae, miniatum A. and B. lobii.
The diameter of the largest orchid, namely 9.27 cm owned by D. stratiotes. D. stratiotes has petals (petala) long twisted upright. The amount of the orchid flower diameter equal to the diameter D. anosmum interest. The diameter of the smallest interest owned by orchid D. secundum (0.74 cm). The size of the smallest diameter of this orchid are caused by this interest can not open or blooms with a maximum. Mini flower size, very tightly arranged, and in the flower stalk composed of flowers are many, are the traits that make D. Secundum given the designation as orchids brush. Orchid flower diameter size is as big as the orchid A. miniatum (1.13 cm).
Petals (Sepala) longest owned by B. lobii orchid (6 cm) are clearly different to other species of orchids fifteenth. This orchid has Sepala dorsale or upper upright petals, yellow and length. The shortest Sepala owned by orchid species A. miniatum (0.63 cm) equal in size to the orchid D. secundum (0.92 cm). From the sixteen species of orchids were tested, only four species that have a type of stem growth monopodial, namely P. amboinensis, P. violaceae, Vanda tricolor and A. miniatum. The twelve other orchid species type growth stems simpodial classified. In terms of the scent of flowers, there is a diversity of floral scents ranging from not flavorful until very flavorful. Similarly, the green color of leaves, just Vanda tricolor leaf color is different from other types of orchids fifteenth.
Each type shows a different character each other. The difference is due to differences in origin took orchid habitat is concerned. Native habitat of orchids give effect to the growth of orchids through the influence of sunlight, weather or climatic conditions, air temperature, humidity and the availability of nutrients that can be absorbed by plants orchids to support the growth of orchids, which in turn affects the quality and quantity of flowers it generates. Despite the diversity of the character of each of the tested species of orchids, there are also similarities of character.
Orchids By Type Growth.
This orchid has only one rod and one growing point only. The flowers grow from the stem end. These orchids can be propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. example: Vanda sp., and Phalaenopsis sp. (Orchid Moon).Simpodial
Anggek has more than one growing point. The new shoots emerge from around the main stem. Flowers can appear on the top or side of the trunk, but there is also emerging from the roots stay. The stems store water or food reserves pseudo bulbs. These orchids can be propagated by way of a split, separating keiki, seeds. Example: Dendrobium sp., Cattleya sp.Based orchid Growing Place.
Epiphytic orchids
Orchids that grow ride on another tree without harming the host plant and needed shade from sunlight. Orchid roots absorb food from rain, fog and the surrounding air. Example: Cattleya sp., Dendrobium sp., Vanda sp. Phalaenopsis sp.Terrestrial orchids
Orchid that grows in the ground and require direct sunlight. roots take food from the soil. Example: Phaius sp.Saprofit orchids.
Orchids that grow on media containing humus or dry leaves, and requires little sunlight. This type has no leaves and chlorophyll. Example: Goodyera sp.
Litofit orchids.
Orchids that grow on rocks or rocky soil, and are resistant to full sunlight. This Anggek take food from rain, air, humus. Example: Paphiopedilum sp.Utilization.
Orchid is known as a popular ornamental plant that is used flowers. Orchid flowers are very beautiful and almost unlimited variations. Ordinary orchids sold as potted plants and as cut flowers. Indonesia has a wealth of species of orchids are very high, especially epiphytic orchids that live in forest trees, from Sumatra to Papua. Orchids in flower charm is the Indonesian nation. Orchid is also the national flower of Singapore and Thailand.Orchid flower
Orchids are often used as a symbol of love, luxury, and beauty for centuries. The Greeks used orchid as a symbol of virility, while the Chinese nation in ancient times believed that orchids as plants that emit the fragrance of the Chinese emperor's body.In the middle ages, orchids have an important role in the development of treatment techniques using herbs. Its use also extends to the subject of herbs and was even believed to be the main raw material in the manufacture of potion love potion certain period. When the orchid show up in someone's dream, it is believed to be a symbol representation of deep need for tenderness, romance, and fidelity in a relationship. Finally, at the beginning of the 18th century, the activities began collecting orchids into the many activities carried out in all corners of the world, mainly because of the beauty of these plants.
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is also a member of the tribe of orchids. This plant is used fruit. To produce fruit, vanilla should be "mated" by humans, because insect pollinators are not able to live outside the region of origin, although now efforts towards exploiting the insects begin.
The types of ornamental orchids.
The mention of the type mentioned by the usual ornamental orchid genus name alone because many hybrids between species and one genus that has been made. As a result, naming orchids have some sort of special rules rather "deviant" from ordinary botanical naming rules.Here are the names of popular ornamental orchid genus :
Cattleya, the flowers are large and spectacular, but difficult to maintainDendrobium, the most popular ornamental plants of the types of orchids
Grammatophylum, members included Grammatophyllum Scriptum also known by local names giant orchid Papua
Oncidium, including orchid "golden shower"
Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium approaching its popularity. Orchid moon is one of its kind
Spathyphyllum, ground orchid
Vanda, usually as a cut flower. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 16, 2015 at 16:05
Tags : Orchids are flowering plants.