Showing posts with label Marilyn Ardipradja.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marilyn Ardipradja.. Show all posts

Monday, 10 February 2014

Marilyn Ardipradja.

Marilyn Ardipradja

Fight for Dual Nationality , Children Come as a Tourist .
More and more Indonesian men who marry foreign women . They then settled in the land of the Equator . Marilyn Ardipradja association initiated Foreign Wives of Indonesia as a gathering of foreign wives once the container to assist the technical issues of immigration members .
Marilyn Ardipradja appearance is no different from Western women in general . What distinguishes , he speaks fluent Indonesian . Understandably , Marilyn was 30 years living in Indonesia . Women from Melbourne , Australia , is carried off Achmad Mustakim Ardipradja , native Indonesian men , after they got married in the land of kangaroos .
Not only is fluent in Indonesian , Marilyn also understand the culture and customs of Indonesia. The 66 -year -old women are familiar with different cultures and countries of origin in Indonesia . However , Marilyn takes a long time to adapt . He also often experience culture shock or cultural shocked .
" Initially hard to ( accept ) because of differences in culture and customs are quite a lot . But , I was lucky because her husband continued support . We are also in constant communication about what is good here , what is not polite , and stuff like that , "explained Marilyn when met at his residence in the Rempoa , South Jakarta, last week .
According to him , communication and partner support was instrumental , especially for mixed couples or mixed couple like him . Because, Marilyn knows himself that the failure rate of a mixed couple households is quite high . Up to 50 percent .
" What often happens , her partner ( Indonesia ) did not provide enough information to the wife or the husband is a stranger . Her husband ( Indonesian ) wife helping less foreigners , " he said .
The mother of three children admitted , cultural differences are often a problem for mixed couples . Therefore , Marilyn strives to help his friends from various countries to facilitate the adaptation process in Indonesia .
Container through mutual support group , named Foreign Wives of Indonesia , Marilyn often met with foreign women who married an Indonesian .
Since its founding in 1983 , the current members of the Foreign Wives of Indonesia's more than 200 people from several regions in Indonesia . They come from various countries . Among others , Australia , Germany , France , China , the Philippines , Japan , UK , Singapore , the Netherlands , and the United States.
The age of the members was varied . There are already elderly (elderly ) and have been married for decades until the new bride .
In the past , says Marilyn , time and most members are still dozens domiciled in Jabodetabek ( Jakarta , Bogor , Depok and Tangerang ) , they often lunch together to share various things . However , as more and more members , they are now quite empowering mailing list for exchanging information or sharing experiences .
"Now that a lot of the outside Jakarta , the convergence of more virtual community. Only the location around Jakarta , we still regularly lunch together , " he said .
Many things to share in a lunch meeting or through a mailing list . For example , immigration issues relating to citizenship and residence status .
Marilyn said , the majority of foreign women are reluctant to switch nationality . They still want to have a home in the country of origin . However , because there is no rule in Indonesia, which allow citizens to have dual nationality , it becomes complicated problem for the wives of " foreign " is.
According to Marilyn , many challenges of the Citizenship Act . For example , the child of a mixed marriage couple must choose one nationality . During this time children are considered join his father . In fact , not be as simple as that.
" All my children of Australian citizens . As a result , they can not work here and that here as a tourist visa , " he said .
In the absence of rules of dual nationality , Marilyn felt constrained welfare of his family . In addition to his children must choose one nationality , he can not just work in Indonesia to help the family economy . Therefore , until now Marilyn is still fighting for dual nationality for foreigners like himself .
" I joined a group that is fighting for it. Therefore , many of our rights are limited , " he said .
In fact , he is not entitled to the property owned by her husband . He gave an example , if the husband dies , he must leave the house and go back to Australia . The house was then become the property of the government .
Marilyn tells the story , there is one member of the Indonesian Foreign Wives forced to return to her country with her children who was a teenager because her husband died . " He's an American , " he said .
In addition to the rush of immigration , the issue of cultural differences are quite striking be the topic of conversation in the lunch Foreign Wives of Indonesia . There are many funny events experienced by members . One of them , a member of the Canadian experience .
Marilyn told me , that his in-laws live in the house so her husband brought to Indonesia . However , the husband , it seems , has not given much information related to the habits " unique " Indonesian people .
One of them is the use of the tub . In the bathroom at home , there is a bathtub . However , although the form and function is the tub for a bath , the tub turned out to be used as a conventional bath complete with his scoop .
The wife did not understand . Once inside the bathroom, a bathtub filled with water already full , do not forget to scoop . He was thinking , there are good people who deliberately fill the water for him . Without a doubt , he was soaking . After the bath , she took off the water at the bottom of a bathtub stopper to remove the water .
" Then , when one of his brother taking a shower , she says , " It's who's spent water in the tub ? " The story that always made ​​us all laugh out loud , " she recalled .
Another example concerns the eating habits . Many foreign women who do not understand that the use of the left hand to eat violate norms or manners . Marilyn stressed , if her husband never communicates little things like that , the wife could be considered impolite by law .
" Because most of the couples a hodgepodge , so to Indonesia , initially stayed with the first -in-law , " he said .
Similarly, about food , Marilyn said , although delicious Indonesian dishes , not a few members of the community who miss western food such as whole wheat bread or toast .
Are also many differences in the behavior complained of is a member of the husband when he returned to Indonesia . Indonesian men generally meet strangers bride when studying or intern in the home country of his wife . Once married and returned to Indonesia , the husband 's behavior changed . While still outside the country , they used to do chores such as washing or cooking . But , when he returned to Indonesia , the habit is lost .
" The husband who used to wash his own plate , back here so spoiled . Nothing would be provided . In fact , most of the foreign women independent . Therefore, it needs adjustment and communication from both sides , "said the reiki master .
Later , the habit of Indonesian people who like to visit without first telling Marilyn also had surprising . He tells the story , when I was living in a rented house , she was surprised that her husband 's uncle came suddenly . In fact , he often stayed .
" In the West, if you want to meet, have to call first . Can not suddenly come .
But, here are all different. At that time I was a new bride. So, really surprised , " he said .
Regarding the usual rubber -hour culture in Indonesia , Marilyn acknowledges that the culture is very complaining members , especially women Germany . They are very accustomed on time . Because of that , he has ways to get around so the husband can come on time .
" For example , I always exaggerate one or half hour from original time , " he said then smiled .
However , she was grateful that her husband is very helpful in adapting . As with the British members married to Indonesian Chinese descent . The family man , the wife asked to have four children .
"At that time she already had three children . Turns should add one more . Therefore, the law says , the table 's got four legs . He was forced to obey. My husband's family was lucky no further demands to me , " he said .
Marilyn , who works freelance translators that said, he claimed to enjoy the presence of Foreign Wives of Indonesian community . The community can thrive . Back in the New Order era, the community is underground . Therefore , they are rarely met . But , since the reform era , they are free to move .
Marilyn first met her husband while studying at The University of Melbourne . The husband got a scholarship from the Colombo Plan in 1965 . In 1971 they married in Australia . A year later they returned to Indonesia , but soon returned to Australia in 1974 . Both also had settled in Singapore before the end of 1982 decided to stay in Jakarta .
The initial idea came from the desire to make the community to maintain the English Marilyn her two young daughters who have entered the playgroup .
Both attended the playgroup belonging Australia and New Zealand Association
(ANZA ) . That's where yoga enthusiasts are acquainted with two foreign women whose husband is also an Indonesian . They then initiated the establishment of the community .
Although she is not young , Marilyn still wish there was a better change for the citizenship status of mixed couples . Therefore , until now he continues to pursue the existence of dual nationality rule in Indonesia . " I still hope , " he added
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 10, 2014 at 18:59
Tag ; Marilyn Ardipradja, 

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:59