Showing posts with label Location unfit for occupancy.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Location unfit for occupancy.. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Location unfit for occupancy.

In this world there are few places that actually do not deserve to live because environmental conditions are not good and the facilities are not adequate. In fact, this condition can make people living in that area are often exposed to a variety of diseases, malnutrition, and even experienced numerous acts of violence. Some of the worst places unfit human settlements, among which are :

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya.

Nairobi is the capital of Kenya and was founded by the British as a train depot in 1899. Today, the city became one of the most important cities in Africa. In the suburbs of Nairobi, there is an area called Kibera, one of the worst slums in the world. Like most other places slum, Kibera as ignored by the government. Houses? in this area are made of mud and concrete to the ground floor.

Most springs in this area has been polluted, so often causing typhoid and cholera. Women who leave their homes at night often raped. About half of the residents of Kibera are unemployed. AIDS spread so quickly in Kibera. Many women sell their bodies in order to get money to eat.

Detroit, Michigan, USA.

On July 19, 2013, Detroit was declared bankrupt and has debts of around USD 18 billion, or approximately USD 204 T. The population in this city even has declined 25 percent since 2000, and many houses were abandoned. Homeowners did not care with their property. Data obtained from various sources, including the FBI and US Justice Department, revealed that three of the most dangerous neighborhood in America, all located in Detroit.

Medellin, Colombia.

During the peak of the cocaine trade in the late 80s, Medellin become the world's most violent city, with the support of the cartel Pablo Escobar and paramilitary groups are rampant. Escobar was killed by police in 1993 and crime in the city was then decreased significantly. Unfortunately, there are thousands of homicides occur here every year. In 2009, there were 2,899 homicides (down from 6,500 in 1991), which is mostly linked to drug trafficking.

Cite-Soleil, Port au Prince, Haiti.

Located on the outskirts of Port Au Prince, Haiti, there is an area called Cite Soleil, or Sun City, a slum area led by a gang and many inhabited by poor people. This area does not even have a sewage system. Garbage and sewage are left scattered around the shelter residents, causing many puddles filled with mosquitoes. Residents of Cite-Soleil also many who fell ill with AIDS.

In 2004, the UN deployed thousands of troops to Cite Soleil in an effort to combat the gangs that rule the flock that area. Some sectors successfully restored, but there are areas that remain a hotbed of violence until now. To this day, those who want to go to Cite Soleil had to pass through a checkpoint UN.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Ciudad Juarez is located just south of El Paso, Texas. In the last ten years, Ciudad Juarez has become the center of the drug war in Mexico. The competing cartels spread the threat of violence to the entire city. Many of the bodies are piling up in the streets and nobody dared to travel outside the home.

In 2009, the city was named the murder capital of the world, with 130 homicides per 100,000 residents. Police even too scared to come out of their nest.
Ciudad Juarez is a city that is harmful to women because of frequent sexual violence and rape of hundreds of women.

So that's the worst place inhabited by humans. They certainly do not want to be born and live in these towns. But alas, as outlined destiny. Therefore, we should not complain about the shortcomings and obstacles that we experience because there are many people who suffer more than us.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 7, 2014 at 12:12
Tag : Location unfit for occupancy.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:12