In English Madura, this fruit called baleci. Other names in some countries is Datiles, aratiles, manzanitas (Philippines); Mat Sam (Vietnam); Khoom sômz, takhôb (Laos); takhop farang (Thailand); krâkhôb goods (Cambodia); and kerukup Siamese (Malaysia).
Also known as the Capulin blanco, cacaniqua, nigua, niguito (Spanish); Jamaican cherry, Panama berry and cherry Singapore (English). Dutch people used to call it Japanse kers ("japanese cherry"), which then from here taken into cherry in Indonesian or some call cherry.
Cherry tree.
Shrub or tree, up to 12 m high, although generally only about 3-6 m only. Evergreen and continuous flowering and fruiting throughout the year.Horizontal branches, hanging on the end; form a leafy shade. Downy twigs mixed with glandular hairs; as well as the leaves.
The leaves lie flat, alternate; leaf blade is not symmetrical, round egg lanceolate, serrated edges and sharp pointed, 1-4 × 4-14 cm, the bottom side of the gray-haired meeting; short-stemmed. Leverage the next leaf tapered shape of the thread, lk. 0.5 cm, slightly longer then dry up and fall off, while the door again rudimentary.
Flowers in the file, containing 1-3 (-5) florets, located in the armpit rather on the upper leaf growth; long-stemmed; androgynous and air-numbers 5; petals share in, Taju tapered thread shape, smooth-haired; flat brimmed crown, round obovate, white thin, bald, lk. 1 cm. Stamens numerous, 10 to more than 100 pieces. Flowers that bloom stand out, to the top strands of leaves; but after the fruit hanging down, hidden under leaves. Generally only one or two flowers into fruit in each file.
Buni fruit of long-stemmed, almost perfectly round, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, green yellow and finally red when ripe, crowned residual stems that do not fall similar pistil black five-pointed star. Contains several thousand seeds are small, smooth, yellowish white; immersed in the flesh and sweet juice once.
In addition, cherry fruit can also be used for medicine gout, diabetes, and many more.
Results, ecology and distribution.
Cherry fruit favored especially by children, birds and flying-fox. School children often climb the tree, leaving traces in the form of air-faulting twigs and bark peeling. It also can be used as jam. In Mexico, cherry fruit sold in the market. Cherry tree in Indonesia easy to find. Usually used as a shade tree for a pedicab driver in Indonesia.Cherry wood is soft and easy to dry, very useful as firewood. Easy to peel the bark are used as a rope and cloth napkins. The leaves can be used as a kind of tea.
Fruit-eating birds, such as alter the group and bird chilies, often visited this tree during the day to eat the fruit or its juice sweet. At the time it gets dark, change various types of fruit bats that come with the same purpose. Cherry seeds are not digested by birds and flying-fox, because it is the second group of animals is also functions as a breaker of the seeds.
Cherry tree is particularly useful as a shade tree on the roadside. These small trees are often grown as seedlings initially wild on the edge of the road, ditch, or appear in the middle of the floor or wall cracks fence, and eventually grew quickly -usually left it- enlarged as shade trees. Because that's the cherry trees are often found in urban areas and densely crowded, on the edge of the sidewalk and parking area, on the banks of the river are not maintained or in the usual places prolonged dry.
Due to the properties and durability, the cherry become one of pioneer plants most often found in the area of human settlements in the tropics. Originating from tropical America (southern Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America to Peru and Bolivia), cherry brought into the Philippines in the late 19th century, and then quickly spread throughout the tropical regions of Southeast Asia.
Benefits Leaves and Fruit cherry
Cherry which has the Latin name Muntingia Calabura L or more in the know with cherry that fruits are small and sweet? One type of roadside trees is a lot of us have encountered, especially in dry areas. It turns out that the fruit is very much beneficial, and not only his but also the leaves.Some of the benefits of cherry fruit.
Fruit cherry Anti Uric Acid (Gout).
In Indonesia cherry fruit traditionally been used to treat gout by consuming as much as 9 points cherry fruit 3 times a day. It is proven to reduce the pain caused by the disease gout.Helpful For Antiinflamasi cherry leaves.
Cherry leaf decoction also have properties to reduce inflammation (anti-inflammatory) and also lower the heat.Leaves cherry Helpful As Antitumor.
Mentioned cherry leaves also have anti-tumor effects, which contains flavonoids that possess this cherry leaf was found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in vitro / laboratory.Fruit cherry As Antiseptic.
The content of tannin, flavonoids, saponins owned and able to kill various bacteria.Can be Used as cherry fruit syrup.
The ingredients include ripe cherry fruit, water, white sugar, cinnamon, salt, vanilla, and tools used are buckets, pans, pounder (mortar), filter and bottle for packing. Selected cherry fruit that is ripe (red) and then washed clean. Cherry fruit flesh separated from the skin by way of mashed and boiled with a ratio of 1 part water to 3 parts of cherry. (1: 3). Cherry and mixed with sugar in the ratio 1: 2 along with vanilla, salt, and cinnamon to taste until boiling and should continue stirring. After boiling cherry syrup is filtered to remove the residue. Processed products from this cherry does not use any chemicals are all natural. Therefore, these processed products are healthier than existing products on the market in general. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.comauthor:
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 1, 2014 at 10:40
Tag : Know cherries.