Showing posts with label Java Distribution and Habitat Eagles.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java Distribution and Habitat Eagles.. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Eagles get to know Java.

Javanese eagle has a Latin name Nisaetus bartelsi, which is one of the species of eagle that has a medium body size that lives in Java. Javanese eagle is often considered synonymous as a symbol of our country, the Republic of Indonesia, namely Garuda bird. And since 1992, the Eagle Java has been set as the mascot of endangered species in Indonesia.

Characteristics of Java Eagle.

Java Eagle.

Eagles characteristics of Java is very easy to look at, where Java has a body Eagles medium to large, slim, and the body length reaches the range of 60 to 70 cm (from tip of beak to tip of tail).

Javanese eagles have reddish brown head (Kadru), and with a high crest prominent (2-4 bristles, length up to 12 cm) and cervical fawn (sometimes visible gold when exposed to sunlight). Crested black with white tip; crown and mustache black, but dark brown back and wings. Whitish throat with a line (actually lines) longitudinal black in it. On the chest chest area, there are black graffiti spread over pale brownish yellow color, which in turn at the bottom again turned into a line pattern (scribble) meeting transverse brown to brownish red color above pale whitish belly feathers and feet. Feathers on the legs closed legs up close to the base of the finger Javanese eagle. Tail dark brown with four lines and the transverse width visible on the bottom side, and white striped tail end is not thick. Females of the same color, a little bigger.

Iris owned Javanese eagle yellow or brownish; half-black; sera or meat at the base of the beak yellowish; foot (finger) yellowish. Young Javanese eagles with head, neck and lower body Javanese eagle light cinnamon brown, without streaks or lines.

When flying, eagle same Java with changeable hawk-eagle (nisaetus cirrhatus) form of light, but inclined to look more brownish, with stomach seemed darker, and the size is a little smaller.

Java Eagle chirp sound very loud, repetitive, or ii klii-iiw-iiiw, vary in one to three syllables. Or a high-pitched sound and rapid kli-kli-kli-kli-kli. And to some extent, is similar to the tone of her voice changeable hawk-eagle although the difference is quite clear in his tone.

Deployment, Habitat and Conservation Javanese eagle.

Distribution of Javanese eagles is only limited on the island of Java, from the west end (Ujung Kulon National Park) to the eastern tip of the peninsula Blambangan purwo. But so is currently limited distribution in areas with primary forest and wooded hills where exactly on the transition to the low-lying mountain areas. Most of the Javanese eagle can be found in at least half of the hemisphere south of the island of Java. Presumably this eagle bird life cycle specializes in location.

Javanese eagles like tropical rain forest ecosystem is always green, in the lowlands or in places higher. Starting from the location near the beach like in the west end and Meru Betiri, up to the mountain forests under and above up to an altitude of 2 200 m and sometimes 3. 000 meters above sea level.

Living area typically Javanese eagle difficult to achieve, although not always far from human activities. Presumably this bird is highly dependent on the presence of primary forest as an area of ​​his life. Although the eagle was found that utilize secondary forests as hunting and nesting area, however it is located adjacent to the vast primary forest.

The hunting of birds of prey perch area in tall trees in the forest. With a swift and agile ambush prey variety in a tree branch or on the ground that, like various types of reptiles, birds such as walik, pigeon, and even more chicken. Also the small to medium sized mammals like squirrels and squirrels, bats, raccoons, until the child monkey.

Spawning period was recorded starting in January until June. Nest-shaped pile of leafy twigs arranged high, made on a tree branch high above the ground 20-30. Eggs amounted to one point, which is incubated along approximately 47 days.

Eagles nest tree where Java is some kind of tall forest trees, like Rasamala (Latin name: Altingia excelsa), pairs (Latin name: Lithocarpus sundaicus), pine (Latin name: pine merkusii), puspa (Latin name: Schima wallichii), and ki sireum (Latin name: eugenia clavimyrtus). Not always by far is in the forest, there is also the nests are found only within 200-300 m from the recreation area.

The habitat, distribution of Java Eagles are extremely rare. Although spacious the habitat, the overall number only 137-188 pairs kuran more birds, or according to the estimated number of individuals Eagles range of about 600 to 1,000 animals. This small population facing a huge threat to the survival of sustainability, which is caused by loss of habitat as well as the type of exploitation. Illegal logging and forest conversion so make agriculture a reduction in primary forest cover in Java. In addition, the existence of Java Eagle also continue to be hunted by humans to be traded on the black market to be made in the pet. Due to its rarity, this bird preserve so as pride, and in turn make the price of this Javanese eagles soar.

Taking into account the size of the population, the location of its habitat is limited and high pressure encountered it, the IUCN World Conservation Organization enter into in the Javanese eagle en status (endangered, threatened with extinction). Thus also, the Indonesian government set as animals are protected by law.

Taxonomic or classification Javanese eagle.

Actually existence has been known since the Javanese eagle ago around 1820, when van hasselt and Kuhl collected two specimens of this bird on the location of the mountain bark to be brought to the museum leiden, Netherlands. However at that point until the end of the 19th century, this bird specimens still calculated as a type of hawk eagle.

But new in 1908, on the basis of the specimen collection Max Bartels made from sand flat, in Sukabumi in 1907, a bird expert at the German country, o. Finsch, recognizing Javanese eagle as a kind of new taxon. He believed it was a child of Spizaetus kelaarti type, a type of falcon in sri lanka. Until then in 1924, prof. Stresemann give the name of the new taxon with bartelsi Specific epithet, as an effort to honor Max Bartels above, as well include it as a child type Spizaetus nipalensis mountain eagle.

This bird is then recognized by the world scientific name is Spizaetus Nipalensis bartelsi, until later in 1953 D. Amadon had proposed to raise the ranking of Javanese eagles and put him to type in a stand-alone, ie Spizaetus bartelsi.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: July 11, 2015 at 13:52
Tags : Eagles get to know Java.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:52