Internet penetration in eastern Indonesia ( KTI ) showed rapid growth when referring to the results of the survey " Current Profile Indonesia Internet Industry " conducted the Central Bureau of Statistics ( BPS ) in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers ( APJII ) recently.
Head of BPS Suryamin revealed to interprovincial industry , the province of North Sulawesi province has been recorded as 100 per cent use computers and the internet .
While the second is West Kalimantan ( 94.12 percent ) , above Jakarta as the center of government ( 90.83 percent ) . While the province of computer and Internet users the lowest is North Maluku ( 40 percent ) .
In the survey revealed if internet users in Indonesia by the end of 2013 reached 71.19 million people , or have reached 28 percent of the total population .
Rising internet penetration in Eastern Indonesia certainly can not be separated from the efforts of the government through the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Communications ) during 2013, which succeeded in strengthening the infrastructure of the internet in these areas in order to equal access to public information .Previously , Tifatul Sembiring said the ministry until December 2013 has built as many as 32 208 SSL for non- commercial villages in the area served by the telecommunications access . That figure of 33,184 villages out of the total 72,800 villages in Indonesia .
It also has built as many as 1,857 Mobile Internet Service Center Subdistrict ( M - PLIK ) , 5956 Keecamatan Internet Services Development Centre ( PLIK ) and 1,222 PLIK in productive centers .
Other triggers , it could be due to Telkom 's aggressive build backbone and last mile in eastern Indonesia .
Telkom is one of the winning bidder MPLIK which serves most of the area east Indonesia minimal fiber optic -based Internet backbone . Telkom serve areas that he won by relying on the backbone of the satellite while waiting for the completion of the fiber optic Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua linking worth Rp 1.7 trillion .
The infrastructure consists of deploying along the 5,444 km Submarine Cable and Terrestrial Cable along 655 km .
In 2011 , Telkom completed the construction of submarine cables for backbone known as Mataram - Kupang Cable System ( MKCS ) along 1,041 km with an investment of Rp 600 billion .
President of the Community Hands On Top ( DTA ) Rosihan Muhammad also admitted , internet infrastructure owned Telkom is widely used by people in the regions to conduct business and stimulate the economy .
" Significant development of small and medium micro businesses ( SMEs ) online is not separated from the role that Telkom is able to accommodate the needs of telecommunications infrastructure in these areas . Admittedly Telkom infrastructure has become the backbone of the driving SMEs in the region , even remote areas , greatly helped the economy society , " he said .
Disclosure , if in the last two years of online business based in the capital , are now turned. SMEs in many areas that have been educated to run a business online. " Orientation of SMEs in the area of creating products in areas with a low cost and then sell it over the internet," he said. So, thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 21, 2014 at 20:46
Tag ; Internet penetration, internet