Showing posts with label ISIS sex slaves in prison.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS sex slaves in prison.. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 March 2015

ISIS sex slaves in prison.

A young girl from the minority Yazidi religious community who captured the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or better known as ISIS described the horror she experienced during sex slaves imprisoned extremist groups.

17-year-old girl said she was one of a group of 40s Yazidi woman who is still being held and so far every day was sexually abused by militants ISIS. The girl said he was arrested Aug. 3 in an attack on the town of Sinjar ISIS in northern Iraq and is now being held in sexual slavery by the terrible conditions in a village south of Mosul.

A number of British extremists who fought in Syria and Iraq have boasted on Twitter and other social media that some Yazidi woman was abducted and used as "sex slaves".

The young girl said, he was detained in a building with barred windows and heavily armed men.

"I implore you to not publish my name because I was so ashamed of what they did to me. Part of me had wanted to die. However, the majority still hope that I will be saved and so I will be able to embrace my parents once again , "he told the Italian daily La Repubblica. La Repubblica reports were then cited a number of other media, including The Daily Telegraph of the UK. La Repubblica was able to interview the girl with a call to his mobile phone. Their contact numbers given by parents who are now in a refugee camp in Kurdistan, Iraq.

She said, his captors initially confiscated his cell phone and all the other women-owned phones. However, his captors then "change strategy". They return the phones these women so that they could tell the outside world the horrors that happened to them. "To be hurt us, they told us to explain in detail to our parents what they do. They laugh at us because they think they are invincible. They consider themselves" superman ". However, they are the ones who do not have heart.

The girl continued, "The torturers we even did not spare some women (imprisoned) together with their children. They also did not spare some young girls. Some of our group was not yet even 13 years old. Some of them are now not again say a word. "

The woman, who by La Repubblica given the pseudonym Corpse, said that the women were raped on the top floor of the building, in the three chambers. The girls and women were raped up to three times a day by groups of men are different.

"They treat us like we are their slaves. People were hit and threatened us when we tried to refuse. I often wish that they beat me so badly that I die."

The girl said that some of the militants was the young people a new war in Syria, while others are old people.

"If one day the torture was over, my life will always be marked by what I have experienced in recent weeks. In fact, if I survive, I do not know how I would eliminate this horror of my mind. We have asked the guards to shot and killed us, kill us, but we were too valuable to them. They kept telling us that we are infidels and that we belong to them, as the spoils of war. They say we like sheep purchased in the market. "

The women prisoners were hoping the arrival of rescue, either by ground forces of anti-ISIS and international intervention. "The only hope is that the Peshmerga (Kurdish militia) came and rescued us. I know Americans bombed (ISIS position). I want them to hurry up and drove them all out because I do not know how much longer I can hold out. They've killed the body me. Now they're killing my mind. "

He said he had heard a number of Arab Christian women have also been arrested and imprisoned as a sex slave by ISIS. However, the group consists of women Yazidis, who all come from the city of Sinjar.

The city is located at the foot of Mount Sinjar, where thousands of displaced Yazidi last month after the siege ISIS. Although many of the refugees were finally able to escape to the mountain, the other arrested extremist groups.

The UN has accused ISIS ethnic cleansing in northern Iraq. The militant group said to have committed mass arrests and executions in the pockets of minority groups in the region.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 21, 2015 at 19:36
Tags : ISIS sex slaves in prison.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:36