Showing posts with label ISIS militant heinous offense.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS militant heinous offense.. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 March 2015

ISIS militant heinous offense.

Some women Yazidi religious minorities in Iraq, which has been forced to become sex slaves by the militant group Islamic State or ISIS, commit suicide or attempted suicide. So says Amnesty International.

ISIS militants control a vast territory in Iraq since last June. The group declared a cross-border caliphate which also includes parts of Syria and conducted a series of heinous offense in both countries.

The group has targeted the Yazidi and other minority groups in northern Iraq. According to Amnesty, ISIS has conducted ethnic cleansing, killing civilians, and enslave others to make a number of victims believe that they are better dead than alive but enslaved.

"Many of them are being held as sex slaves are children. The girls aged 14, 15 years, or even younger," said Donatella Rovera, Amnesty's senior adviser, said in a statement. The agency said that many of the perpetrators of the ISIS fighters or those who support the group.

A 19-year-old girl Jilan suicide for fear he would be raped. Amnesty said citing the girl's brother. Another girl who was arrested with him but then managed to escape justify the description. The girl who survived said, "One day we were given clothing that seems like a dance costume and told to shower and put on the clothes. Jilan suicide in the bathroom. He hurt his wrist and hung herself. She was very beautiful. I think she knew she would be taken away by a man and that's why he killed himself. "

A former captives told Amnesty that he and his brother tried to kill himself in order to be free from forced marriage, but stopped to do it. "We tied a scarf around her neck and pull each other as fast as we could, until I passed out ... I can not speak for several days after that," said Wafa (27 years) to the group's rights.

Amnesty International also tells the story of 16 year girl named Randa, who was kidnapped along with her family and raped by a man who was twice her age. "It hurts what they did to me and my family," said Randa.

Rovera said, "the physical and psychological suffering of the women who experienced sexual violence that terrible disaster. Many of them have been tortured and treated as slaves. In fact, those who managed to escape is still very traumatized."

A US-led coalition is currently carrying out air strikes against Iraq and Syria ISIS in an attempt to halt the progress of the group. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 21, 2015 at 18:43
Tags : ISIS militant heinous offense.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:43