Showing posts with label Hindu Tengger.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindu Tengger.. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Hindu Tengger.

the Hindu Tengger tribe Mahayana religion
Tengger is a town or village which is under the foot of Mount Bromo in East Java . In the first year 100 BC the Vaishya Hindu religion Brahma who resides on the shores of which are now called the town of Pasuruan and Probolinggo . Once Islam began to enter in Java in the year 1426 BC and where they begin their desperate search for the areas that are difficult to reach by humans ( immigrants ) that is perched on the mountainous area , in the end they formed a group known as the perch pole ( the perch ) .
Tengger people have confidence that Mahayana Hindu . In the 16th century , the cult of Brahma in Tengger arrival escape from the Hindu Parsi ( parsi derived from the Persian word , namely " areas around the country of Iran " ) . Finally , the original religion of Brahma Tengger switch to Parsi religion , namely Hinduism Parsi. Conversion of the Tengger Hindu Brahmin religion to Persia did not necessarily eliminate all of their initial beliefs. Tengger people still do Buddhism. Even this habit eventually adopted also by Hindus Parsi .

There are three principles of Hinduism Tengger among others :

Worship of God.
Veneration of ancestors.
Worship of the universe.

Tengger people believe Sang Hyang Agung , the spirits of the ancestors , the law of karma , reincarnation , and moksha . Tengger confidence against the spirit manifested as danyang ( village guardian spirits ) who worshiped in a punden . Punden usually located under a large tree or under a large rock . Spirit ancestral village founders get bigger cult worship in a shrine . Once a year the people of Tengger tribe held a ceremony of worship ancestral spirits in the crater of Mount Bromo called Kasada ceremony . Religious teachings are united in a holy book written on palm leaves known dengal Primbon name . Offerings and spells very strong influence in the Tengger community . Tengger people believe that spells they use spells white is not black spells that are harmful .
In performing worship , worship Tengger people in punden , disa and potent . Potent is a place of worship for the Hindu Tengger people . The existence of potent exist on a plot of land in a sea of ​​sand as the venue for the ceremony
Kasada . Potent consists of several buildings arranged in an arrangement of composition in the yard that is divided into three Mandala / zones namely :

Mandala ( Offal ) .

Place of execution of cult worship which consists of : lotus temple complete with pepalihan similar . The main function of the lotus is a place of worship of Almighty God. Padma has no roof and is composed of the so-called side: the legs, body / head with the name of the shelf and cider complete with Bedawang , Nala , Garuda and geese .
Nala Bedawang depicts a giant tortoise supports padmasana , wrapped by one or two- tailed Dragon , Garuda and geese flying in the rear position lotus body . Each of these animals symbolize the majesty of form and function padmasana . Building Sekepat ( four poles ) or greater is at the side of the building sehadapan worship / Padmasana , facing east or in accordance with the orientation of the building and open worship all four sides . Its function for the presentation ceremony or activity means a series of ceremonies . Bale Pawedan and shamans place during worship.
Kori Agung Bentar Temple , shaped like the pillar head wearing a crown coil rectangle or polygon terraced building tapers upwards with square or rectangular lot with side edges around alit fathoms , fathoms or fathoms glorious middle . Building height can range from as large or tall monument to about 100 meters allows also made ​​higher by paying attention to the beauty of the temple briefly proportions . For the entrance of the temple grounds of the temple toward the mandala Jaba side / harsh or Jaba the middle / main mandala can be a bun or kori grand temple with a wide variety of ornaments . For the entrance of the temple grounds Jaba middle / Mandala Mandala Associate Associate innards according to the proportion of the beauty of form and function of the magnitude of terraced roofs of three to eleven according to its function . For the entrance located on the wall penyengker / temple yard barrier .

Mandala Associate ( Middle Jaba ) .

Place ceremony preparation and accompaniment consists of : Kori Agung Temple Bentar , a similar shape to the monument , his head wearing a crown coil rectangle or polygon terraced building tapers upward with squares, rectangles or polygons with sides approximately one fathom alit , middle fathoms , fathoms grand .
Bale Kentongan , called kul - kul bale is in the corner of the front yard of the temple , the composition side: shape , shelf , cider and roof coverings kul-kul/kentongan room . Its function is to place kul - kul who sounded early , late and when certain of a series of ceremonies . Blank bale or so-called holy Pewarengan be between Jaba middle / intermediate mandala , mandala insult / Jaba side . Blank bale building has the shape of a square or elongated rows of two - pole two or many building area for the kitchen . Its function is to prepare the dish ceremonial purposes need to be prepared in the temple which is generally far from the village where residential .

Mandala Nista ( Jaba side ) .

Place the transition from outside to inside the temple which consisted of building temple briefly / other supporting buildings . Temple courtyard bounded by a boundary wall penyengker entrance in the front yard or in the middle jabaan / hand wear temple briefly and the main entrance to the innards wear Kori Agung . Wall penyengker kori agung temple briefly and there are various forms of creation according to the variety and beauty of its architecture . Building temples are generally facing west , entering the temple toward the east as well as worship and praying facing east toward the rising sun . The composition of the temple building times in a row between the south or south - south on the east side facing west and partly on the north side facing south .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 9, 2014 at 18:26
Tag ; Hindu Tengger

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:26