Dragonflies in general can be found in the region or wet areas. These animals including insects have a simple shape and equipped with beautiful wings. Dragonflies have a variety of sizes and colors. Dragonflies belong to the class of insects Odonata, which means the insects are toothed. So named because these insects have jaws that have jaw teeth.
This insect is one of the oldest insects known to man since 300 years ago have inhabited the earth. Thus, it can be said that these insects "strength" with dinosaurs.
The insect itself has many types. One of the most frequently encountered is in the home, school, or field where we play is a kind of Green Darner dragonfly. He has a green head and body length can reach 3 cm. Wide wings can reach 4 inches. This species is commonly found in swamps, lakes, ponds, and are mostly found in North American rivers.
So what exactly is their food? The food is flies or mosquitoes. Thus, the presence of dragonflies, little man actually helped. This is because they eat insects that are dirty, there is a process by itself is not useful for insect control in the face of the earth.
However, they also enjoy the fine cuisine of various other animals, such as birds and frogs. The larvae of these insects can also known to eat one another alias cannibals. One of the use of insects that we are talking about is: its presence is a sign of the ecosystem in which they were flown to a healthy place. This is because they are among the types of animals that are sensitive to pollution.
As with other insects, they have three main body parts, as follows.
Compound eyes are located in the head. Did you know that they have 28,000 eyepiece.
Section behind them called Thorax. This body part connecting the three pairs of legs and two pairs of large wings.
As for the last part of the body is the abdomen, who has obtained a long and slender shape and segmented.
Labium larvae of this insect can have 16 to 20 millimeters long when fully grown and expanded.The larvae consists of two main divisions, namely submentum and cementum. Mentum itself is the longest of the two divisions earlier. Spatulate shape, especially subcyndrical.
Classification of Green Darner dragonfly (Anax Junius).
To help us all get to know them more deeply.
Scientific name is Anax Junius. Full name Green Darner, Green Darner Dragonfly, Common Green Darner, darning needle, and Snake Doctor. Log in to the category of familia Aeshnidae. Has a length of up to 8.4 cm and 11.4 cm wingspan reaches.
According Zipcodezoo, Green Darner dragonfly can be classified as follows:
Domain: Eukaryotes - Whittaker & Margulis, 1978 - eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animalia - Linnaeus, 1758 - animals
Subkingdom: Bilateria - (Hatschek, 1888) Cavalier-Smith, 1983
Scientific name: Anax Junius (Drury, 1773)
Branch: Protostomia - Grobben, 1908
Infrakingdom: Ecdysozoa - Aguinaldo et al., 1997 Ex Cavalier-Smith, 1998
Superphylum: Panarthropoda - Cuvier
Phylum: Arthropoda - Latreille, 1829 - arthropods
Subphylum: Mandibulata - Snodgrass, 1938
Infraphylum: Atelocerata - Heymons, 1901
Superclass: Panhexapoda
Epiclass: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta - C. Linnaeus, 1758 - Insects
Subclass: Dicondylia
Infraclass: Pterygota
Uperorder: Odonatoptera
Order: Odonata - Fabricius, 1793 - Dragonflies and Damselflies
Suborder: Epiprocta
Infraorder: Anisoptera
Superfamily: Aeshnoidea
Family: Aeshnidae
Genus: Anax - Leach, 1815
Specific name: Junius - (Drury, 1773)
Green Darner dragonfly habitat.
These insects live in the region of North America, Alaska, Canada Southern, Central America, and Mexico. Also found in Bermuda and the Caribbean, including Cuba, the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the British Virgin Islands. Have also been reported, sometimes are beyond the normal, ie in Hawaii, Northeast Asia, Britain, and France.Dragonflies in Public Life Cycle.
Dragonfly life cycle from egg to death as an adult. This dragonfly age varies between six months and a maximum of six or seven years. However, only a few weeks (up to 4 months) who lived as an adult dragonfly.In general, there are three stages of the life cycle of the beautiful insects. Ie egg, nymph, and ended up as an adult dragonfly. Most of their life cycle is spent when the new becomes an angel. Nymphs are young insects which have the same nature and form of the adult insects. Nymphs choose to live in the water.
Here are the stages through which stopped dragonfly from egg to adult.
1. Egg.
At this stage is characterized by female dragonflies lay eggs after mating with males doing. Typically, the female lays her eggs on the host plant twigs that fall underwater. However, there is also a female parent who simply put their eggs in the water.This insect has an emotional attachment is high. Sometimes, the male parent accompanied the female parent when they wanted to release their eggs in water. Although not able to accompany directly, there is also a male parent who chose supervise from a distance when the release of the egg takes place.
In essence, the male will not go away after marrying the female. And will always accompany the mother during the process of egg release. This insect deserve loyalty imitated human.
2. Nimfa.
The release of the egg before hatching, usually takes 7 to 14 days. After hatching, the larvae of dragonflies are called nymphs. At this time, this insect is transformed into a ferocious carnivore. In fact, for large nymphs able to prey on tadpoles and fry.This insect nymphs breathe like a fish. They breathe using gills are located in the rectum at the end of the abdomen. On the type of needle dragonfly nymphs, they breathe using gills 3 shaped like feathers and is also located at the tip of her abdomen.
At this stage, the nymph will stay alive in the water until it becomes quite large. Just as snake, insect nymphs will go through several rounds of skin turnover or commonly called ecdysis. Each stage in the process of changing the skin itself is called instars.
Instar can reach 8 to 17 times the stage. It all depends on the type of species nymph. Medium age nymph itself can reach 28 days. In fact, there are up to a few years. In the next process, instar who felt it had enough time to creep out of the water. Then, remove the skin as well as out in the adult form.
3. Imago.
At the time of the nymph is completely developed and supported by environmental and weather conditions that favor, he will automatically complete the stages of his life as an adult dragonfly. The process as described above. That aa would crawl out of the water, looking for twigs for a foothold, and then release the skin. Skin nymphs called the exuvia. After this release, young adult dragonfly ready the next life.Several types of these insects perform "rituals" release the skin at night. I wonder why. Or perhaps there are some types of dragonfly superstitious by releasing the skin at night. But clearly, this process merely as a preparation for the next day the young adult dragonfly is ready to fly on a sunny morning.
In the next process, these insects reach adulthood perfect shape and start the "hunt" looking for mating partners. In addition, he should also look wet. Adult dragonfly environment has only a short life, which ranges from 240 days. After that he was dead.
In the Green Darner dragonfly life cycle, the entire process or life stage of the life cycle of the dragonfly same as other types. So, what distinguishes it from other types of skin color alone only. If my friends see the picture of this insect species, indeed we will be amazed by the beauty of the color of the body and wings.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 09, 2014 at 17.49