Showing posts with label Gold dredging in Indonesia.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold dredging in Indonesia.. Show all posts

Thursday 17 December 2015

Gold dredging in Indonesia.

The existence of PT Freeport Indonesia, a mining company from the United States (US) has always been a hot topic of the news.

Freeport crater.

Freeport crater.

The problem, though several times changed the government, but Indonesia still seem flabby face dredge gold mining company in Papua for decades.

So how to actually get into the story early Freeport Indonesia?

As quoted from the Real History Archives in the article entitled JFK, Indonesia, CIA and Freeport Sulphur written by Lisa Pease in 1996. Freeport which is known to have dominated the golden mountains of Papua since 1967, turned out to work in the country has started a few years earlier.

In the 1959 ago, when a change of power in Cuba, which was originally named Freeport Freeport Sulphur is facing problems and almost bankrupt. Therefore, the new Cuban leader is Fidel Castro nationalized all foreign firms in the country. Freeport Sulphur also affected.

In the midst of the uncertain situation, in August 1959 the Director of Freeport Sulphur Forbes Wilson met with Jan van Gruisen, managing director of East Borneo Company which is a mining company in East Kalimantan.

During the meeting, Gruisen tell, he just find a report written by Jean Jacques Dozy on a mountain called "Hertzberg" or Mount Copper in Papua New Guinea, Irian Barat.

The report says that in the region there is a mountain full of copper ore. In fact, the content of copper ore that is in the whole body Mount Hertzberg spread over the surface of the ground, and not hidden in the ground.

Wilson was enthusiastic and immediately conducted a survey on the Mount Hertzberg. In the survey, Wilson be surprised because not only find copper ore in the region, but it is also filled with Hertzberg Mountain gold and silver ore.

Freeport also decided to sign an exploration contract with East Borneo Company on February 1, 1960. However, in fact there is a change of political escalation in Indonesia, particularly West Irian.

Relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands was again heating up, even Soekarno (President at that time) actually put military forces in West Papua.

The cooperation agreement between East Borneo Company and Freeport was back raw. The US government then controlled by John F Kennedy (JFK) actually defend Indonesia, and threatened to cut off Marshall Plan aid to the Netherlands if persisted retain West Irian.

Dutch when it needs help to rebuild the country after the devastation in World War II, was forced to pull out of West Irian.

Freeport officials was furious, especially when heard JFK instead offered a package of economic assistance to Indonesia amounted to USD11 million, with the involvement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank.

Public dissent turbulent in the US Senate, would continue to assist Indonesia while the Indonesian Communist Party remains strong. Kennedy also remained, and he approved a special aid package for Indonesia on 19 November 1963.

Three days later, Soekarno lost best allies in the West. Kennedy was killed on 22 November 1963.

US foreign policy changed quickly after the death of Kennedy. President Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy abruptly canceling the economic aid package for Indonesia approved Kennedy.

Apparently, one behind the success of Johnson in the 1964 US presidential election campaign is Augustus C. Long, which is one of the directors of Freeport.

Long is also a leader in the Texas Company (Texaco) and Caltex (a joint venture with Standard Oil of California). Augustus C Long is also active in the Presbyterian Hospital, New York which is one of the nodes meetings CIA figures.

In addition, Long is also believed to be one character designer coup against Sukarno, the US conducted by moving a number of Army officers (AD), including General Suharto (President-2) describes as "our local army friend".

Long alleged involvement in the coup Soekarno appear, because Sukarno in 1961 decided to contract a new policy that requires 60% of oil profits handed over to the Indonesian government.

Caltex, as one of the three oil operator in Indonesia is obviously very hard hit by this policy.

Coup against Sukarno was actually happening, by twisting and misrepresenting the Decree of March 11 (Supersemar) 1966 which made Sukarno.

In Supersemar, Soekarno only gave a mandate to tackle the chaotic state to Suharto, who interpreted it ordered Suharto became President.

Post-fall of Sukarno of Indonesia's highest leadership role, Ibnu Sutowo (Minister of Mines and Petroleum of the time) made a new agreement, which allows the oil companies to maintain substantially greater profits for them.

Then, perform the validation of Law No. 1 of 1967 concerning Foreign Investment (PMA). On April 7, 1967, the Indonesian government signed a license contract mining exploitation in Irian Jaya with Freeport.

Thus, Freeport became the first foreign company whose contract signed by Suharto. To build its gold mining construction, Freeport also took Bechtel, a company in the US that employ many-frontman frontman CIA.

In 1980, Freeport McMoran also took Jim Bob Moffett belonging to cooperate with dredge Papua. Bob finally became President Freeport McMoran.

Freeport Indonesia contract first signed in 1967 under Law No. 11 of 1967 on mining provisions. In 1991, there is a renewal of a new work contract valid for 30 years with two extension options of 10 years each.

The work contract signed at the beginning of the reign of President Suharto was given to Freeport as the exclusive contractor Hertzberg mines on the territory of 10 square kilometers. In 1989, the Indonesian government again issued additional exploration permits for 61,000 hectares.

In 1991, the signing of a new contract of work done for a validity period of 30 years following the two 10-year extensions. This means a new Freeport contract of work will be finished in 2041.

Earlier, former Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Siswoutomo Susilo asserted, PT Freeport Indonesia could only apply for a contract extension mine in Mimika, Papua, at the earliest in 2019.

"According to the PP, the continued operation of new mines could be filed two years before the end of the contract. Thus, if Freeport's contract runs out in 2021, the fastest filed in 2019," said Susilo.

He reminded, in accordance with Article 45 of Government Regulation No. 23 Year 2010 on the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining, the fastest application for extension filed two years and no later than six months before the expiration of the contract.

Susilo explained, in order to continue the contract mining operations in Indonesia, PT Freeport must be eligible in accordance with Law No. 4/2009, the effort to change the type of contract Special Mining License (IUPK) and agreed on the points renegotiation.

Susilo ensure that the government will be cautious in deciding the extension of Freeport contract of work which will end in 2021. "All decisions must consider a variety of things and keep the interests of the nation and the state," he said.

However, precisely on Sunday (25/01/2015), the government of Indonesia in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the export license contract extension Freeport

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said said that the extension of this MoU will be carried out for six months.

"The condition is that the giant mining company should contribute more to the people of Papua and Indonesia," he said, Sunday (01/25/2015).

Sudirman said the government on January 23, 2015 a decision to extend the MoU during the next six months with Freeport Indonesia. "But the contract has not been decided, it extended operations alone," said Sudirman.

For your information, the contract company's copper and gold located in Papua will expire in 2021. Should the decision be given a two-year contract extension before the contract expires. However Freeport wants to speed up the decision awarding this year. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: December 17, 2015 at 17:30
Tag : Freeport.
Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:30