Showing posts with label Effects Of Smoking.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Effects Of Smoking.. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Effects Of Smoking.

Toxins contained in cigarettes.
Every cigarette is lit will issue a 4000 toxic chemicals that may be harmful and deadly. With every puff that resembles a puff of death. Among the content of cigarette smoke have included the radioactive material (polonium-201) and the materials used in the paint (acetone), washing floors (ammonia), medicine silverfish (naphthalene), insecticide (DDT), termite poison (arsenic ), toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide) used in "gas chambers of death" for those who undergo the death penalty, and much more. However, the most important toxins are Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide.

a)  Tar contains at least 43 chemicals that are known to cause cancer (carcinogens). Materials such as benzopyrene that is, a kind of policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) has been approved as an agent which commences the process of cancer incidence.

Toxins contained in cigarettes.
b)  Nicotine such as heroin, amphetamines and cocaine, react in the brain and have the impression to the mesolimbic system which became the main stem billing. Syndrome addicted to nicotine indicated by symptoms gian, tolerans and pull, is probably more powerful compared to the odious medicine. In fact, rather than his scientific studies of nicotine was also a kind of unclean medicine, as it has in iktirap by medicine. Someone who ran out of cigarettes sometimes behave like impaired sense and in a very depressed state of all.
Nicotine also become the main stem the risk of heart disease and stroke. Nearly one quarter of prey Patient heart is the result of stem from the nature of smoking. In Malaysia, heart disease is the leading cause of death while the stroke is the fourth killer.
Stop smoking.

c)  Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is also usually issued by ekzos vehicles. This gas harms supplies oxygen to the tissues to become fragmented and may ultimately lead to death if it were looks of carbon monoxide in the body exceeds 60%.

If the cigarette toxins that enter the human body or the Animals, will bring damage to any organ along the channel, starting from the nose, mouth, throat, respiratory tract, lungs, channel penghazaman, blood vessels, heart, organ culture, until well into the urethra and urinary coffers, ie when the party of toxins were removed from the body.

The impact on the people around us (passive smoking)

Over the past few years, scientists have proved that the chemicals contained in cigarette smoke can affect people do not smoke in the vicinity.
Passive smoking can increase the risk of lung cancer and coronary heart disease. Moreover inhale second hand smoke can aggravate the condition of people with the disease:


Chest pain due to narrowing of blood vessels in the heart.


Experiencing difficulty breathing.


Irritation caused by cigarette smoke.

The symptoms of health problems:

eye irritation, headache, dizziness, sore throat, cough and shortness of breath.
Pregnant women who smoke or secondhand smoke, distribute toxic substances from cigarette smoke to the fetus through the bloodstream. Nicotine cigarettes cause fetal heart rate quickened, carbon monoxide leads to reduced oxygen received by the fetus.
Children whose parents smoke face a greater likelihood of suffering from chest pain, ear infections, nose and throat. And they have double the chance to be hospitalized in the first year of their life.

Disease caused by cigarette smoke.

"Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus". These words are probably often heard or met while going to discuss any disease caused by smoking, because on every pack of cigarettes already Bismol will alert the disease will appear.

Many people know the dangers of smoking, but not much care, but if the whole cigarette factory in Indonesia in stop its operation, a lot of which will be unemployed and many of our government spending to support the community. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 29, 2014 at 21:09
Tag : Effects Of Smoking.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:09