Dragon fruit , in English : pitaya , is the fruit of several cactus species from the genera Hylocereus and Selenicereus . The fruit is native to Mexico , Central America and South America but is now also cultivated in Asian countries such as Taiwan , Vietnam , Philippines , Indonesia and Malaysia . The fruit can also be found in Okinawa, Israel, northern Australia and southern China . Hylocereus blooms only at night .
The name refers to the dragon fruit fruits edible plant types :
Hylocereus undatus , the red fruit with white flesh .Hylocereus polyrhizus , the pink fruit with red flesh .
Selenicereus megalanthus fruit with yellow skin and white flesh .
Hylocereus costaricensis , dragon fruit with a very red color of the fruit .
The morphology of the dragon fruit plant consists of roots, stems, thorns, flowers, and fruit . The roots of dragon fruit is simply hairy roots growing in the soil above the roots hanging rod . The roots grow along the stem at the back corner of the fin in the trunk . On the thorn , will grow flowers that looks like a flower Wijayakusuma . Flowers develop into fruit does not fall out . Dragon fruit the size of a slightly oval shape with round avocado . Bright red fruit leather for the kind of white and red dragon fruit , dark red to black dragon fruit and dragon fruit yellow to yellow . On the whole skin filled with tassels are analogous to the scales of a dragon. Therefore , this fruit called dragon fruit .
The stem is triangular in shape, spines very short and inconspicuous , so often considered " spineless cactus " . The flowers bloom in the early evening when the flower buds are already measuring about 30 cm . Outer petals are cream-colored , bloom about nine o'clock , and then followed by the crown in the white part , includes a number of yellow stamens . Flowers like funnel was finally fully open at midnight , because the dragon fruit is known as night blooming cereus . When in full bloom , dragon fruit spreads the aroma . This scent to lure the bat , so that pollinate dragon fruit flowers .
Dragon fruit cultivation .
In general , dragon fruit cultivated by cuttings or seed seeding . Plants will thrive if planted porous media ( not muddy ) , nutrient rich , sandy , enough sunlight and temperature between 38-40 ° C. If care is good enough , the plant will begin to bear fruit at the age of 11-17 months . Dragon fruit is very adaptive cultivated in various affluent with altitude 0-1200 m above sea level . The most important thing is getting enough sunlight is a requirement of red dragon fruit growth .Dragon fruit can be grown with soil conditions and altitude of any location , but it is quite voracious plant nutrient , so if the soil contains fertilizer is good , then the growth will be good . Within 1 year , dragon fruit tree can reach a height of 3 meters . According to some sources , the dragon fruit is not widely cultivated in Indonesia . In the meantime , Mojokerto area , Jember , Malang , Pasuruan , Banyuwangi , Roxburgh , Kalibawang , Kulon Progo , Bandung and Batam is an area that has been cultivating this plant .
The benefits of dragon fruit .
Red dragon fruit lately often highlighted as one of the fruits that have a lot of benefits to help cope and help cure various diseases . Start of dragon fruit stem , flesh dragon fruit , dragon fruit to the skin also has a lot of vitamins and substances that are very beneficial . Doctors also highly recommend the red dragon fruit , as fruit consumption that can be used for therapy in the treatment of a disease .Some of the benefits of dragon fruit ;
Red dragon fruit help cure cancer , the content of vitamin complex , has been recommended by doctors as a result of cancer treatment therapies .Beautify the appearance , with its vitamin C content is high , red dragon fruit helps maintain the health of skin , even the fruit and the skin can also be used as a scrub .
Because the sweetness of red dragon fruit not from glucose , the red dragon fruit can also help cure diabetes .
Maintain health and stamina , with the antioxidants and vitamins .
Prevent osteoporosis or bone calcification , because the red dragon fruit contains a lot of organic calcium .
Pests and diseases .
Pests found in the dragon fruit mealy bugs ( Hemiptera : Pseudococcidae ) species Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi , Ferrisia virgata , and Planococcus sp , aphids (Hemiptera : Aphididae). Species Aphis gossypii, Branchycaudus helichrysi, and Toxoptera odinae , ants ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) species Oecophylla sp , Camponotus sp , sp Euprenolepis , and Polycharis sp , grasshoppers ( Orthoptera : Acrididae ) species Valanga sp, sp Oxya, and Atractomorpha sp, mites ( Acarina : Tetranycidae ) ; snail ( Achatina Acathina ) , and birds . Chickens are not considered pests , but they can cause severe damage to the fruit if they are allowed to be present in the garden . Diseases of dragon fruit is found in red algae rust ( Cephaleuros sp . ) , Wine orange spot ( Fusarium sp . ) , White wine ( Botryosphaeria sp . And Phomopsis sp . ) , Stem blight ( Helminthosporium sp . ) And anthracnose ( Colletotrichum sp . ) , Dothiorella spot , brown stem rot , yellow stem , fruit rot ( Colletotrichum sp . , and Helminthosporium sp . ) citrus fruit spot ( Alternaria sp . ) . A black spot disease on the trunk has not been identified . Pests and diseases have not been controlled in a certain system , perhaps because of their occurrence does not result in significant losses .So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 21, 2014 at 23:03
Tag ; Dragon fruit.