Showing posts with label Did you know Komodo Island.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did you know Komodo Island.. Show all posts

Friday 7 March 2014

Did you know Komodo Island.

Komodo National Park

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands . Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native animals dragons . The island is also the Komodo National Park which is managed by the Central Government . Komodo Island in the eastern island of Sumbawa , separated by Sape Strait .
Administratively , this island including the District of Komodo , West Manggarai regency , East Nusa Tenggara Province , Indonesia . Komodo Island is the most western tip of Nusa Tenggara Timur province , bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara .
On Komodo Island , Komodo animals live and breed well . Until August 2009 , on this island there are about 1,300 dragons tail . Coupled with other islands , such as Island and Rinca and Gili Mota , their numbers totaled about 2500 tails . There are also approximately 100 individuals dragons in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland island of Flores but not including the Komodo National Park .
Besides Komodo , this island also store a variety of exotic flora Sepang wood by local people used as medicine and dye clothes , this nitak tree or sterculia oblongata in the believe is useful as medicines and seeds are tasty and delicious like peas .
Komodo Island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site , because in the Komodo National Park , along with the island of Rinca , Padar and Gili Mota

History .

In 1910 the Dutch named the island on the south side of East Nusa Tenggara is the nickname of Komodo Island . This story begins with Lieutenant Steyn van Hens Broek who tries to prove statements about the presence of Dutch troops large animal resembling a dragon on the island . Steyn then kill the Komodo dragon and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be investigated .
In 2009 , the Park has been named a finalist of the "New Seven Wonders of Nature " which was announced in 2010 by online voting at dated 11 November 2011 , the New 7 Wonders has announced the provisional winner , and National Parks Komodo entered into the ranks of the winners along with , the Amazon Rainforest , Halong Bay , Iguazu Falls , Jeju Island , Puerto Princesa Underground River , and Table Mountain .
Komodo National Park is getting the most votes .

Komodo National Park .
Komodo National Park

The beauty of Komodo National Park


The charm of the Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park is located in the province of East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara .
This national park consists of three major islands Komodo , Rinca , and Padar , and several small islands . This national park land area 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ² .
In 1980 the national park was established to protect the Komodo dragon and its habitat . There are 277 species of animal that is a mix of animals from Asia and Australia , which consists of 32 species of mammals , 128 species of birds , and 37 species of reptiles . Together with dragons , at least 25 species of land animals and birds , including protected animals , because there is limited or limited their deployment .
Moreover , in this area there are also coral reefs . There are at least 253 species of reef-building corals are found there , with about 1,000 species of fish . The reefs attract foreign tourists to swim or dive in these waters .
These islands were originally volcanic islands . The population in this region is approximately 4,000 . In 1991 the national park was accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site .
On November 11, 2011, the New 7 Wonders has announced the provisional winners and the Park entrance into the ranks of the winners along with , the Amazon Rainforest , Halong Bay , Iguazu Falls , Jeju Island , Puerto Princesa Underground River , and Table Mountain . Komodo National Park is getting the most votes .

Komodo National Park .

Komodo National Park is located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores Island in East Indonesia archipelago . In administrativ included in the Regional District of Komodo , West Manggarai regency , East Nusa Tenggara Province . This area is defined as the Komodo National Park on March 6, 1980 and declared a Man ​​and Biosphere Reserve in 1977 and is also a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991 , as a national symbol by the President in 1992 , as a Marine Protected Area in 2000 and also as one of the National Parks Models in Indonesia in 2006 .
Komodo National Park has an area of ​​173,300 ha covering an area of land and sea with the five major islands Komodo , Padar , Rinca , Gili Mota , Nusa Kode and also other small islands . The Islands declared a national park to protect endangered Komodo dragon and its habitat and biodiversity in the region . Marine park was established to protect the diverse marine life found around the islands , including the richest on earth .
Komodo National Park lies in the Wallacea region of Indonesia. Wallacea region is formed from the meeting of two continents that form a unique row of volcanic islands , and consists of a mixture of birds and animals from the two continents Autralia and Asia . There are 254 plant species from Asia and Australia in the Park . In addition , there are also 58 species of animals and 128 species of birds . The combination of a variety of vegetation in the Park provide a good environment for many species of animals in the region .
There are four villages in the Komodo National Park . Komodo Island has a village namely Komodo village ; Rinca island has two villages namely Rinca and Kerora , and the island has a village Papagarang Papagaran the village . Until 2010 , people living in the region amounted to 4,251 people and the majority of the community livelihood as fisherman . The majority of people embraced Islam .

History of Management .

The Komodo dragon became famous in the scientific world since 1911 when PAOuwens a curator at the Zoological Museum of Bogor received a report about the discovery of this species from the Dutch government officers JKH Van Steyn , who later was named Varanus komodensis Ouwens in 1912 in the writings PA Ouwens entitled "On A Large Species from the Island of Komodo " . This invention arises from the awareness of the various parties to preserve these animals, it is seen that contains several laws and safeguard the dragons, namely :
SK . Bima Sultan in 1915 on the Protection of the Komodo ( Verordening van het van Milky Sultanat ) .
Local Government Decree on the Protection of Manggarai 1926 Komodo ( Besluit van het van het Landschap Zelfbestuur Manggarai ) .
Resident SK 1927 East Local Government decree on the ratification of Manggarai in point 2 above . The chronology of the establishment of the Park are as follows :
Zelfbestuur van Manggarai , No. Verordening . 32 / 24 September 1938 concerning the Establishment of Padar Island Wildlife Refuge , and the South Western part of the island of Rinca .
Resident van en onder horigheden No. East . 19 / January 27, 1939 ( Ratification of Local Regulation in point 1 )
No.66/Dep.Keh/1965 Forestry Minister Decree dated October 21, 1965 concerning the appointment of Komodo Island Wildlife Reserve of 31,000 ha .
Decree of the Governor Head of Tk . I NTT No.32 of 1969 dated June 24, 1969 concerning the appointment of Padar , Rinca Island and Mainland Wae Wuul / Mburak as Forest Tourism / Nature Reserves of 20,500 Ha .
Decree of the Director General of Forestry No.97/Tap/Dit Bina/1970 , on the Establishment Section of PPA in Labuan Bajo .
The announcement of the Minister of Agriculture dated March 6, 1980 on the Establishment of the Park.
Director General of PHPA No.46/Kpts/VI-Sek/84 decision dated December 11, 1984 about the appointment of the Work Area Park.
No.306/Kpts-II/92 Forestry Ministerial Decree dated 29 February 1992 on the amendment of Wildlife Function Komodo , Rinca , Padar an area of ​​40 728 hectares and the appointment of Sea waters surrounding an area of ​​132 572 hectares located in the province of Manggarai regency Dati Flores became the first national park in the name of the Park .
In 1992, the Komodo determined by the President as the symbol of the National Wildlife through Presidential Decree. 4 of 1992 dated January 9, 1992 .
In 1992, the Wildlife function changes Komodo , Rinca and Padar area of ​​40 728 ha and Appointment 132 572 ha area of ​​Sea waters into the Park .
In 2000, the waters designated nature conservation area by the Ministry of Forestry with an area 132 572 ha .
In 2006 , Komodo National Park includes 21 models in Indonesia in accordance with the Director General of Protection and Nature Conservation Decree No. SK.128/IV-Sek/2006 of the Director General of Protection and Nature Conservation Amendment No. 20 appointing SK.69/IV-Set/HO/2006 ( twenty ) National Park as the Park Model .

Biodiversity .

Potential Flora .

Komodo National Park ecosystems affected by climate resulting from drought , high temperatures and low rainfall . Besides Komodo National Park is located in the transition zone between the flora and fauna of Asia and Australia . Waters ecosystems affected by Nina El-Nino/La impact , resulting in warming of the surrounding water layer and frequent strong ocean currents . Here are the types of vegetation found in the Park ;
Grassland and Forest There Savana Savanna Grassland and forest which covers approximately 70 % of the area of ​​the Park . Grow various types of grass in between ; Setaria adhaerens , Chloris barbata , Heteropogon contortus , Themeda gigantea and Themeda gradiosa punctuated by palm trees ( Borassus flobellifer ) which is a typical plant of this place .
Season Tropical Forests ( below 500 m asl ) Approximately 25 % of the total area of tropical forest vegetation Komodo meruapakan season with plants , among others : kesambi ( Schleichera oleosa ) , tamarind ( Tamarindus indica ) , bulging ( Sterculia foetida ) , and several plant species other .
Forest above 500 m asl at elevations above 500 m asl . On the hilltops , among other vegetation ; Collophyllum spectobile , Colona kostermansiana , Glycosmis pentaphylla , Ficus urupaceae , Mischarpus sundaicus , Podocarpus netrifolia , Teminalia zollingeri , Uvaria ruva , rattan ( Callamus sp . ) , Bamboo ( Bambusa sp . ) , And the pretty shady places are usually found living moss clinging to the rocks .

Potential Fauna .

The types of fauna found in the Park , among others ;
Komodo dragon ( Varanus komodoensis ) Komodo live on small islands in southeastern Indonesia. In the Komodo National Park , Komodo dragons are found only on the island of Komodo , Rinca , Gili Mota and Nusa Kode . Komodo dragons are found nowhere else on earth , other than on the last .
Currently , there are 2,793 individuals dragons in Komodo National Park . 1.288 tail found in the island of Komodo , Rinca Island 1.336 tail , tail 83 in Gili Mota and 86 tails in Nusa Kode . While on the island of Komodo , Padar not found anymore . Komodo dragons can be found almost everywhere in Komodo , Rinca , Gili Mota and Nusa Kode . They can be found in the rainforest , in Savanna and at the beach .
Komodo dragons are meat eaters or carnivores . Young Komodo dragons prey on insects , lizards and birds as food. This young Komodo until two years old and spent most of their time in trees to protect themselves from attack larger dragons or other predators such as wild boar . Komodo dragons prey on deer , wild boar , horses , and water buffalo . Komodo also eat dead animals .
Komodo uses its tongue to smell and can smell up to a distance of 5 km . Komodo dragon saliva contains many deadly bacteria . There are more than 60 types of bacteria found in the saliva of the Komodo dragon and at least one of which can cause blood poisoning . Bitten prey that can be dead within a day to a few weeks due to blood poisoning .
Mating occurs in July-August . Females can produce eggs more than 30 points each nest and hatch 6-9 months later .
Among other mammals , deer ( Cervus timorensis ) , coyotes ( Cuon alpinus ) , wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) , long -tailed monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) , wild horse ( Equus caballus ) and wild buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ) , ferrets ( Paradoxurus hermaphroditus ) , Rinca rat ( Hundred ritjanus ) , and fruit bats ( Cynopterus brachyotis and Pteropsis sp . )
There are 111 recorded bird species of birds , among others ; bird Hirst ( Megapodius reinwardt ) , yellow -crested cockatoo ( Cacatua sulphurea ) , turtledove ( Geopelia streptriata ) , turtledove ( Streptopelia chinensis ) , green Pergam ( Ducula aenea ) , Philemon buceroides , bird king prawns ( Halcyon chloris ) , and sea birds glasses ( Zosterops chloris ) .


There are 34 types of reptiles . Besides Komodo reptiles , other reptiles , among others ; cobra ( Naja naja ) , russel snake ( Vipera russeli ) , green tree snake ( Trimeresurus albolabris ) , python ( Python sp . ) , Sea snakes ( Laticauda Colubrina), lizards ( Scinidae, Dibamidae, and Varanidae ), gecko ( Gekko sp.), hawksbill ( Eretmochelys imbricata ) and green turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) .

Aquatic Biodiversity and Wetlands .

Potential Flora .

There are in the bay which is protected from the waves . Vegetation types , among others ; Rhizophora sp . , Rhizophora mucronata , and Lumnitzera racemosa are the dominant vegetation types. But in general there are also fires (Avicennia marina), Bruguiera sp . , Capparis seplaria , Ceriops tagal , and Sonneratia alba . Mangrove communities in the Park is a barrier / natural physical barrier against soil erosion and roots become breeding grounds , spawning and refuge areas for fish , crabs , shrimp , and mollusks .

Potential Fisheries Resources .

Coral reefs in the waters of Komodo National Park includes the most beautiful in the world . Various shapes and colors of hard corals and soft corals are very interesting to watch . There are more than 1000 species of fish , 260 species of corals and 70 species of sponges ( sponges ) and many other invertebrates can be found in many tecorampat in Komodo National Park . Acropora spp , Favites sp , sp Leptoria, Fungia sp, Sarcophyton sp and Xenia sp is a common type of coral.
Moreover, it can be found also various species of gorgonians, sea fans, sea pens, anemones with clown fish, Sea Star, christmas tree worms, clams ( Tridacna sp ), lobster, nudibranchs, etc. . A variety of reef fish live here , among Chaetodon spp, spp Amychiprion , 8 types kereapu and Napoleon ( Chelinus undulatus ) . Additionally waters of Komodo National Park is a migration path 5 types of whales , 10 species of dolphins and dugongs ( Dugong dugon ) .

Fascination Nature Objects .

The main attraction of Komodo National Park that is the ancient giant reptiles Komodo dragon ( Varanus komodoensis ) , but the authenticity and uniqueness of nature , especially the panoramic underwater Savana and Panorama , is an attraction potential supporters. Marine tourism, for example, fishing, snorkeling, diving , canoeing , boating . While on land , natural tourism potential that can be done is a wildlife observation , hiking , and camping . Visiting the Park and enjoy the natural scenery is very charming an experience that will never be forgotten .

Interesting attractions among them ;

Loh Liang on Komodo Island .

Loh Liang is the entrance and the main tourist areas on the island of Komodo . Activities to do in Loh Liang Komodo dragon among other observations , deer , wild boar , bird watching , climbing ( Loh Liang - Mount Ara ) , exploration ( Liang Loh - Loh Sebita ) , Photo hunting , video shooting , diving and snorkeling in the beach red ( Pink beach ) .
Red Beach is a beautiful beach with a shallow reef charming . Usual activities undertaken by tourists who visit are snorkeling , diving and sun bathing .
Loh Sebita a mangrove areas and activities that are interesting enough to do bird watching and trekking . In Loh Liang facilities are available for visitors to the cottage , information center , cafeteria , docks , shelters and walkways .

Loh Buaya on Rinca Island .

Loh Buaya is the center of tourist arrivals on the island of Rinca . Visitors can watch the mangrove forests , savanna and wildlife for example dragons , Timor deer , wild buffalo , long-tailed monkeys , wild horses and a variety of birds .
Activities offered to visitors at Loh Buaya include wildlife observation , exploration ( Loh Buaya - Wae Waso , Loh Buaya - Golo Code ) , photo hunting , shooting videos , observations bats in Kalong Island ( front Kampung Rinca ) and the beam in stone observation Rinca village .
Facilities available at Loh Buaya , among others, cottage , cafeteria , shelters and walkways .
In Kalong Island , an activity that can be done , among others, the observation colony of bats in large enough quantities . The most interesting observation was made during the afternoon when the bats started out in search of food .
From the top of the hill known as Golo Code , visitors can see the panoramic landscapes and fantastic enough for the representation of various types of ecosystems can be seen from this place .

Padar .

Padar is a small island located between the islands of Komodo and Rinca Island . Padar has a very beautiful beach and an excellent place for diving and snorkeling.

Zoning .

Zoning types in the Park ;

* Core Zone, this zone has an area of ​​34 311 ha and is absolutely protected zones, which are not allowed in the absence of any change by human activities , except those related to science , education and research
* Wilderness Zone , this zone has an area of ​​66921.08 hectares is the zone in which no human activity is allowed in the core zone except as outdoor activities are limited .
* Marine Protection Zone , this zone has an area of ​​36 308 hectares is the area of the shoreline to 500 m in the direction of the outside of the line bats isodepth 20 m around the reef and islands , except in the maritime zone of traditional use . In this zone should not be done marine harvesting activities , as well as in the core zone except the limited nature activities .
* Mainland Use Zone , this zone has an area of ​​824 hectares and is intended only for the intensive nature mainland .
* Utilization of Marine Tourism Zone , this zone has an area of ​​1,584 hectares and is intended for the intensive nature waters .
* Mainland Traditional Use Zone , this zone has an area of ​​879 hectares , the zone to do activities to accommodate the basic needs of indigenous people in the region with a special use permit rights by Head TN ​​. Komodo .
* Traditional Use Marine Zone , this zone has an area of ​​17 308 ha , the zone to do activities to accommodate the basic needs of indigenous people in the region with a special use permit rights by Head TN ​​. Komodo . In this zone can be done by means of taking marine products that are environmentally friendly ( fishing , charts , huhate , and umbrella ) .
* Special Residential Zone , this zone has an area of ​​298 hectares , the zone only to settle for the indigenous people with certain rules of head Central TN . Komodo in cooperation with the local government .
* Special Pelagic zone , this zone has an area of ​​59 601 hectares . In this zone can be carried out fishing activities and taking other seafood that is not protected by the maid environment tool ( fishing , charts , huhate , and payang ) and tourist activities / recreation.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 07, 2014 at 11:59
Tag : Did you know Komodo Island. 

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:59