Kangaroos were able to stir jumps at speeds up to 70 km / h .
Kangaroos divided into three species ;
Red kangaroos .
Red kangaroos are the largest marsupials is still alive . When standing height can reach more than 2 meters and weigh up to 90 kg . Kangaroos this type usually move in large groups. Kangaroos sleep in the afternoon when the weather was hot. If there is no water , they will seek moisture from green plants . Kangaroos also will only breed when there is rain and grow new crops .
Eastern Grey kangaroos .
Kangaroo or kangaroos are mammals that have a pouch ( marsupials ) . These animals include the typical Australian animals . The word kangaroo taken from Aboriginal languages gangguru . Eastern Grey kangaroos can be found in the fertile eastern Australia .
Western Grey Kangaroos .
Western Grey kangaroos can be found in the western part of Australia , Australia's southern coast and close to the Darling River basin . Grey kangaroos very numerous . Kangaroos live in eucalypt forests and in open grassy areas . Kangaroos eat grass .
Origin of name .
Originally the name of a kangaroo has a unique story . One day , sailors America \ England landed in Australia . The sailor then see an animal that is very unique , marsupial . The sailors then asked the Aborigines , indigenous Australia there . Sailor asks , " What animal is that? " Answered , " Kang - Ga - Roo . " Sailors consider Kanggaroo is the name of the animal they named Kanggaroo itu.maka , or in Indonesia more often heard Kangaroos . Actually , the Aboriginal people say , " I do not understand ! "Makropod .
In addition , there are 60 smaller makropod are still in touch with that kangaroo :Dorkopsis .
Tree kangaroo .
This kind of kangaroo lives in the trees . During the day they sleep in the branches of a tree . At night they eat leaves and fruit . Tree kangaroos can be found in dense tropical rain forest in New Guinea and northeastern Australia . Several tree kangaroos are protected animals . Most of them are nearly extinct due to the destruction of the environment .Wallabies .
Kangaroos are sized smaller than Wallaroo . Her height is lower than adult humans .Wallaby is one of about thirty species of macropoda ( Familia Macropodidae ) . This is a sign the animals are typically used informally macropoda any smaller than a kangaroo or walaroo who have given some other name .
Forest-dwelling wallabies are known as a very small pademelon ( genus Thylogale ) and dorcopsises ( genera Dorcopsis and Dorcopsulus ) . The name wallaby manucul of Aborogin Eora tribe which is indigenous inhabitants of the Sydney area. Young wallabies are known as " Joey ", like many other marsupials.
Wallaroo .
Wallaroo is of Australian animals like kangaroos but its size is larger than the ketch and wallabies . The name " wallaroo " is a mixture of wallaby and kangaroo ( en : kangaroo ) . Most wallaroo smaller than kangaroos , and can be found in the state of rocky . Wallaroo means " little kangaroo " . Wallaroo divided into three types .Pademelon .
The kangaroo is the smallest body size . Their tails are shorter and thicker than the wallabies . Most Pademelon live in the wilderness .Quokka.
Physical description .
Kangaroos have two powerful hind legs , large feet soles designed to jump . Regular kangaroo jumps with a speed of 20-25 km / hour . But they can jump up the speed to 70 km / h . The life expectancy of kangaroos around 9-18 years . Although there is sometimes a kangaroo can survive up to 28 years .Kangaroos are known to have forelimb muscles ( biceps ) is strong , and is now known that the muscle is also used to fight , is also used to attract females .
So , thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 31, 2014 at 16:52
Tag ; Did you know Animals Kangaroos, kangaroo